Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1903: Kindred origin

After Carrell finished saying this, Miss Mary suddenly said: "The Torrido family has been at odds with the Gangelo family since ancient times... We were born this time to fight them! Now that we know they are here... Why don't you go in and find them? Why are you afraid of the members of the Gangelo family?"

After Miss Mary said so, a look of guilt appeared on Carell's face.

But he was still there: "Miss Mary, the Duke of Barnea personally told me to take care of Miss Mary...so I am not afraid, I am just worried about you, Miss you."

"Huh, what's to worry about! I will convince my father when I go back!"

"I am at odds with the Gangelo family. I must enter this church today."

As Miss Mary suddenly said this stubbornly, she suddenly turned around and flashed towards the church, and then she reached that side.

Looking at Miss Mary, insisting on going her own way, the silver-haired Karel in front of her could only sigh helplessly.


"Quickly follow, don't let Miss Mary have an accident." Just listen to Karel talking to the strong man Danny.

The strong man Danny nodded, and then the two of them flashed and followed.

The ancient church exudes a dark and gloomy atmosphere at this moment. This church has long lost its sacred protection. At this moment, it is like a ruin of a demon!

Above the old church, there were rows of crows. Those crows stood in flocks on the top of the church, with their terrifying eyes open and watching Miss Mary of the Torrido family in the darkness. , And Carell, and Danny.

But he said that as they arrived next to the ancient church, Na Karel took a deep sniff and said: "The breath here is getting heavier... It seems that the Gangaro family is indeed here. Hidden."

"En!" Miss Mary nodded.

"Everyone, be careful!"

As she was talking, she should walk forward first.

I saw that the door of the ancient church in front had been cracked, and the cold wind poured in from the cracked opening.

The mottled and rusty gate showed traces of ancient years.

Miss Mary glanced at the entrance, without hesitation, her delicate body turned into a black shadow, and she reached the inside in a flash, and Na Karel and Na Danny also followed closely at this moment.

After arriving inside, I saw that the dark church was in tatters, with tables and chairs littered everywhere. The cross of **** in the front was left on the ground, covered with a lot of dust, and the front wall was even more dusty. Climbing layers of spider webs.

The whole church is as if no one has been in for hundreds of years.

But they said that after Miss Mary walked in, they raised their eyes and looked around, while looking at the surrounding environment, while carefully walking forward step by step.

The faces of the three of them all looked very cautious, and they didn't seem to be careless.

Just as the three of them were about to walk forward, a ghastly breath suddenly came to the nose!

Na Karel was the first to feel the breath, and his face suddenly changed.

"Miss Mary, they're here!" As the silver-haired Carell said so, Miss Mary hurriedly looked around cautiously, and the strong man Danny was also looking around with an ugly face.

Suddenly an oil-burning lamp in the front place suddenly ignited...

As the weird fire flashed out, the entire dark ancient church was suddenly reflected brightly.

Then a terrible voice came from around the church.

"Mary Jesmia..."

After the strange voice called out the full name of Miss Mary, then suddenly a dark shadow flashed, and four members of the Gangelo family wearing black robes suddenly appeared in the ancient church.

In the middle is the elegant and blond Count Spike!

His face has completely recovered at this moment, pale smiling, eyes shining strangely at Miss Mary, who is looking in front of him, Carrell, and Danny beside him.

"Spike!" Miss Mary seemed to have a deep hatred with Spike of the Gangelo family. The moment she saw him, her beautiful eyes flashed with hatred.

"Torrido, the biological daughter of the Duke of Barnea, Miss Mary, hello!" Earl Naspike said to Miss Mary politely like a gentleman, and said and acted slightly It is an ancient European etiquette of the sixteenth century.

As Spike said so gracefully, what about Miss Mary? It was true that Spike stared at Spike with his beautiful eyes round.

"You bastard... don't insult my father's name! Your mouth is dirty and blasphemous!" Miss Maria suddenly said angrily.

I never thought that Miss Mary would be so disagreeable with this Earl Spike!

