Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1788: Affection

Suddenly, the old commander Mu said in shock. .

As Commander Mu opened his eyes in horror, he nodded slowly when he saw Li Tian.

"Yes, grandpa... my father, my father is indeed alive."

"Tian'er, you, how did you know?" Only Commander Mu said in shock.

The drunken head just now was suddenly awakened by Li Tian's words.

After Commander Mu asked this, he saw Li Tiandao and said: "Because I saw a legendary old man... he told me... and it was because of him that my father was not caught by those gangsters. Killed."

Li Tian said as his blood boiled, and saw that he grabbed the wine glass and suddenly drank the glass of strong wine in his hand.

Thinking of his father, Li Tian boils all over.

Spicy spirits flowed directly from his throat to his whole body.

After hearing Li Tian's words, Old Commander Namu was completely astonished in shock.

"Really? Li, is Father Li Kua really alive?" Commander Mu said in disbelief.

For more than twenty years, for almost twenty years, Commander Mu has never admitted to others that the famous evil **** was his son-in-law...

Now, so many years have passed, the grievances and grievances may have already been resolved...what's left? Is it a pity, or what?

"It's just that, my father can't move now...because he has become a vegetable!" Li Tian said uncomfortably there.

When I heard Li Tian suddenly say this in amazement, Commander Mu was taken aback.

"What? Father Li Kua became a vegetative?" He said with his eyes widened in disbelief.

In my mind, I recalled that the character who was the most powerful person more than 20 years ago has now become a vegetable. How can this make Commander Mu not shocked.

"Yes, hey... it's all because of that gang of thieves." Li Tian said fiercely, grabbing the wine glass beside him and taking a sip.

Where is Commander Mu on the other side? But the whole person seemed to be stuck, holding the wine glass blankly, not talking, and froze there.

"Grandpa, I know, your relationship with my father is not very good..."

"I also understand what your old man did back then, but, grandpa, I hope that one day, your old man can reconcile with my father...nothing else, just because we are a family." Li Tian was there slowly. Said.


Listening to Li Tian's words, the old Commander Mu was stunned.

He repeated Li Tian's words in his mouth: "A family..."

The infinite complex emotions all flooded into the heart of Commander Namu.

But when I saw Commander Mu grabbing the wine glass next to him, he took a big sip, and then suddenly said with red eyes, "God, don't worry... If I have a chance, I must find Li Kuafu."

"I want to ask him, what happened to my baby girl? I want to ask him how to take care of Wanqiu!!!"

As Commander Mu said so, his eyes slowly turned red.

Li Tian on the other side looked at his grandfather, with an unspeakable sorrow in his heart. In the end, he didn't say anything, and continued to accompany his grandfather to drink there.

But he said that when Li Tian and the old commander were here for a drink, and I was drinking a drink, the brothers standing at the door stood there worriedly.

"My God, the little boss just sober body dare to drink?" Tang Xiaolong muttered as he stood at the door depressed.

Xue Wuhen on the other side said, "Yes, Brother Tian couldn't even stand steady just now... Now he drank so much wine with the old commander..."

"Will it hurt your body?"

"What should we do? Can we go in and discourage the little boss from letting him drink?" Tang Xiaolong said with a sad expression on his face.

"Forget it... Commander Mu is inside."

"Besides, the grandfather and grandson of my family have finally been together and have a drink, which is actually nothing."

"But, the little boss has a problem with his body..."

But seeing the brothers one by one outside was worried.

They all know that Li Tian's body is not doing well... Besides, he was still sober just now. When he helped Li Tian in just now, Li Tian could hardly walk... and now he was drinking with Commander Mu. Get up, how can this not let the brothers worry about one by one...

But worried, no one dared to enter this room rashly.

At this moment, I saw my brothers lying at the door one by one.

"Look... I drank another bottle... Oh my god... How much did the little boss and Commander Mu drink!"

"If it were me, I would have fallen." Xue Wuhen frowned.

As they were lying on the front of the door and looking inside, suddenly a clear voice came.

"Several people, what are you doing?"

With a clear and sweet voice, I saw a very beautiful woman in a camouflage uniform looking at them with a smile.

This person is Mu Shuiyao and Li Tian's aunt.

When the brothers saw that it was Mu Shuiyao, all of them were not only embarrassed on their faces...

"I...we...we...we are waiting for Li Tian..." Chen Qiaozhi finally said it out.

Then Mu Shuiyao heard: "Oh? Tian'er wakes up? When did he wake up?" She asked excitedly there.

