Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1830: Desperate fight

The Destroyed Tankon shot frantically at the room, while shouting in English: Go to hell! ! !

Next to Jace and Na Rowling were staring at the room that was hit by bullets and almost turned into a hornet's nest.

After a frantic burst of fire, Nalong suddenly took out a German-made hg86 grenade, and threw it into the room in front of him gruntingly.

But he said that when such a grenade rolled in from the outside, Li Tian lying on the ground inside was suddenly shocked...


Then he couldn't take care of that much anymore, and his body quickly jumped up from the ground and evaded to the side, but what about the brothers? I also saw all the bombs thrown in, and I was speechless at the moment, so I dodge quickly...

There was a loud bang, and the huge power of the bomb explosion made the whole room suddenly resemble an earthquake. The flames produced by the explosion swallowed the whole room directly... all the billowing smoke came out, and the whole hall began to burn. Up...

In the fire, but seeing Li Tian’s ears buzzing, the whole person seemed to be stunned. After he was stunned for about 45 seconds, he reacted slightly and shook his head vigorously. wide awake.

The power of the bomb just now was indeed too great. Although it didn't hurt him, his ears can't hear anything now, it's all a buzzing sound.

Looking at the raging fire in front of him, Li Tian shouted: "Wuhen...Qiaozhi..."

He doesn't know how his brothers are doing? I don't even know if they are hurt... he just shouted there.

In the room over there, a figure suddenly bent over, coughing, and ran out.

Looking at it in amazement, it was Xue Wuhen, with blood still bleeding on his forehead, and one hand covering his left arm, he walked out of the room with difficulty.

When Li Tian saw that Xue Wuhen was still alive, he ran over with excitement and hurriedly supported his brother.

"Wuhen...Wuhen...how are you?" Li Tianna asked in surprise.

But when Xue Wuhen took a deep breath, he touched the bleeding shoulder and said, "Brother Tian, ​​me, me, I'm all right..."

"Where is Qiaozhi? Where is Brigadier Wang?" Li Tian suddenly continued to ask.

But seeing Xue Wuhen shook his head... said: "The explosion just came too suddenly, I didn't see them..."

Just as Xue Wuhen just finished saying this, he only listened to the smoky corner over there, and only heard the voice of Brigadier Wang Zhen: "Li Tian...I am here..."

With the sound of his coughing, Li Tian and Xue Wuhen in front of him hurriedly ran towards the sound. Following his eyes, he saw that brigade commander Wang Zhen's face was pale and tight in his hands. Tightly support a person covered in blood! Take a closer look, that person is Chen Qiaozhi!

It turned out that the bomb just now was the closest to Chen Qiaozhi, so he didn't have time to evade. With a bang, Chen Qiaozhi was blown up like this.

But seeing Chen Qiaozhi's leg full of blood, his whole body turned black, his face was as ugly as dead ashes, blood was vomiting at the corner of his mouth, and he fell into the arms of Brigadier Wang Zhen.

"Qiaozhi, Qiaozhi..." Li Tian looked at his brother in horror when he saw Chen Qiaozhi being bombed like this.

I saw that Chen Qiaozhi’s glasses were blown apart, and at this moment, only the eye sockets were still on his face. He stretched out a hand with difficulty, grabbed Li Tian’s arm there, and said in pain: "I...I ...I'm afraid I won't be able to..."

"No, no, it won't!" When Li Tian heard Chen Qiaozhi suddenly say this, all of a sudden his eyes turned red.

"Qiaozhi, you will have no trouble! Absolutely not!" The brother Xue Wuhen next to him also said there.

But seeing Chen Qiaozhi, it seemed extremely difficult to speak at this moment. While holding Li Tian's hand tightly there, he continued to say with difficulty, "Don't, leave me alone...you leave here...we... We...were..."

"Don't worry, I will never leave you! I will never let you die here!"

At this moment, Li Tian held Chen Qiaozhi's hand tightly, and suddenly turned his head to look at Xue Wuhen in front of him and said, "Wuhen, no matter what happens, you must take care of Qiaozhi... think of a way, Find a chance to leave here! Leave the rest to me!"

After hearing Li Tian say this, Na Xue Wuhen nodded quickly and said, "Okay, Brother Tian!"

What about Li Tian? At this moment, slowly turning his blood-red eyes, looking at the raging fire behind and the door full of bullet holes, he was waiting, waiting for the arrival of the group!

Where is it outside? After the explosion just now, at this moment, Na Jace suddenly waved his hand at the macho holding the machine gun, motioning him to stop shooting!

After seeing Jace's gesture, Long slowly stopped shooting and looked at Jace.

"Go in and see if they are dead..." Jace said coldly.

As he said, Na Long suddenly kicked the room full of bullet holes, and the door of the room cracked directly with a click.

Then, Na Long bears the brunt, the first man walked in with the gun, Jess and Rowling also walked in.

The dimly shattered room was full of bullet holes, broken glass on the ground, tables and chairs... the whole room was completely destroyed, and there was still a pool of blood on the ground covered with glass **** on the left. I just don’t know who left this blood stain! There was a raging fire in the hall, and the thick smoke filled the whole room.

And what about Li Tian and his brothers? But no one was seen.

After coldly sweeping the room in front of him, Na Jace suddenly showed a look of bitter anger in his eyes!

Obviously, the frantic burst of fire just now didn't kill anyone, at best it just injured someone!

After seeing this result, Na Jace was obviously not particularly happy, waved at Long and Rowling slightly, motioning them to search the room.

They must kill them all!

At this moment, Rowling and Long didn't dare to be careless, the two cautiously jumped over the blazing fire, and then slowly walked towards the surrounding rooms.

Long held the gun in his hand, his eyes staring coldly at the room in front of him, and then the machine gun in his hand shot at the dim room.

After a frantic burst of fire, Long walked towards the room step by step.

Just as he approached, a figure suddenly flew towards him and rushed over.

Long was shocked, the gun he was holding in his hand suddenly raised, but the muzzle was not aimed at this side, his hand was already held by the opponent!

Long roared, his fingers pressed the trigger, and a row of bullets hit the ceiling.

But he said that of course Li Tian was the one who jumped over.

After Li Tian held down the gun arm of Na Long with one hand, he raised his right elbow and hit Na Long's chest.

Long stiffly received a heavy blow from Li Tian, ​​but he just groaned in his mouth. The fist of his left hand blasted towards Li Tian in front of him, and his mouth still roared, "Go to hell!"

Li Tian saw this guy hit with a heavy fist, his footsteps swayed slightly, and then his left hand knife cut straight to Long's gun hand.

With a bang, a hand knife was cut on that Long's arm. Long's thick arm was numb, and the gun in his hand fell to the ground with a bang. Then he saw Li Tian's body fly around and his feet kicked banging. On that long chest.

Long, the nearly two-meter-like terrifying body was directly kicked back and fell to the ground with a plop.

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