Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1754: Poor miner

After Wang Zhen said this, the brothers couldn't help but sighed slightly.

"Ah? So those poor miners were all killed?" Tang Xiaolong asked in surprise.

Wang Zhen said, "No, it was not killed."

"The gas explosion at that time was only a small part. As for the real accident was the collapse of the underground tunnel, which caused the exit to be completely sealed...So to be precise, the poor miners were buried here alive, trapped alive. Die inside."

When Tang Xiaolong heard this, he immediately said: "Fuck, then why don't you save it? Then why don't people dig up here and rescue the poor miners? Maybe there is still alive!!!"

I just listened to Brigadier Wang Zhen sighed: "Because the kiln is too deep underneath, and there is still a lot of gas inside... so no one dared to rescue them at that time. They were all afraid that the underground tunnel would happen again. If there is a gas explosion, more people will die...so..."

After Brigadier Wang Zhen said this, Tang Xiaolong said angrily: "It's really **** not human..."

"With so many lives, isn't anyone in the early stage?" he said angrily while scolding.

The brothers did not speak either, and the only thing that everyone feels pity now is these poor miners.

Those poor miners once didn’t know how they died, maybe they were trapped inside, maybe they were blown to death...

But the death of those poor miners will probably be a mystery forever.

The brothers started to move forward while talking about the death of the miners a few years ago.

But after seeing them walk for about ten minutes, I saw two or so forks in the tunnel ahead. The two forks were very small, one to the left and the other to the right. There were shovels and chisels left on the ground around them. The axe used for the stone and so on...the iron tools have been completely rusted and left in the pile of rocks.

It seems that these things are left over by the miners who worked in the kiln.

Looking at the two forks on the left and right, the brothers stood there.

Tang Xiaolong took a flashlight and looked at the two forks to take pictures of each other... But the dark cave could not be photographed at all, and no one knew where the two forks led to.

"What to do? Where should we go now?" Tang Xiaolong whispered while shining his flashlight everywhere.

Brigadier Wang Zhen also stayed here depressed at the moment.

When they were in a dilemma, something like a shadow suddenly flashed in the fork on the left.

Chen Qiaozhi was the nearest to the entrance of the cave. At this moment, he subconsciously felt that something was moving in the cave. He exclaimed, "Who?"

As he roared out, the brothers all turned their heads together.

At the same time, the four flashlights were all shining towards the direction just now.

But there is nothing in the dark cave.

"Sick ghost, what's the matter?" Tang Xiaolong asked while holding a flashlight while shining at the front fork.

Because Tang Xiaolong, Xue Wuhen, and Brigadier Wang Zhen were standing here just now, they didn't see the divergence at all, so the three of them were looking at Chen Qiaozhi in doubt and shock at the moment.

But seeing Chen Qiaozhi's face pale, he looked at the fork here and said: "I, I really want to see something flashing past..."

"People?" Tang Xiaolong asked strangely.

Chen Qiaozhi shook his head and said, "I didn't see clearly..."

"How could it be a human!! Isn't this dead kiln mine already no longer alive...?" Xue Wuhen suddenly muttered over there.

As he said, the brothers were silent, and no one spoke.

The brigade commander Wang Zhen had already pulled out the spear in his hand and held it tightly in his hand with a cautious expression on his face.

"What to do? Should we go there now?" Tang Xiaolong on one side asked again.

"Since Qiaozhi said there is movement here... then let's walk towards this fork first. I would like to see if there is really something weird here." Wang Zhen said.

After hearing the words of Brigadier Wang Zhen, the brothers nodded all on one side.

So they chose this dark tunnel.

The space in the cave at this fork has become narrower and narrower. Because they are too deep underground, water has faintly leaked out from the surrounding stone walls. The brothers walked, holding flashlights to the front, no one Dare not care.

"Sick ghost, did you really see something flashing by just now?" Tang Xiaolong, who was following, suddenly asked the question again at this knot.

Chen Qiaozhi's slightly ugly face was silent for a while and said: "I also just feel... that thing is fast, it just passed by in a flash, and now if I let me say it, I can't say it."

Hearing what Chen Qiaozhi said, the commander Wang Zhen in front of him said: "Anyway, the big guy be careful...I feel that something is wrong with this dead kiln mine."

When Chen Qiaozhi, Tang Xiaolong, Xue Wuhen, and Brigadier Wang Zhen were walking here, the ecstatic apostle Situ Xuan, the smiling Buddha, and Jiang Dashan also entered another extremely deep tunnel. inside.

With the flashlight shining in the darkness, you can gradually see the figures of three people walking step by step in a long narrow dark passage.

The ecstasy apostle Situ Xuan walked in front alone, followed by the smiling Buddha and Jiang Dashan. The three of them didn't speak much from beginning to end but just kept moving forward.

Just as the three of them were walking towards the front, suddenly the smiling Buddha seemed to step on something hard.

Then he took a photo with a flashlight, and under this photo, he was shocked.

I saw a dry body at his feet.


The scared smiling Buddha not only cried out.

The ecstatic apostle Situ Xuan in front heard his voice and turned his head quickly: "What's the matter?"

Jiang Dashan on the other side quickly turned his head to look at the smiling Buddha in front of him.

But seeing the smiling Buddha shone the flashlight in his hand on the corpse on the ground and said, "Look at it..."

Then the enchanting apostle Situ Xuan and Jiang Dashan took the flashlight together and looked to the ground.

I followed my eyes to see, but I saw a miner in work clothes died here... His body has long been decayed, his whole head has long been deformed, and what is left is just the dusty helmet and the hollow bones. Shelf...

When I saw the long-dead miner in front of me, Situ Xuan was not only shocked by the ecstatic apostle.

"It seems that this is the miner's corpse killed a few years ago..." he said slightly.

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