Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1835: Who is the one who saved me?

Li Tian is lost!

Standing on the crowded streets of Binjiang City, he didn't know what he should be doing now. His mind was filled with one question after another, and he had no idea what was going on.

Xue Wuhen, Brigadier Wang Zhen, and how about Chen Qiaozhi?

Have they been killed by that cruel gangster? Where are they now?

These one by one question all flooded into Li Tian's heart at this moment, and there were also his own affairs.

Now Li Tian's head only feels like a mass of paste, one word: chaos!

However, Li Tian still worked hard to keep himself awake, he now had to choose what he should do.

Looking at the crowded streets, Li Tian finally decided to return to the hotel first!

Because he didn't know that Xue Wuhen and Chen Qiaozhi were there, let alone how everything was going on, so he finally chose to return to the hotel where they lived together before...

After Li Tian made this decision, he quickly stopped a taxi on the side of the road and got in.

After telling the driver where he was going, the driver took him to the direction of the hotel.

And where is Li Tian in the car? The head keeps turning there.

"Xue Wuhen, are Chen Qiaozhi and Brigadier Wang Zhen in the hotel?"

"Have they been tortured by those foreigners like themselves?"

"Also, is the black shadow man he saw before he fell into a coma... or is it real?" Li Tian is now eager to figure out all of this.

The car quickly drove in the direction of the hotel and arrived there in a short while.

Li Tian got off the car quickly, and then ran to the hotel where he and his brothers lived.

After Li Tian quickly arrived at the hotel room, he reached the room where he and his brothers lived, but saw the door of the room closed tightly there.

Li Tian then stretched out his hand to knock, and after he reached out and knocked, the sound of footsteps came.

After opening the door, he was shocked to see that it turned out to be Xue Wuhen.

"Wuhen..." Li Tian was shocked there!

But what about Xue Wuhen? When I saw Li Tian, ​​I was stunned right there.

"Brother Tian...??"

"Brother Tian...you...you...you... are you back?" Xue Wuhen in front of her was suddenly excited and hugged Li Tian tightly like a woman.

But after hearing Xue Wuhen's cry over there, I saw Brigadier Wang Zhen and the seriously injured Chen Qiaozhi also ran out.

"Li Tian..."

"You, you, are you back?" All of them stared at Li Tian in disbelief.

What about Li Tian? At this moment, the inside of his head was completely stunned, and he nodded silently, then opened a pair of extremely surprised eyes, looking silently at the brothers who were intact in front of them!

What's going on?

How did they escape?

Li Tian was completely puzzled.

"Brother Tian, ​​it would be great if you could come back... Brothers are worried to death!" Xue Wuhen said while holding Li Tian's hand tightly.

Chen Qiaozhi over there said, "Yeah! Hey, it was we who hurt you... You almost died..."

"We can't help you!" Chen Qiaozhi in front of him.

Li Tian was listening to the brothers saying this, trying hard to clear his head.

The brothers who looked in front of him in horror said: "I... I don't understand... You speak slowly!"

"Tell me, what happened? How did you escape the **** gringles? And me... I... what happened to me?"

"Why just now when I woke up, I was on the bustling street in Binjiang City? Also, who helped me bandage the wound? Who healed me?" Li Tian had all his doubts at this moment. Asked it out.

After he said these words, the brothers were also taken aback, blinking at him one by one.

"Brother Tian, ​​don't you know anything? You don't remember anything?" Xue Wuhen asked incredulously.

Then Li Tian shook his head depressedly... After he was in a coma, to just inexplicably sober on the street, he certainly didn't remember anything!

After seeing Li Tianguo really knowing nothing, but listening to one of Chen Qiao coughing violently, he said, "I know, Li Tian may have lost too much blood at the time, so he was in a coma and did not know what happened. ."

"You tell me, what happened?" Li Tian asked hurriedly.

But seeing that Xue Wuhen said: "Brother Tian, ​​we were saved by a mysterious person!"

"Mysterious man?" Li Tianyi was immediately surprised.

When he saw that Li Tianguo really didn’t know anything, that Xue Wuhen told Li Tian about the appearance of the mysterious man in the one-hundred-and-tenth, and also told how the mysterious man defeated that. The three dead saints... Finally, they left with Li Tian.

After Li Tian listened this way, he was instantly stunned.

"You mean...I...I was finally taken away by the mysterious man who saved us?" Li Tian said in shock.

But seeing Xue Wuhen and Chen Qiaozhi over there nodded deeply.

"Yes, when the mysterious person took you away, we wanted to stop him, but there was no chance at all!" Xue Wuhen rebuked himself.

When Li Tian heard the brothers tell the truth, the whole rumbling sound in his mind.

Then strange images began to appear in his mind.

In his hazy consciousness, he suddenly felt that a person was inputting vast infuriating energy for him...still bandaging his injured chest, and at the same time he saw his back...his back was so Broad, so powerful, with his back facing him.

The pictures of Li Tian that came to mind were what he saw when he was half unconscious at the time, but because Li Tian lost too much blood at the time, he couldn't remember after he was sober

But after saying that after such a picture suddenly appeared in Li Tian's mind, Li Tian was stunned.

"Could it be that he saved himself?"

"Is he not hesitating to spend his true energy to heal himself?"

Li Tian's mind suddenly became stunned.

Who is he? Why did he save himself... Why did he feel so kind when thinking of him in his mind?

"Brother Tian, ​​Brother Tian, ​​what's wrong with you?" Xue Wuhen in front of him saw Li Tian who was in a daze, and couldn't help calling him there quickly.

But seeing Li Tian suddenly wake up: "No...nothing..."

"My brother, how is your injury? It has been two days...For two days, we have been looking for you everywhere...Unfortunately, we couldn't find you. Brothers are so worried about you, so worried about your injury. "Xue Wuhen said there.

Li Tianyi was depressed at the moment.


"It's been two days? You mean, I have disappeared for two days?" Li Tianzai said in shock.

But seeing Xue Wuhen silently nodded there and said, "Yes, it's been two days!"

Li Tianyi was really depressed!

Unexpectedly, it has been two days since I was in a coma and now I am sober...

"It seems that in these two days, it should be the mysterious person who is healing himself!" Li Tiantian said in his heart, and at the same time he wanted to know more and more eagerly in his mind, what is the one who saved him? people!

"Brother Tian, ​​don't you know who saved you? How did you wake up?" Xue Wuhen blinked at the moment and looked at Li Tiandao.

At the moment, Chen Qiaozhi and Brigadier Wang Zhen stared at Li Tian in wonder.

Li Tiandao: "I don't know...I remember everything, all I know is that as soon as I opened my eyes, I appeared on the busy streets of Binjiang City!"


When I heard Li Tian say this, my brothers were depressed!

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