Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1855: Silly man in the way

Brothers all ran over at this time.

There were Tang Xiaolong, Xue Wuhen, Chen Qiaozhi, Jiang Dashan, and others.

"Get in the car, let's set off now." Brigadier Wang Zhen stood in the military jeep and waved to the brothers one by one.

"Come, here." The brothers trot over one by one.

After running over, the brothers got on the military jeep in front of them one by one.

Wang Zhen also got into the car and said to the soldier in front of him: "Let's go."

So the soldier started the car, ready to go.

When the car was just started and was about to drive away, a giant hand suddenly patted the front window glass.

For the sudden change, the soldier who drove was taken aback.

Even the brothers were shocked!

"Who? How did you block the way?"

Brigadier Wang Zhen in the car said angrily after seeing some inexplicable people blocking the way.

The brothers also looked outside in wonder, and followed their eyes, but saw a burly and majestic giant-like hunk standing motionless outside, staring at them with those big eyes flickering.


"Hey, isn't this a silly man? Why did he come here?" The brothers said depressed all of a sudden.

It turned out that the macho who stretched out a huge palm to block this military off-road vehicle was the silly man.

This guy suddenly stopped them, what does he want?

After the brothers all saw that it was the silly man who was blocking the way, they were taken aback first, then quickly opened the door and jumped out of the car.

"Man'er, why are you here?" Seeing Xue Wuhen gloomily looking at the big man'er and asked.

Tang Xiaolong in front of him also gazed at this huge and incomparably gloomy guy and asked, "Hey, silly big guy, why are you blocking our way?"

After they all asked, Silly Man'er stretched out a sturdy arm and wiped his nose suddenly, and said in a naive way: "I'm going..."

Suddenly hearing this stupid man said he was going, the brothers were depressed right now.


"Man'er, are you going there?"

"Yeah, where are you going?" The brothers looked at the foolish man and asked.

But seeing the silly man'er suddenly grinned and smiled.

"You go there, I will go there!"

Listening to this guy suddenly say this, my brothers suddenly hurt!

Looking at the silly man in front of him, Tang Xiaolong smiled and said: "Man'er, obedient, we are going to do business, you stay in the North China Field Army."

"No, I'm going." Silly Man'er said stubbornly, staring.

"Man'er, why are you not obedient? Can your sister let you come out and follow us out? Really." Tang Xiaolong continued.

But seeing that stupid man said stupidly: "My sister, I don't know."

"Ah? Your sister doesn't know?" The brothers almost squirted out.

But seeing the silly man's nodding honestly there.

"I rub, you didn't even tell your sister, so you can't go with us, Man'er, think about it, if you want to leave inexplicably alone, how worried is your sister, right? So , You'd better go back quickly and be obedient." The brothers in front of him were all there to persuade the hunk.

Listening to the brothers being there to persuade him, Silly Man's suddenly became angry.

"Aren't you taking me?" Silly Man'er asked, suddenly staring.

The brothers saw that this silly guy suddenly lost his temper and was shocked. They knew that this hunk had terrifying strength. His punch would definitely make Tang Xiaolong lying on the bed for half a month and he wouldn't be able to get it down, so brothers All are a little afraid of him.

But the brothers still said: "Can't..." After all, Man'er is a symbol of "stupidness" in their hearts, and they are all afraid of taking this horrible guy out.

But after they uttered the words to reject that silly man, the silly man was really angry!

I saw him suddenly roar, and the whole person suddenly ran towards the front of the off-road vehicle.

The brothers saw that this silly guy was mad, and was shocked. I didn’t know what he was going to do. He stared at him with wide-eyed eyes, but when he saw the silly man’s roar, he had already reached the military off-road. Go to the front of the car.

Then he suddenly stretched out two extremely strong arms, grabbed the front chassis of the military off-road vehicle, and suddenly used force, the terrifying and domineering force directly lifted the military off-road vehicle one foot from the ground...

The soldier sitting in the car almost peeed in fright!

Nima, when did he ever see a person lifting an off-road vehicle empty-handed?

Abnormal, not human!

"Nima, what is Man'er doing?"

"He, he, he, Nima, doesn't he want to overturn our car..."

"Oh, with this strength, this is the first time I've seen it in my mother's life!!! Too fierce...too mighty." The brothers were all stunned there, looking at the stupid man with eyesight. The off-road vehicle is being lifted higher and higher.

After seeing this scene, Chen Qiaozhi quickly reached out and hit Tang Xiaolong next to him and said, "Why are you still stunned? Don't let Man'er stop quickly... Don't forget, there are still people in the car! "

When Tang Xiaolong heard this, he suddenly woke up, trot over quickly, and said to the silly man with brute strength: "Man, stop...stop..."

Silly Man'er raised the off-road vehicle in his hand bravely, and turned his head to look at Tang Xiaolong and said, "I want to go!!!"

Tang Xiaolong saw this stupid guy still wanting to follow them. In desperation, he nodded and said, "Okay, okay, okay, Man'er, let's listen to you, okay? You quickly put the car down... ...Slow down slowly, okay?"

Upon hearing that Tang Xiaolong had actually agreed to himself, Silly Man'er grinned suddenly.

With a loosening of his hands and a bang, the off-road vehicle that was raised more than a foot high suddenly landed in front of the vehicle. The soldier who was sitting in the vehicle was pale with fright, and was completely stunned...

However, the brothers finally let out a sigh of relief after Silly Man'er put the car down.

I saw that the silly man suddenly ran over, and said to Tang Xiaolong with a smile on her silly face: "You just promised me...you must not lie to me, if you want to lie to me, I I will beat you!"

Listening to that silly man's words, Tang Xiaolong almost cried out of tears.

He was really afraid of this stupid man. The natural power of this stupid man really made him painful, so he could only nod his head repeatedly and said, "Okay, okay, okay, I promise to take you there."

After speaking, he turned his head to look at the other brothers.

The brothers looked at him suspiciously.

"Fuck me, what can I do? Bring Man'er... I'm afraid he will beat me!" Tang Xiaolong said silently.

The brothers can only sigh one by one.

"Brigadier Wang, there is no way. Let's take Man'er. If you don't take him today, I guess he will tear down all three of your cars alive later." Chen Qiaozhi walked over and faced him. Brigadier Wang Zhen said.

Brigadier Wang Zhen had witnessed the terrifying power of that stupid man with his own eyes just now, this would be completely speechless.

I can only nodded and said: "Okay, okay, okay, take him."

In this way, the brothers have no choice but to bring a silly man!

Who would dare to say not to bring Silly Man'er today, I guess who would definitely be violently beaten by Silly Man'er!

It is definitely not a joke to be beaten by this guy.

They had no choice but to take the silly man.

After getting in the car, the silly man's huge body sat in the back position alone. This hunk man's body was worth two, so he sat in the back position alone.

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