Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1895: Silver nitrate

late at night.

No one can be seen on the brightly lit Bund Road.

It's only 11 o'clock, but the road is already off the beaten track, and even the surrounding supermarkets and bars have closed their doors early.

When the chilly wind blows from a distance, it blows on this icy street.

But at this moment, a lonely figure suddenly appeared on the Bund Road inexplicably.

His figure is tall and burly, and his hair is floating there as the cold wind blows.

He walked towards the dark street here step by step.

Who is he? How can you appear on this cold and lonely street at night?

His face can be seen in the faint light, his face is bronze, and he walks toward the darkness without the slightest expression. He is also carrying a sword on his back, a sword engraved with a flying dragon.

As the cold wind came step by step, the sword engraved with a flying dragon on the back suddenly hissed in the darkness, and the weird hissing sound seemed to be something dark species trying to approach him.

He did not become panicked because of the sound of the sword sound behind him, nor did he feel frightened by the gloomy darkness.

He was just walking there step by step, as if waiting for an opportunity to wait for the upcoming prey!

Suddenly, when his figure was walking towards the dark street step by step, a figure in front of him swished and disappeared...

His cold and deep eyes glanced slightly at the place where the black shadow had just flashed, just glanced at it, and then began to walk forward.


The dark shadow suddenly appeared behind him again.

It was an extremely pale face, with a pair of cold and evil eyes, standing motionless behind him, glaring at him.

That person is a vampire member of the Gangaro family.

Just when the vampire member of the Gangaro family suddenly came to his back, his steps suddenly stopped in mid-air, and then the sword carved with a flying dragon on the back suddenly hissed again. It got louder than before.

The cold wind blew on his body, he didn't move, nor did he look back, just standing there quietly.

The vampire of the Gangelo family standing behind suddenly showed a hideous face, and the long fangs flashed out of his mouth...


With a scream, the vampire member of the Gangelo family suddenly bit the back of the man's neck with long pointed fangs.

Just when the vampire of the Gangelo family rushed towards him, his back had eyes long, and his body suddenly rotated directly, and then the long sword on his back "cang" groaned out. sheath.

The sharp sword light formed an incomparable sword energy in the air, and then a fatal sword slashed towards the head of the vampire member of the Gangelo family behind.

The vampire saw such a sword light slashing towards his head, a ghost screamed, and his body suddenly disappeared into the darkness, and then suddenly appeared on the man's right side, a pale hand grabbing directly Grabbing at him.

As he grabbed it, the man dodged slightly, flipped the long sword in his hand, and a beautiful word-removing technique directly avoided the vampire's offensive, then his left hand shook, and the dragon sword in his hand stabbed suddenly.

This sword is so big, fast, fast...fast, even if he is a vampire member of the Gangaluo family, he can't avoid it!


The sword carved with the flying dragon pierced the arm of the vampire member.

The vampires of the Gangelo family were hit by this mighty sword.

In the dark, only a terrible scream suddenly screamed from the vampire's mouth, and then saw that the vampire of the Gangelo family was holding himself in horror, as if burning in his arms. Backward, and at the same time that pale and purple face was distorted to the extreme, as if in pain!

How could the body of a vampire be hurt by his ordinary sword? How is this going?

You know, the monsters of the blood race will never be injured by swords and guns...They have bodies that cannot die or be injured, but how can they be suddenly injured now? Still making such a painful cry

Look carefully, but I saw that the arm of the vampire member of the Gangelo family was stabbed by the sword. At this moment, it seemed to be burning, and there was white smoke, and there was a trace of unpleasant smell of burnt flesh. , The sword wound was not like an ordinary sword wound, the blood flowing out of the decay of the skin was purple and black, streaming down the arm of the vampire member of the Gangelo family.

His pale face was violently twisted, and at the same time he was crying in constant pain, as if the pain made him extremely unbearable.

And the man standing in the cold wind with the sword?

With a sword in one hand, the sword engraved with a flying dragon shook gently in the cold wind, and from the bright sword body was the blood of the vampire member of the Gangelo family.

"Silver Nitrate!"

Suddenly a stiff, whistling figure appeared behind the man in the darkness.

As the voice came, the man with the sword slowly twisted his head.

After turning his head, he saw three foreigners.

The man standing in the middle is wearing the clothes of an 18th century earl, with his golden hair combed lustrously behind his head, his pale and bloodless face with a graceful expression, standing in that elegant Standing in front of this man.

The corner of his mouth is still smiling, and the evil smile is raised above the corner of his mouth.

He is Earl Spike of the Gangelo family.

The other two men behind him were also vampire members of the Gangelo family, standing motionless behind Count Naspike respectfully.

But he said that after the man with the sword turned around, he stood there face to face with Count Spike of the Ganggro family.

There was no speech, no sound, and a strong, silent and terrible breath suddenly filled the air.

"Unexpectedly, you knew how to use silver nitrate to deal with us..." Earl Spike said with a weird smile suddenly.

His voice was stiff, and when he spoke, his pale and bloodless face trembled.

Silver nitrate, a deadly silver agent specially used to deal with the blood family, this kind of thing is the nemesis of vampires

After Earl Spike finished speaking, he raised the corners of his mouth and continued to say: "Decades ago, when I was in Eastern Europe, I heard people say your name. Rumors say that your sword is very powerful. He possesses the most powerful swordsmanship of the Easterners... and he also killed one of the Vatican's undead cardinals. Seeing you today is indeed beyond my expectation."

Count Spike suddenly stood there and said gracefully, his pale and bloodless face, with an exaggerated expression as he spoke.

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