Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1908: Human cooperation

"Yes! Very likely!"

"If they are a group, they will never kill each other, so I think although they are the same kind, they should be good or bad." Li Tiandao.

After Li Tian said this, Chen Qiaozhi, who had been silent, also nodded in favor at this moment.

"I think Li Tian's analysis is correct, and I think so too."

After seeing the words of Li Tian and Chen Qiaozhi, the other brothers, of course, would not have any other opinions, and nodded one by one.

"But, what are they? What kind of species are they?" Xue Wuhen over there asked with blinking eyes.

Listening to his question, Li Tian also frowned deeply.

Because he didn't know what they were... he had a pale and bloodless face, and he moved as fast as a ghost. The most important thing was that their bodies seemed to be incapable of any harm.

With these questions, the brothers were all entangled there.

"Who is that Asian? Why would he save us?"

"I don't know! But he is definitely a human."

In a dark room, but I saw Karel of the Torrido family and the strong man Danny questioning that.

Between them is a stone table. On the table is transparent glassware. Inside the glassware is a bright red liquid, artificial blood!

Artificial blood is the blood drunk by the Tori family, the only clan of the blood clan. For a thousand years, the vampires of the Toredo clan live on artificial blood. Although artificial blood is not as full of power as real blood, it can still maintain vampires. Life span, and the Toredo people have always relied on this kind of blood to live, they never **** human blood

At this moment, after Carrell and Danny finished speaking, they began to drink the artificial blood on the table.

I saw that after the bright red liquid entered their bodies, their eyes slowly rejuvenated, and their pale and weak faces returned to their original colors at this moment.

"Where's Miss Mary?" Carell, with silver hair, asked now.

Danny turned and pointed to one of the confined rooms and said, "She is inside."

When Carrell heard Danny say this, he slowly turned his head and glanced at the room where Miss Mary was staying, and then didn't talk too much.

Since Miss Mary came back, she has stayed deeply in that room, no one knows what happened to her? I don't even know why she shut herself in the room.

At this moment, in the dark room, Miss Mary was sitting quietly on a chair at one end, and beside her was glassware containing artificial blood.

She has golden hair draped over her tender shoulders, her slender waist and plump and well-proportioned figure have the unique charm of European women.

At this moment, she frowned slightly, thinking about things.

Her sapphire blue eyes looked deeply into the distance, and her red lips lightly activated and said, "What happened to that human?

"He shouldn't have an accident, right?" Miss Mary's figure appeared in her mind and said slightly.

According to the truth, there will not be too many emotions in the thinking of a vampire!

But don't know why, Miss Mary is worried about a strange human being.

Is it just because he rescued himself in a crisis? Miss Mary is not sure, the only thing she knows is that she is worried about Li Tian.

Miss Mary, who had been in the room for almost half an hour, suddenly opened the confined room and walked out.

When she came out, Karel and Danny were standing there, looking at her suspiciously.

"Miss Mary." Carell cried out curiously.

But after seeing Mary walk out, he glanced at Carell and Danny and said: "I have been pondering for a long time, and there is an idea in my heart that I want to talk to you two." A word came out of Miss Mary's mouth.

After Miss Mary said this, Danny and Carrell in front of them were not only taken aback, but Miss Mary who was looking in front of them suspiciously asked, "Miss Mary, what do you think?"

After Carrell and Danny asked, but Miss Mary said: "I want to cooperate with humans!"

The moment she suddenly uttered such a sentence, Karel and Danny in front of them were suddenly shocked.


"Miss Mary, what are you talking about? Cooperating with humans?"

"This...this...this...isn't it?" said Carrelton in front of him.

Danny, the strong man over there, also said, "Yes, Miss Mary, most humans are liars. They are hypocritical and cunning. They can't cooperate with them! Absolutely!"

The silver-haired Karel also said there: "Miss Mary, our blood hasn't cooperated with humans for thousands of years... and this is absolutely forbidden by our blood!"

"Once we let humans know that we vampires exist in this world, the consequences will be unimaginable. For thousands of years, our kinsmen have been wandering, hiding their whereabouts, and lurking among humans, in order to prevent humans from knowing us Life experience...Miss Mary, if you want to cooperate with human beings now, isn't this telling them that our blood family exists? This may cause war." Carrell said to Miss Mary who was in front of her discouraging her.

After Carrell and Danny finished saying this, Miss Mary hesitated there too.

Yes, what Carell said is not bad. The blood races have not appeared in public view for thousands of years. They are mysterious and huge. For human beings, they have no idea that there is such a special creature! And now if I really want to cooperate with humans, wouldn’t it be that all the blood family matters will be made public? This terrible consequence will not only make other big families of the blood family face fear, even humans may also cause war.

After Miss Mary thought about it this way, she slowly raised her beautiful eyes and looked at Carrell and Danny in front of her and said: "Then tell me, what can be done to stop the Gangelo family members now? "

"They are so powerful and vow to seize the key of fate... If once members of the Gangaluo family obtain the key of fate, when the blood moon opens, then the demon hidden in the coffin will be summoned and awakened. At that time, the whole world will be reduced to darkness, and the earth will become a piece of scorched earth. What should we do at that time?" Miss Mary looked at Carrell and asked Na Danny.

When Carrell and Danny heard Miss Mary say this, they suddenly became speechless.

They don't know how to answer this question.

Blood moon? The demon in the coffin was summoned and awakened?

"Miss Mary, that...that...are you really going to cooperate with humans?" Carell finally raised his eyes to look at the Miss Mary in front of him after a long silence.

But seeing Miss Mary looking at him there, she nodded cautiously.


"I know that cooperating with humans may cause major changes in the blood clan, and also cause panic among other blood clan clans, but for the entire human race, I must do this." Miss Mary said.

"Don't forget, the ancestors of our Torrido family are ancient humans... We must not expose humans to great danger." Miss Mary said.

After hearing what Miss Mary said, Karel and Danny didn't speak any more.

It seems that they are all in favor of things with humans.

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