Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1782: The police are coming

The rest of the guys saw that their brother He was killed in this way, and suddenly stayed...


"Killed..." Then they ran out one by one like crazy, screaming uncontrollably while running. .

And what about Duguxie and ghost servants here?

They are still eating raw pork there.

Scarlet blood covered their mouths, hands, and bodies, **** and strange.

When Anan, who was hiding in the dark, saw this shocking scene, his whole body was completely shocked.

Just when he was deeply scared in his heart, suddenly the stiff Duguxie and the ghost servant fell to the ground with a thump... Then the two instantly recovered their previous "death" state... …

Looking at the Duguxie and the ghost servant who suddenly fell to the ground, Anan who was hiding in the dark was instantly stunned.

"what happened?"

"What happened to the two of them? How could they suddenly fall to the ground?"

Anan thought to herself, while slowly walking out of her hiding place.

Then he cautiously walked towards the Duguxie and the ghost servant who fell on the ground, but saw that the two of them had no consciousness at all, their eyes were closed tightly, just like the previous death state, unconscious.

After seeing this situation, Na Anan was depressed.

Slowly stretched out his hand and touched the body of Duguxie, but saw that Duguxie did not react at all... Then Anan touched the ghost servant on one side with his hand again. The ghost servant is almost the same as Duguxie. People close their eyes tightly, without breathing, and without any signs of being alive.

"Oh my God, how come they are the same again? They died again?" Anan couldn't help muttering there.

Except for the Duguxie and the blood stains on the ghost servant, everything else was exactly the same as before.

"What happened to them?"

"Why did you suddenly wake up just now? And... and... eating raw meat?" Anan couldn't help feeling disgusting and terrifying when he thought of the scene just now.

But in the end he looked carefully at the Duguxie and the ghost servant on the ground.

After a struggle in his mind, Anan finally began to slowly support the Duguxie, and then he began to slowly drag Duguxie's dead body towards the hotel above...

After dragging the body of Duguxie to the top, he began to drag the body of the ghost servant up again.

The two people were like dead people, and they didn't move at all during the dragging process, and they didn't have any breath.

But he said that after Na Anan dragged Duguxie and the ghost servant to the hotel again with difficulty, one of his children was panting and sweating.

At this moment, he was standing at the door. Although he was tired, he didn't care about wiping the sweat on his face. He opened a pair of horrified eyes and stared at the bed without blinking. Duguxie once again "dead" in the past. There are ghost servants.

Because he was scared, afraid that these two weird guys would stand up again for no reason and do some "terrible" things.

After about ten minutes of observing, the Duguxie and the ghost servant still did not move, then Anan finally let go.

He breathed out gently, then gently closed the door again and walked in.

But even though he walked in, his eyes were afraid to leave the bed from beginning to end, because he was afraid that the two would stand up again.

The scene just now was terrible, and now that Anan's heart was still pounding in retrospect, he kept his eyes on the bed over there.

However, Duguxie and ghost servants murdered people have spread.

And the four guys who ran out just now have already called the police very quickly!

In a short while, I heard the hooting of police cars coming downstairs.

After hearing the sound of the police car, Na Anan murmured: No!

"Those people just now must have called the police!"

"What should I do if the police come?" Anan thought hurriedly in his mind, and quickly opened the window to look at the situation below.

But seeing that two police cars had arrived outside the small hotel, and many passers-by were surrounded. Among them, Anan also saw one of the buddies at the time of the incident, with a pale face talking to the policeman on the side.

Upon seeing this situation, Anan didn't know what to do at the moment.

The police have already arrived and the scene has been sealed off. If there is no accident, the police will not find the murderer. They will definitely search the small hotel right now. Today's small hotel is so small and there are only a few rooms. You can find Duguxie and Ghost Servant...

what can we do about it?

What can I do? Anan was walking back and forth in the room with a numb scalp, thinking of a way.

It's a pity that this small hotel has no way at all. Even if there is a way to escape, how could Anan's teenage child take away the two coma and ghost servants like Duguxie and corpse?

In this way, Anan was lost in confusion.

At this moment, I saw 78 plainclothes policemen in the hotel dining hall downstairs. They were looking at the surrounding conditions while looking at the victim's body.

Brother He's body was lying on his back on the ground, his eyes rolled, and his whole person was dead in horror.

After one of the policemen glanced at the body, he looked at one of the buddies and asked, "How was he killed?"

"By two lunatics...by two perverts..." the guy said with horrified eyes.

The policeman became unhappy when he heard it.

"Speak well, what is a lunatic? Pervert?"

"Tell me honestly about the specific situation!!!" the policeman asked angrily.

As the police said this, the guy wiped the cold sweat from his face and said, "That's what happened... Originally, Brother He and a few other brothers were playing cards in this room, and suddenly they were playing cards. Two lunatics came out... After they came in, they got into the place and started eating the raw pork that they just bought from the vegetable market this morning!"

"Huh? What did you say? You said the gangsters eat raw pork?" The policeman asked with a frown and disbelief.


"We saw it with our own eyes...the two lunatics grabbed the **** raw pork and stuffed it in their mouths..." the guy said.

When the surrounding police heard it, they all frowned slightly, and then all of them appeared disgusting.

"You are not allowed to tell lies? If you tell lies, you will be subject to criminal punishment later." The police thought that the guy was making up and scaring him. .

But seeing that after hearing the police say this, the guy raised his hands and said, "Mr. Policeman, I really didn't lie to you. I told you the truth every word. I'm going to lie to you. I'm thundering."

"If you don't believe me, you can ask my brothers present." The guy said while pointing at the other three guys over there.

But seeing those three guys also nodded vigorously.

After the police saw such a situation, they were astonished: Is it true that the perpetrators were mad? Even daring to eat raw pork...Apart from lunatics and perverts, who else?

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