Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1913: your name

He just questioned: "What key? What connection does that key have to vampires?"

Mary in front of her then preached: "Because that ancient key is the only token that can unlock the thousand-year seal! Only that key can open the coffin of the Vatican St. Petersburg Underground Church."

"Coffin?" When Li Tian heard it, he suddenly seemed to understand a lot!

Just listen to Li Tian widening his eyes and saying: "The coffin you said...could it be...could it be the sealed coffin in the blood family chronicle you just explained? The blood sage called the Gangeuro family? The chief's coffin?"

After Li Tian said it all at once, Mary looked at Li Tian in surprise: "How do you know?"

Li Tiandao: "You told me just now!"

Mary looked at Li Tian's Jingyi eyes and said, "You are so smart."

"The reason why the vampires of the Gangelo family came to your country is for the key. Once they get the key of destiny, they will definitely open the coffin at the time of the blood moon. At that time, the only survivor will be The blood deity in this world is resurrected...The consequences will be unimaginable! Not only will human beings be devastated, but also the vampire members of other clans will suffer..."

"You have to know that a third-generation kinship lord has the ability to compare with gods!" Miss Mary finally said.

Listening to what Miss Mary said, Li Tian finally understands what everything is going on now, and knows even more why these vampires come to his country!

It turns out that what they did was the "Key of Destiny". It turned out that the "Key of Destiny" was hiding such a huge secret!

And where is the key of fate?

Li Tian knew in his heart that the key of fate was in his father's hands! It is precisely because his father went west with a sword, created the Vatican Church, and then won the weird key in the Vatican, but he did not expect that the key of fate would have such a huge secret.

Thinking back to everything, Li Tian was deeply depressed at the moment.

After he was silent for a long time, he looked up at Miss Mary in front of him and asked, "Then your members of the Torrido family came to our country to deal with the vampires of the Ganglo family?"

Miss Mary smiled and nodded.


"We are at odds with the Gangelo family, and they are absolutely not allowed to harm humans." Miss Mary said.

Li Tian thought about it and looked at Miss Mary and said, "Then why are you telling me this?"

Miss Mary said: "Because I want to cooperate with you humans."

"Cooperation?" When Li Tian heard her say this, he was not only depressed all of a sudden.

"Yes, you should have seen it the day before yesterday. Although we and the members of the Gangelo Family are both vampires, we are not their opponents. At the moment, in order to prevent the disaster from happening, we can only cooperate with your humans. Only then can the members of the Gangelo family be prevented from getting the key of fate." Miss Mary said.

Listening to what Miss Mary said, Li Tian finally understood why this Mary would lure herself to come here late at night!

It turns out that their vampires want to cooperate with themselves!

After Li Tian heard this, he only thought about it.

Miss Mary was looking at him with blinking jewels, waiting for Li Tian's answer.

"Then if we want to cooperate, how do we cooperate?" Just listen to Li Tian asked.

After Li Tian asked this question, Miss Mary's eyes suddenly brightened. Since Li Tian said this, it seems that the cooperation should be certain.

Just listen to Miss Mary: "If you can really cooperate with you, I will tell you the real weakness of the blood race, and then you can attack their fatal weakness to defeat them, otherwise, the blood race’s immortal body is No human being can beat it." Mary said.

Li Tianyi felt that what Miss Mary said was not bad.

Last time Li Tian witnessed the immortal bodies of those vampires with his own eyes, and his Xuantian **** hit the vampire with no response at all! If he could know how to defeat that vampire, Li Tian would of course be the happiest.

I saw Li Tiandao say: "As long as you don't harm human beings, I will cooperate with you to deal with the vampires of the Gangaro family."

After Li Tian finished speaking, Miss Mary laughed.

"Don't worry, the vampires of our Torrido family will never harm humans. I dare to swear by my life." Miss Mary said.

After listening to Li Tian, ​​he nodded.

"That's good!"

"Well, now can you tell me how to deal with that vampire? Where are their weaknesses?" Li Tian asked.

After Li Tian asked this, Miss Mary was ready to blurt out the weakness of the vampire.

"The weakness of the blood race is..."

Just as Miss Mary wanted to speak out, Karel quickly stopped Miss Mary.

I saw that Karel looked at Miss Mary who was looking in front of her with a weird look: "Miss Mary...it's late, we are about to rest, or tomorrow, let's talk to them about cooperation. "

Listening to Carrell's words, of course Miss Mary knew that Carrell was a perfunctory remark. He probably didn't want Miss Mary to say the fatal weakness of the blood, so it was so.

Of course Li Tian also saw it, but he did not force that Miss Mary.

But seeing that Miss Mary thought for a while and looked at Li Tiandao and said, "I'm sorry, the time is indeed late. We want to rest. If possible, tomorrow night, can we continue to talk about cooperation?"

After Miss Mary said this, Li Tian was silent for a while, then stood up and said, "Okay!"

"Then since you want to rest, then I will take a step!"

After Li Tian said it, he immediately turned around and prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute..." When Miss Mary watched Li Tian preparing to leave, she suddenly stopped him there.

Li Tian was taken aback, not only turned his head slowly to look at the Miss Mary and said, "Anything else?"

Just listen to Miss Mary looking at Li Tiandao: "I have been talking to you for so long, and I don't know your name. Can you tell me?"

Listening to what Miss Mary said, Li Tian suddenly smiled: "Li Tian!"

After he said his name, he then turned and left the room in front of him.

However, after Li Tian walked out of the building, Miss Mary in the dark was still looking at Li Tian's figure from the window.

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