Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1845: Ouyang Zhengtian leaves

Li Tian started to sit still after watching this unique meritorious work!

He adjusted his breathing, and then allowed the whole person to reach a state of extreme relaxation. Only then did he begin to look at the first level of the solo: Tai Chi Gathering Qi!

"False Dao nourishes the form, the true way nourishes the spirit, those who pass this way can survive and die, the gods can fly, and can move mountains, and the shape is ashes. The sea of ​​qi is full, the sea of ​​qi is full, the mind is calm and calm, and the body will last forever, the gods change, haunt freely, the cliffs are thousands of miles away, and there is no obstacle to living."

After reading the mental method of Tai Chi Gathering Qi, Li Tian slowly gathered his hands in his dantian, and then guided that qi to flow slowly throughout his body!

It's a pity that this zhenqi can accumulate so well. Just after the first practice, Li Tian couldn't condense a trace of zhenqi, only felt that the complex qi flowing in his dantian collapsed and messed up, unable to condense at all!

Li Tian gave a sigh of real qi, and couldn't help thinking in his heart: It seems that this Taiji Qi Gathering Method is really quite difficult to practice... Hey, I really don't know when I can cultivate well!

After thinking about it for a while, Li Tianan calmed down and continued to practice!

No matter how long it takes to practice, no matter how difficult the road of cultivation is, Li Tian must learn the eighth level: I alone dominate!

Since Li Tian left the North China Field Army Military Region, the brothers have stayed in the Military Region.

They are also practicing every day to improve their strength.

And Situ Ningbing, Ouyang Shiqing, Duanmuying and others can only wait in the North China Field Army Military District, waiting for Li Tian to come out.

Time, day after day passed!

In a blink of an eye, a week has passed...

On this day, Ouyang Shiqing came to the accommodation room on the side of the military area alone. After she arrived, she saw that the space in the room was not very large, and there was a strong smell of Chinese medicine inside.

After Ouyang Shiqing came in, he saw Ouyang Zhengtian in front of him.

"Dad." Ouyang Shiqing, who came by, called out his father softly.

I saw that Ouyang Zhengtian no longer had the awesome demeanor of the previous generation of the Ouyang family's Patriarch, his hair was slightly messy, his mouth also had a beard tie, and his face looked much haggard.

"Poetry!" Ouyang Zhengtian said when he saw his daughter coming, and took a look at his daughter with his blood-red eyes.

"Dad, how is Grandpa?" Ouyang Shiqing asked with concern.

Look carefully, but there is a bed on the side of Ouyang Zhengtian. On the bed is the old man of the Ouyang family, Ouyang Wujiang!

Since the old man fought against the old Yin Yang demon and Long Yin, his four sons died three tragically, and they went crazy all of a sudden... they were in a half crazy and half crazy state from beginning to end.

Now the old man stared at a pair of godless eyes like that, staring at the ceiling firmly, no one knew what he was looking at... On his old face, there were more and more wrinkles, and his hair was even more gray. It makes people feel distressed, lying on that bed.

After Ouyang Shiqing asked, but saw Ouyang Zhengtian sigh deeply and said: "Your grandpa and his old man are still the same as before... sometimes sober, sometimes unconscious..."

After Ouyang Shiqing listened to it, tears of distress were about to fall!

"Shiqing, Dad called you over because I want to tell you something." Ouyang Zhengtian suddenly said to Ouyang Shiqing, who raised his bloodshot eyes and looked in front of him.

"Dad, you say..." Ouyang Shiqing said.

"Poetry, Dad has thought about it for a long time... Maybe we should leave the North China Field Army." A word suddenly came out of Ouyang Zhengtian's mouth.

When Ouyang Zhengtian suddenly said this, Ouyang Shiqing was stunned.

"Dad, you, you, are you leaving? Why?" Ouyang Shiqing said suddenly in disbelief.

I saw Ouyang Zhengtian sigh deeply and said: "Since our family's accident, we have been troubled by the North China Field Army... To be honest, we have been here long enough... Hey! So I want to go. , Let's go home..."


"Dad, but our house...has been destroyed..." Ouyang Shiqing said there.

Ouyang Zhengtian said: "It doesn't matter! Our Ouyang family is indeed almost destroyed... But our big family won't just fall down like this... I want to go back, and we must revive our Ouyang family."

Listening to Ouyang Zhengtian saying this, Ouyang Shiqing said, "But, what about Grandpa's illness?"

"It doesn't matter. After I go back and settle down, I will take your grandfather and his elders to see a doctor... Regardless of the ends of the world, I will do everything possible to cure your grandpa." Ouyang Zhengtian said.

After Ouyang Zhengtian finished saying this, Ouyang Shiqing stood there silently, her eyes slightly red!

She didn't know what else she should say, she knew in her heart that her father was a stubborn person!

Moreover, their Ouyang family has indeed stayed in the North China Field Army for a long, long time...Although this is Grandpa Li Tian's site, it is a bit embarrassing after all... So Ouyang Zhengtian chose to leave!

So in the end, Ouyang Shiqing decided to say: "Well, since Dad has made a decision, let's leave here first..."

"I'm going to tell Man'er, and then let's go!" Just listen to Ouyang Shiqing.

Listening to Ouyang Shiqing's words, Ouyang Zhengtian said immediately: "No, Shiqing, you and Man'er stay here!"

When Ouyang Shiqing heard this, he was taken aback for a moment and said, "Why?"

"Poetry, I know your friendship with Li Tian... and your heart! To be honest, you follow Li Tian, ​​dad rest assured... Besides, there are Man'er, I can see that Man'er also likes Li Tian very much. ...If you can stay with Li Tian, ​​Dad will be very relieved, so this time Dad will only take your grandfather away!" Ouyang Zhengtian said.

Listening to Ouyang Zhengtian saying this, Ouyang Shiqing not only said with red eyes, "Dad, but..."

But seeing Ouyang Zhengtian slightly shook his hand and said: "Silly boy! Listen to me... I will take your father back to our family first. After I set up the family, you and Man'er will come back again. Huh?"

After Ouyang Zhengtian said so, Ouyang Shiqing could only agree!

In fact, she is indeed a little inseparable from Li Tian now... She loves Li Tian, ​​and can't live without him for a minute!

In this way, Ouyang Zhengtian took the crazy old man Ouyang to leave the North China Field Army.

When they left, the brothers and the North China Field Army discouraged them from leaving... Let them stay here, but Ouyang Zhengtian, who was stubborn and extremely face-conscious, chose to leave in the end!

In desperation, everyone had to send away Ouyang Zhengtian and the crazy old man.

Watching them leave, there is not only a slight sentiment in everyone's heart.

And Ouyang Shiqing stood there sadly with that silly man, watching his father and grandfather go away!

"Man'er, dad and grandpa are gone...now you and me are the only ones left here!" Ouyang Shiqing glanced at the silly man who was like a calf and said.

But what about silly men? The huge body stood there, staring at his eyes, without saying a word in his mouth, suddenly turned around, and walked into the distance with big strides like a cow. No one knows what the big guy is thinking. what……

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