Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1915: Unspeakable hidden

When Li Tian suddenly uttered the word "vampire", the brothers in front of him were startled and dumbfounded.

The horrified eyes were completely stunned.

"Blood clan...sucking blood...vampires?" Xue Wuhen said with eyes widening there unbelievably.

"Oh my God, vampires... are there really vampires in the world?"


When the brothers first sounded one by one, their faces were full of horror and fear.

Vampires may not be heard of many in Asia, but many ancient legends have been circulated in the Western world, but after all, those legends are all in the Bible, or are ancient records. As for whether the truth is true, neither knows.

But now Li Tian actually told the brothers that there really are "bloods" in the world, and they still exist around them, how can this not shock the brothers in front of them.

But seeing that Li Tian had already guessed it, and after he told his brothers the truth, they would be shocked and unbelievable.

So he continued to say: "All this is true!"

"Before, I didn't believe that there really existed aliens in this world, but when I saw their blood family members, I began to believe that there are indeed aliens living around us in this world." Li Heavenly.

Hearing what Li Tian said, it took a long time for the brothers to relax.

"My god, that...that...that bunch of things are really vampires?" they asked.

Li Tian nodded seriously.

"No wonder, no wonder the people who were killed were all drained of blood... It turned out to be those **** vampires doing it." Tang Xiaolong said suddenly in front of him.

Thinking of the deceased who had been drained of blood before, and then contacting the words Li Tian said at the moment, the brothers would have no choice but to believe the truth.

It seems that vampires really exist in the world.

"Little boss, those **** vampires, who **** our human blood and slaughter innocent people, should they talk to us about cooperation? Talk about the fuck!" Tang Xiaolong suddenly roared.

"Yes, Li Tian, ​​that group of vampires are inhumane and completely a group of monsters. How can we cooperate with that group of beasts?" Brigadier Wang Zhen in front of him also said suddenly.

Obviously, the brothers are in a state of extreme rejection of working with vampires.

But what about Li Tian? After hearing what my brothers said, he quickly said there: "No, you understand it wrong."

"We got it wrong, Brother Tian, ​​what do you mean?" Xue Wuhen asked aside.

But see Li Tiandao: "Although the members of the blood clan are indeed extremely dangerous aliens, they are bloodthirsty, and they also have immortal bodies, but not every member of the blood clan slaughters innocent humans, at least as far as I know, Among them is a member of the vampire family named Torrido who will not harm humans."

After Li Tian said the name of an odd family, the brothers were all stunned.

"The Torrido family?"

"Brother Tian, ​​what family are you talking about?" The brothers asked inexplicably.

But seeing Li Tian, ​​he said: "The Torrido family is one of the thirteen blood clan families. Although they are also vampires, they are completely different from the vampires of other clans. They never harm humans, and Even the blood sucked is homemade artificial blood."

"Artificial blood?" The brothers became more confused as they listened.

Li Tiandao: "The reason why the blood race can exist in this world forever is because they live by sucking blood... and the blood that the Torrido family **** is blood that is researched with chemical substances, that kind of blood, They call it: artificial blood."

After Li Tian said so, the brothers were still not very clear. They didn't understand the Toledo family, what was artificial blood, let alone the thirteen blood clan in Li Tian's mouth.

Li Tian knew that none of the brothers knew very well, so he immediately told the brothers present in front of him about the blood family that Miss Mary had explained.

After the brothers listened to Li Tian's blood epic, they were all completely shocked.

This was the first time they heard the story about the "blood clan" legend, and they knew even more that the old vampire had such a long history.

After listening, everyone was shocked!

Especially the Nagangro family and the Torrido family.

After the brothers listened, they saw their eyes widened and said: "Brother Tian...this, this, this is true?"

"The blood family really has thirteen huge families?" Xue Wuhen asked over there.

Li Tian frowned slightly and said: "According to what Miss Mary said, there should be thirteen ancient clans in the blood clan, but at present, there are two blood clans. One is the strongest and the most powerful among the blood clan. The cruel Gangelo family members, and the other is the Torrido family on Miss Mary’s side."

"Li Tian, ​​according to what you mean, what is the name of the vampires of the Toledo family of those women? Are they bad? Are they good?" Brigadier Wang Zhen suddenly asked.

Li Tiandao: "Well, I think I should believe them!"

"Besides, they also said that if they can cooperate, they will tell the vampire's fatal weakness. If we tell us, we will no longer have to fear those vampires... In that case, we can deal with him." Li God said.

The brothers felt that Li Tian was indeed saying this.

Brothers have all seen the strength of the immortal body of the vampire before. Whether they use a gun or hit the vampire publicly, they have no effect at all, and the vampire's figure is almost unclear with the naked eye. , If you don’t find a way to deal with the vampire, then the brothers will definitely be defeated by the group of monsters.

So when the brothers heard Li Tian say this, they were not only excited.

"Really? That woman really said to tell us the fatal weakness of vampires?" the brothers in front of me asked curiously.

Li Tian smiled and nodded.

"Yes, she said so."

After saying this, Li Tian said another sentence: "But she didn't tell me immediately. She explained that she would go to that place to talk again next night."

Listening to Li Tian's words, the brothers questioned: "Why do you want to talk again? Why don't they tell us directly?"

Li Tian thought about it for a while and said, "Maybe they also have unspeakable concealment!"

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