Listening to Mu Shuiyao's words, Chen Qiaozhi in front of him replied, "It's an hour to wake up."

"Where is he now?" Mu Shuiyao asked quickly.

Tang Xiaolong frowned and pointed to Commander Mu’s study in front of him and said, “Here...”

"Huh, Tian'er came to see my dad?" Mu Shuiyao asked in surprise.

But seeing Tang Xiaolong said, "Yes, the two have been drinking for almost an hour."

"What? What to drink?" Mu Shuiyao asked Tang Xiaolong in surprise.

But seeing Tang Xiaolong said slightly, "They are drinking..."

"Ah? Drinking?" Mu Shuiyao became depressed immediately.

"Oh my god, my dad's body doctor had long told him not to let him drink... and how could Tian'er drink with my dad just after he was sober?" Mu Shuiyao said with a depressed face.

Tang Xiaolong spread his hands and stood there depressed.

"I want to go in and take a look." Mu Shuiyao said as she walked towards the room.

But he said that as Mu Shuiyao walked toward the room here, the local grandparents and grandparents were happily drinking.

As Na Mu Shuiyao slowly opened the door, a strong smell of strong alcohol swept into his nose, but seeing the place inside, Li Tian and Mu Lao Commander were just like The two drunks sat on the ground directly...

And on the ground? There are 23 empty wine bottles...

What about Li Tian and Commander Mu? Both of them were flushed, and they were still holding the wine glasses and pouring them into their mouths.

Among them, the old commander Namu even took Li Tian's shoulders and held him in his arms like a child, drinking and happy.

After seeing this situation, Mu Shuiyao was depressed right now.


"My God..."

"What are you doing? Oh my god, why did you drink so much wine?" Mu Shuiyao said as she hurried over.

But seeing that Li Tian on the ground also seemed to be drunk, he stared at Mu Shuiyao with his eyes straight and said, "Little, little, aunt..."

"I didn't...no...why...I just...just...and grandpa... have a good drink!"

As Li Tian said so drunkly, Commander Mu on the other side also laughed and said, "Yes, yeah..."

"I'm with Tian'er...just...just happy...drink...come... continue drinking!"

Said that the drunk Commander Mu grabbed the glass and drank the glass again.

"Dad, you can't drink anymore... The doctor has already told you..." Mu Shuiyao said worriedly, and quickly walked over and took the bottles of the two of them aside.

Then he said to Li Tiandao on one side: "There is still a day, you can't drink...I heard them say that you have just been sober, and your body has suffered such a serious injury. How dare you drink when you are sober?"

"Quickly, don't drink it...obedient."

Mu Shuiyao said at the moment, grabbing the wine glass in their hands, and then quickly took the other half bottle of liquor on the ground to a side.

And where is the drunk Li Tian on the ground?

He was drunk there and said, "Auntie... Don't worry, I'm fine... I am just happy, so I drink with Grandpa!"

"No matter how happy you are, you must take care of your body first! You know?" Mu Shuiyao said.

Li Tian didn't speak anymore, and he really couldn't speak anymore after drinking enough at the moment.

And what about Commander Mu? At this moment, the more he drank, the more excited he became. After drinking so much alcohol, he was dizzy at the moment, and he was still drinking at that moment.

Looking at her father and Li Tian, ​​Mu Shuiyao frowned, but in the end she couldn't help but smile.

Because this is the picture she likes most, because she hasn't seen her father as happy as she is today.

"Hey, Xiaolong, Qiao Zhi, come in quickly." Mu Shuiyao said while looking at Li Tian, ​​who was drunk and unconscious, and Commander Mu.

At this moment, Tang Xiaolong and his brothers quickly opened the door and ran in.

When I saw Li Tianzui become like that, I was not only stunned.

"Hurry up and help Tian'er back to take a good rest... Remember to drink more boiled water before going to bed... And I will immediately send someone to Tian'er to give Tian'er some anti-alcoholic medicine, and you will give Tian'er some food later." Shuiyao said in that caring way.

After hearing Mu Shuiyao's words, Tang Xiaolong and his brothers nodded quickly and said: "Okay, then let's help the little boss away."


So Tang Xiaolong and his brothers hurriedly supported Li Tian and ran outside.

And here? The old commander Mu is still there clamoring to drink...

Mu Shuiyao himself was relatively weak, so at this moment, he could only run out and called the guards outside. With the help of the guards, they helped Commander Mu to the bed inside.

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