However, she said that with the anger of Miss Mary, the Gangelo family members behind Earl Spike suddenly roared with an ugly face and prepared to take action, but Spike gave him his hand to stop it.

Earl Spike did not get angry because of Miss Mary's scolding, but continued with a graceful smile: "Why is Miss Mary so angry? Did Spike do something to sorry you?"

"You demon, bastard, murdering my mother... I won't let you go." Suddenly, angrily screamed from Miss Mary's mouth.

Count Na Spike heard Miss Mary say this, suddenly his expression was suspicious, and he pretended to think for a while and said: "Oh...I remember, Serinda, that beautiful Italy with sapphire eyes Woman, it's your mother, right?" Earl Spike looked at Miss Mary with a wicked smile suddenly.

When Miss Mary heard him call out her mother's name, she couldn't help trembling in her anger.

"Don't call my mother's name, you bastard."

But seeing that Earl Spike smiled weirdly: "Do you think I really like to call that **** human woman's name? Huh..."

"It is to blame, your father, Barnea!"

"The blood family stipulates that you must never marry a human being. Your father, regardless of the safety of the blood family for thousands of years, dares to marry a human woman. It is he himself that takes the blame. It is your **** mother **** it!"

"I killed her for the good of the whole blood, and for your good." Earl Spike said with a weird smile.

It turns out that in the 17th century, Miss Mary’s mother Serinda was a beautiful human woman in Italy. One day, the Count of Banya of the Toledo tribe wandered to Italy and met this woman. Because of love, they walked together, but one is a vampire, the other is a human Serinda is destined not to be stable forever, because the ancient kinship regulations, kinship personnel are determined not to marry humans together. In this regard It is for the safety of vampires. On the other hand, the blood clan firmly does not allow any impure members to join them. Therefore, after the blood clan learned of this fact, the race headed by Gangaluo slaughtered the Earl of Narbania. , And the poor human woman, Barnia knew that the danger was coming, so he took his beloved woman Serinda to wander around. In the process of wandering, they gave birth to a young Mary, and this Mary inherited his father Their blood became vampires. When they were in Rome, they were unfortunately caught by the blood knights of the Gangelo family led by Earl Spike... They sucked up the beauty in front of Barnia. Of Serinda’s blood, and then let Banya watch his woman die there, this is history

All the truth is revealed! No wonder Miss Mary looked for this Earl Spike in desperation, and she vowed to kill her.

"You villain kills my mother, I will definitely let you die! Let you disappear from this world!" Miss Mary said angrily.

Earl Spike suddenly laughed.

"Only you? There is also a trash from the Buren family, and a stupid big man?" Earl Spike suddenly sneered in front of him.

Who is the trash of the Burren family he is talking about? There is another stupid man?

The big silly man obviously said that Danny, and who is the trash of the Buren family?

Could it be Karel with silver hair!

The Buren family, the most weird family of the blood family thirteen family, because the Buren family possesses extremely abnormal weird energies in the blood family, such as coma, such as making people forget, such as fire spells, and various weird abilities. , This is the most powerful existence of the Buren family, and it is also one of the reasons why they have become the weirdest existence of the blood family! Originally, the Buren family can be said to be the most powerful among the blood races, because many of their members have extremely powerful abilities, such as sound wave control, which emits a terrible sound wave that can be heard by the surrounding vampires. People are crazy, for example, thunder and lightning, can summon thunder and lightning, and there are many abilities... But, because the Buren family members are very few, and those with abilities are extremely rare, so although the Buren family Among the thirteen blood races, they form a family of their own, but they are very weak and weak. Compared with other blood-sucking races, they are a little vulnerable, unless they can gather all the supernaturalists together.

It turned out that the silver-haired Karel was a member of the Buren family. Later, when Karel was wandering in Romanesia, he met the Count of Banya of the Toledo family, and then followed Banya. Count, this birth is also because Count Barnea asked him to take care of Miss Mary, so Carell came here.

Listening to Earl Spike saying this all of a sudden, the expressions of Karel and Danny in front of them became extremely ugly.

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