Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1827: Uncle?

It was just such an old man sitting there motionless, exactly like a corpse.

Besides, after the doormaster of the gate of **** walked over, he stared at the old man who was sitting in front of him with his arms and legs tied by thick chains, and suddenly said something weird.

"Uncle, I came to see you." The voice of the master of the gate of **** was weird, and he said to the old man sitting in front of him who was like rotten wood.


My God, the master of the gate of **** actually called this old old man?

Who is this old man?

Is he actually a living person?

However, after the **** gate master called out, the old man sitting quietly in front of him was motionless, and his rotten body completely looked like he was already dead.

When he saw that the old man did not move, the **** gate master suddenly said: "Uncle, why don't you speak? Is it because you don't want to see your nephew?"

After the **** gate master said something like this, the old man, who had been motionless, suddenly turned around the huge boulder sitting under his body.

However, his body was still sitting cross-legged, and his dry and sallow face did not open his eyes.

When he saw the old man's body twisting around, a smile appeared on the corner of the **** gate master's mouth.

Then he bowed slightly, and said like a salute: "Knock to uncle!"

After he said these words, a strange voice that seemed to be sealed for thousands of years suddenly came from the purgatory.

"Why are you here?" The voice was hoarse and unpleasant, as if it came from the ground.

And what about the old man's body in front of him? He didn't move at all, nor did he see him open his mouth, his eyes were still closed deeply...I really don't know where this terrible voice came from.

After the weird voice came, I saw the master of the gate of **** faintly saying, "I just came down to look at your old man because I missed my uncle."

"Nonsense!" Suddenly the dry old man opened his eyes suddenly.

The body that was originally like a zombie opened his eyes as soon as the explosion exploded, and he saw his eyes flickering with great vigor.


This dry old man is actually a living person!

After he opened his eyes, the whole purgatory seemed to be completely enveloped by the distance light in his eyes. His sallow skin and bones face did not have the slightest emotion in that coldly looking at the **** gate master in front of him.

Rao, the master of the gate of **** couldn't help being shocked when he saw the brilliant eyes of the old man!

The thick steel chains with thick arms were still tied to the old man's hands and feet. The old man didn't even look at it. He didn't know what was going on, so he suddenly rose into the air and stood in front of the **** gate master.

An invisible and terrible pressure suddenly pressed on the whole body of the **** gate master.

"Uncle's skill seems to have improved again!" Suddenly the master of the gate of **** said slightly there.

After hearing the **** gate master say so, the old man snorted coldly: "You don't want to play a riddle in front of the old man, let's go, what do you think the old man does?"

After the old man said this, he saw that the master of the gate of **** smiled slightly and said: "Uncle, there is something I want to ask your old man!"

"Say." The old man said.

"Uncle Uncle remembers what he promised me?" The **** gate master in front of him suddenly said.

But seeing the old man suddenly turning around, the mighty breath rushed to the **** gate master: "Of course the old man remembers!" He roared, and the hair that was originally like withered grass flew up at the moment because of the strength of the whole body.

As the old man said this, the **** gate master said: "Since the uncle remembers what he promised me...Why are you still out of purgatory? And save the kid named Li?"

After the **** gate master said so, the old man was startled suddenly.

The Shuanglong Jiong stared at the **** gate master in front of him: "Huh, the old man is annoying to stay here, so he went out and walked around! What's the matter? Don't you agree?"

The master of the **** gate smiled slightly and said, "Senior nephew dare not, of course he promised to let Uncle your old man go out and walk!"

"More than a hundred years ago, I said that if Uncle Uncle wants to leave this purgatory, I will not stop it anyway... Besides, I don't have the ability to stop Uncle your old man. However, when I came to this purgatory, Your old man agreed personally, and you are always willing to stay in this dark purgatory..."

"Uncle, in fact, I don't care if you go out or not, but I don't understand, why did your old man, Uncle, save the boy named Li?" the **** gate master asked there.

After he said it, the weird person called the old man in front of him suddenly remained silent.

Could it be that the mysterious person who saved Li Tian from the Necropolis is really this dead old man?

Who will this old man be?

I saw that the mysterious old man was silent for a while, and suddenly raised his bright eyes to stare at the **** gate master in front of him: "How do you know that the old man let go of the child?"

The master of the gate of **** smiled slightly and said: "Uncle, besides your old man who knows how to untie the broken muscles, is there anyone else in the world?"

As the master of the gate of **** said so, the old man groaned and stopped talking.

After a long time, he said angrily: "Well, since you want to listen, then I will tell you, yes, I let the child go."

The master of the gate of **** asked: "Uncle, why did your old man let him go?"

"For nothing else, for fate!" The old man said suddenly.

Hearing what the old man said, the **** gate master in front of him suddenly said: "Fate? Uncle, can you make it clear, what fate?"

"For the fate of our longevity door!" the old man said suddenly.

When the **** gate master heard this, he seemed to be unable to calm down anymore.

"It's also the gate of longevity, and it's destiny... Uncle, why do you always believe in fate like my father? Do you have to act according to God's will?

"I don't believe in fate! I never believe it!" The master of the gate of **** suddenly yelled, and a layer of endless horror quickly emerged from his body.

The old man looked at the **** gate master in front of him and said, "Whether you believe it or not, this is God's will!"

"The longevity gate line must never be ruined...Never interrupt the incense between me and your father!"

"Besides, the longevity technique must be completed by someone! And that person is definitely not you...!!!" The old man suddenly looked at the door of **** in front of him and said.

When the **** gate master heard this, he was full of murderous aura, and endless hatred emerged from his heart.

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