Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1869: Toledo

They suspect stupid?

To be honest, the silly man sitting on the ground and picking his nostrils in the scene at the moment, whoever believes his words would be silly!

So the brothers decisively ignored what the silly man said just now.

I saw that Wang Zhendao said, "It seems that we have to keep there for the night and wait..."

"That perverted murderer wouldn't be so stupid... dare to come out?" Tang Xiaolong said depressedly.

But Wang Zhen, who was on the sidelines, said, "This is not necessarily true. Maybe he can't hold back and will come out."

The brothers currently don't have any clues, so the only way is to continue to wait for it to get dark, and then go to stay on the Bund street again.

In the afternoon, the Bund of Binjiang City.

In the secret tunnel of that old church, I saw a dark figure walking step by step.

His steps are so cautious, as if afraid of something.

The faint light was visible. He was wearing a black robe and turned to look at his face. This person turned out to be Father Gammarelli.

But how could Father Gammarelli come to the secret tunnel of this ancient church again?

I saw Father Gammarelli walking slowly step by step, holding the cross tightly between his hands, his face pale and ugly.

As he walked forward step by step, he suddenly saw four coffins lying motionless in the dark corner of the dark road in front.

The four coffins were very big and weird, and they were placed in the darkest corners.

And this coffin seemed to be afraid of the sun, and there was a black cloth on it to cover it.

If you look closely, these four coffins are very Western, and are completely different from the Chinese coffins.

After the priest Gammarelli walked to the four coffins step by step, he blinked his scared eyes and glanced at the three coffins in front of him, then muttered silently in his mouth: "Amen..."

As he had just uttered these two words, the coffin door above the largest coffin in the middle creaked suddenly.

After the terrible coffin even made a sound, Father Gammarelli turned pale in fright, and quickly backed away, while his eyes were wide and incredibly staring at the coffin in front of him.

With the creaking sound, the coffin door opened automatically.

Just when Father Gammarelli was terribly scared, a black shadow suddenly jumped out of the coffin.

All of a sudden, it hung on the top of the cold wall like a bat.

His face was extremely pale and ugly, those bizarre gem-like eyes stared at Father Gammarelli in front of him, looking at him condescendingly!

Earl Spike!

The weird character hanging upside down on the top of the wall was Count Na Spike.

My God, is he a human or a ghost? How could it hang on the top of that wall like this?

But the moment Father Gammarelli saw Earl Spike, the whole person couldn't help shaking violently because of fear.

"Earl Spike!" Father Gammarelli shook his voice respectfully.

I saw the Earl Spike, who hung upside down on the top of the wall, suddenly flashed, and then he had reached the front of Father Gammarelli.

A ghastly breath suddenly emerged in front of Father Gammarelli's snort.

"Why are you here? Why are you here?"

Count Naspike suddenly said with a hoarse voice, looking at Father Gammarelli there.

His elegant face became distorted at this moment, and terrible, a face distorted!

At the same time, his body hides in a dark and humid place as much as possible, and is afraid to reach the bright place here, as if he is afraid of the daylight.

Father Gammarelli said with a frightened face and quickly said, "I came because... because the bishop sent a message."

As Father Gammarelli said so, the Earl Spike in front of him blinked suddenly in his blue eyes like jewels.

His pale face seemed very tired, and then he moved closer to the dark place behind him, staring at Father Gammarelli with those eyes: "Damn it, don't you know this is our rest time?"

"Do you want to die?"

As Count Naspike suddenly said this, his hand suddenly grabbed the neck of Father Gammarelli, and Father Gammarelli's body was easily grabbed like a piece of paper, and then the whole body was constantly there. struggle.

With fear and horror on his face, he hurriedly said there while struggling: "Torido Clan...appeared!"

Suddenly a strange word came out of Father Gammarelli's mouth, and after he said it, he began to gasp violently.

But what about Earl Spike? When I heard Father Gammarelli suddenly say: The Toledo tribe, he was suddenly startled. He was holding the throat of Father Gammarelli tightly, and slowly let go of his hand, with the gem-like eyes. Exudes endless evil and a sense of destruction.

"What are you talking about? The Torrido?" Count Spike of the Gangelo family in front of him asked suddenly angrily.


But I heard that Father Gammarelli hurriedly coughed and gasped, while bending over there, saying: "Yes... the bishop has already found the Toledo people have appeared..."

Torrido? A family of vampires as ancient as the Gangelo family!

It's just that the Toredo people advocate peace! The Toledo tribe is recorded in the ancient vampire records. Most of the members of the Toledo tribe evolved from the blood of the second generation of vampires, among the ancestors of the Toledo tribe. , There have been several great vampires who have helped mankind in wars...In short, in the Toledo tribe, those vampires are very friendly to mankind. Although they are like vampires, they also rely on blood to maintain a long life. But the vampires of the Toledo clan **** self-made blood...They don't **** human blood.

The Toledo tribe is the old enemy of the Gangelo tribe. In the blood family chronicle, it has been recorded that when the 13th family of vampire clan broke out, the Toledo tribe fought against the militant Gangelo clan. The scale of the war.

The Gangaro family belongs to the strongest existence among the blood clan, not only because their blood line is the purest in the blood clan, but also because the Gangaro family members admire darkness and evil, they are warlike and cold, Like ruthless killing...

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