Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1899: I must die

The key of destiny, what secret is hidden in it?

Why do these ancient western vampires come to **** it? What are they for?

The Cthulhu slowly put down the Dragon Sword in his hand, then looked at Miss Mary in front of him and said: "Tell me, why do you vampires want to get the key of fate?"

Miss Mary shook her head decisively. She said: "I have already said that this is the secret of our blood family."

After the evil **** heard what Mary said in front of him, he said coldly: "Well, since you don't want to say it, then I will never give you the key of destiny."

After Cthulhu finished speaking so coldly, Danny, the strong man behind Miss Mary, let out an angry roar, and suddenly took a step forward, as if he wanted to be **** the Cthulhu.

But seeing that Miss Mary suddenly reached out a hand slightly to stop Danny in front of her.

She looked at the evil **** in front of her: "You will regret it."

The Cthulhu suddenly laughed wildly, and the majestic energy on his body shook his scattered hair.

Then he raised his cold eyes and looked at Miss Mary in front of him and said: "Under the world, there is nothing I regret about Li Kuafu!"

After speaking, Cthulhu suddenly strode towards the outside of the room.

Miss Mary, Karel and Na Danny watched as the evil **** was about to leave.

The strong man Danny couldn't help but said, "Miss Mary, just let him go like this?"

The beautiful Miss Mary did not speak with a calm face, and after a while she suddenly said, "Let him go."

"Why? Why do you want to let him go? Miss Mary..." Then Danny felt weird looking at Miss Mary there.

But seeing that Miss Mary said: "Do you want to **** the key of fate from him? Are you capable of snatching it from him?"

Listening to Miss Mary's rhetorical question, Danny's face suddenly became paler and ugly. He clenched his fists and was full of anger, but he did not speak.

Because he knew that they might not really be able to **** the key of destiny from the Cthulhu.

Cthulhu's skill, they had seen it with their own eyes just now in the dark!

Even the Earl Spike of the Gangelo family was hit hard by this Asian human. Can they ever fight the evil god?

Moreover, the Torrido family itself is not an enemy of human beings... so of course Miss Mary will not use crude means to deal with the evil god.

But said that the evil **** just left under their noses.

After the Cthulhu's figure disappeared, the silver-haired Karel slowly walked to Mary's side and said: "Miss Mary, now the key of destiny has appeared, I believe it will not be long, that member of the Gangelo family Will make a comeback... they will definitely grab the key of fate."

Hearing what Carell said, Miss Mary sighed deeply, "Yes."

"Now the Gangelo family is only an earl... If they send an elder generation of perverted vampires, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Among the vampires' commandments, they have a strict hierarchy. After the third generation of ancient vampires, this level has begun to be divided layer by layer. Among the vampires, the lowest rank is: ordinary vampire members, and then In order, knight, earl, duke, elder, lord, and finally lord. After the earl is the duke, often a duke vampire has at least fifty heirs or more, while the elder is a very high-level existence among vampires. There are at least one hundred to two hundred vampire heirs under him... ...And each ancient vampire clan can only have two elders, and the responsibility of these two elders is to assist the lord to govern the vampire members within its range. Then there is the lord. The lord is the leader of a clan. This lord must be at least 1,000 years old to become a lord. Every lord vampire will awaken once in a century. The lord has the most powerful dark power. , Every hundred years of awakening must hold noble rituals...The supreme vampire behind is the so-called Lord! His lord is a legendary ruler of darkness. In the Millennium Holy War, the thirteen lord of the Thirteen Clan were basically dead, but there are rumors that the lord of the Gangelo family is still in the ancient holy war. Survived in the world, but was sealed... and there are ancient prophecies in the blood clan. They said that when the Lord of the Gangelo family awakens, it will be the dark day of the world, and he will let The world is full of darkness, and flames burn the entire earth, making the sun disappear into the void forever

Having said that, after Carrell said this, Miss Mary also frowned tightly.

Among the thirteen blood families, everyone knows that the Gangaro family is the purest vampire, of course, it is also the most powerful vampire among the thirteen clans. If it is really a perverted vampire sent by the Gangaro family to the elder generation If you come here, the consequences will really be unimaginable.

"Now, we can only hope that he can understand everything as soon as possible, give us the key of fate, and then destroy it." Miss Mary said.

In the old church, a scream in the darkness came from the depths of that church.

But seen inside the dark church, Earl Spike roared with his rotting face, the skin on his face was completely rotten, and even the bones were exposed. This was all because of the evil god, the evil **** using silver nitrate. It splashed on his face.

Now he roared in the darkness with endless anger.

I saw that in the church at this moment, a vampire from the Gangelo family suddenly reached Count Spike's side with a pot of blood red blood.

"Earl Spike... drink it!"

"This is blood."

This blood is the blood of the person that the vampire killed outside just now.

After he gave it to Earl Na Spike, Earl Na Spike plunged his entire head into the blood basin like a beast, and then began to drink wildly.

The blood flowed from his mouth into his internal organs, and he saw his head suddenly lifted from the blood basin.

The blood-filled face looked hideous and terrifying.

But he said that after Count Spike drank the pot of blood, he suddenly laughed slyly, and then he wiped the blood-filled face with his pale hand, and then wiped it with his hand, but he saw that the piece was still full of rot just now. His face slowly healed automatically at this moment, and the skin that had been burned by silver nitrate had rekindled at this moment.

what happened?

Could this blood have a healing effect?


These vampires live on blood, and of course they can heal their wounds with blood.

And now Earl Spike used his blood to fix his own rotten face.

His face recovered, showing that pale and terrifying face again.

In the darkness, Earl Spike touched his intact face with his hand and suddenly laughed weirdly.

The members of the Gangelo family standing beside them also showed joyful expressions on their faces.

"Damn human! Damn evil god..."

"I want him to die, to drink his blood." Earl Spike cursed in the darkness.

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