Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1759: Mutated

After Tang Xiaolong said this suddenly, all the brothers were horrified.

"How could this be?"

"How could a living person become like this?"

Chen Qiaozhi over there looked at the corpse of the "monster" carefully, and couldn't help muttering: "Could it be that this man is a miner who survived five years ago?"


"Sick ghost, what are you talking about? You said the miners who were buried alive five years ago weren't dead yet?" Tang Xiaolong heard Chen Qiaozhi's mouth suddenly muttering, and he was shocked right now.

But seeing Chen Qiaozhi sorting out the thoughts in his mind, he suddenly said, "I think it is."

"Think about it carefully. Five years ago, the kiln mine gas exploded. Although all the more than 100 miners were killed, no one really knew whether they were dead or not. The only thing they knew was that they were buried alive in this tunnel... …"

"And now, look at the clothes on this monster, as well as the wallet he just dropped... Obviously, he is the miner who was killed five years ago..."

After Chen Qiaozhi's analysis, the brothers were all shocked there.

"But, sick ghost, how could this good-looking person become such a monster?" Tang Xiaolong couldn't help asking again.

Chen Qiaozhi did not speak, but suddenly raised his eyes to look at the bones of those people on one side...

After taking a look at the bones of those people, he suddenly said: "There is only one possibility, and that is that their bodies are buried in this tunnel all the year round, causing their bodies to completely shrink and mutate..."


After hearing Chen Qiaozhi's words, everyone looked at the monster's body with unbelievable eyes.

Look carefully at the monster's corpse, it is indeed a human shape, but that face has been completely distorted.

On the black hand, in addition to the long and yellow nails, he was shocked to see that there was also a wedding ring on the joint of the index finger.

"Look, this monster still wears a ring on his hand. He really was a human before." Only Xue Wuhen said with his eyes wide open.

The brothers turned their heads and saw all of the ring on the monster's index finger...From this, it can be judged that he is indeed a human, but he later became this monster.

"Oh my God, I didn't expect the sick ghost to say anything right... These monsters were once human! And it's obvious that these people are the miners who happened five years ago..."

As Xue Wuhen said so, everyone was horrified there.

No one thought that in the gas explosion five years ago, there were still living miners... and these living miners have completely turned into monsters...

The brothers who thought so in their hearts were all stunned at the moment.

"Oh my god, what's the matter with so many human skulls?"

"Did these miners eat human flesh? That's why they are alive... But where did the human flesh they eat come from?" Xue Wuhen asked abruptly, as he said in his mouth, he pointed to the pile of places there. Human bones.

But seeing the pile of human bones over there exudes a gloomy feeling, giving people an indescribable fear.

Brothers, everyone knows that this dead kiln mine has been blocked for the past five years, and it is impossible for anyone to come here... and since the accident, the dead kiln mine has been known far and wide, and people nearby will not be so stupid that they ran away Here……

But what kind of human flesh do those mutant miners eat?

After thinking this way in the minds of the brothers, they were all depressed.

Suddenly, weird and terrifying words came out of Chen Qiaozhi's mouth.

"Unless...unless...they eat the meat of their companions!!!"

Just as Chen Qiaozhi suddenly said such a sentence, Tang Xiaolong and Xue Wuhen over there not only screamed "Ah" together.

"Sick ghost, you mean... the human flesh eaten by these mutant miners is... but the flesh of their companions!!!" Tang Xiaolong said in disbelief.

I saw Chen Qiaozhi's face pale and said, "Not bad!"

"There is nothing in this dead kiln mine... Besides eating the meat of their companions to survive, I can't think of a second way to save my life."

With what Chen Qiaozhi said, everyone only felt a sense of nausea that they had never felt before.

After thinking about the cruel incidents that happened in the dead kiln mine, they all had scalp numb.

While they were thinking about it, they suddenly heard a scream of "Ah" from behind.

When the brothers heard it, they were shocked.

"The voice is the voice of Laughing Buddha and the others." Hearing a word suddenly came out of Tang Xiaolong's mouth.

The brothers in front of them suddenly changed their faces and said, "Could it be that the Laughing Buddha and the Ecstatic Apostle Situ Xuan have also encountered a strange situation?"

"Don't fiddle, let's meet them quickly... see what happened."

Following Chen Qiaozhi's words, Tang Xiaolong and his brothers started to run towards the tunnel when they came.

The more you run forward, the more you can hear the weird sound coming from the front.

The sound was the same as the monster they killed just now, roaring, and the sound was harsh and terrifying... and the number of sounds was absolutely beyond their imagination.

As they ran forward, they thought to themselves: Oh my God, how many monsters are there in this tunnel!

However, at this moment, Situ Xuan, the enchanting apostle, the smiling Buddha and the river Dashan, the three of them ran towards the tunnel frantically.

And what about the back? Closely chasing twenty or thirty mutated monsters.

These people are all wearing dirty miner's clothing, and everyone's face has been completely distorted...Even the teeth have become unusually sharp...

Presumably these miners must have been in this underground kiln for too long that caused the mutation...

At this moment, seeing this group of monsters chasing the smiling Buddha in front of the three of them lifelessly, they screamed while chasing.

Their speed is very large, especially in the darkness, as if such darkness is familiar to them.

And the smiling Buddha who ran desperately in front, Situ Xuan, and Na Jiang Dashan were unlucky.

Because they were just running at the moment, they suddenly went on a bad road.

They never thought they would walk into a dead end.

Look carefully at the tunnel in front, it has been completely blocked by the collapsing boulder... The ecstasy Apostle Situ Xuan and Jiang Dashan who ran over to take a photo with their flashlights were depressed right now.

"Fuck, we went the wrong way..." a curse suddenly came out of Jiang Dashan's mouth.

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