Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1928: Cthulhu's decision

The sudden appearance of Cthulhu is indeed too weird!

How could he suddenly come to Miss Mary from the Torrido family? Why?

After the Cthulhu appeared, although Na Karel and Miss Mary were shocked, it was clear that they were still quite excited.

Because they wanted to find the evil **** from beginning to end, and now that the evil **** finally appeared in front of them, they were of course extremely happy.

However, Miss Mary still looked at the Heretic God questioningly: "You, why did you suddenly come to us?" After she finished speaking, she raised a pair of beautiful eyes at the Heretic God staring in front of her.

But seeing Cthulhu said: "Because I began to believe in you."

"Trust us?" Miss Mary was not only startled when she heard the words of the evil god, but obviously she didn't understand the meaning of the evil god.


"Don't you vampires always want that key of fate?" The evil **** said suddenly there.

As he said, that Miss Mary and the silver-haired Karel glanced at each other, then raised her unbelievable eyes and looked at the evil **** in front of her unbelievably: "You, what do you mean... Are you ready to give us the key of destiny?"

"Not bad!" The cold words suddenly came out of Cthulhu's mouth.

As Cthulhu said so, Miss Mary and Carriton became excited!

My God, I didn't think that Cthulhu really wanted to hand over the key of fate and give it to Miss Mary of the Torrido family!

"Great." A word came from Miss Mary over there.

To know that this key of destiny is of great significance to the blood race, and now the Cthulhu actually wants to give them the key of destiny, of course they are extremely happy!

"Although I don't know what secret this key of destiny conceals, or what use this key of destiny has for you vampires, I want you to promise me a little bit." The evil **** suddenly said in a cold voice. .

After Cthulhu said so, Miss Mary said while still having Carriton in front of her: "Please say..."

"I want you to promise me that once I give you the key of fate, you must leave our country as soon as possible!" Cthulhu said.

"That's the requirement?" Miss Mary asked suspiciously.

But seeing the evil **** nodded indifferently.


"Too many innocent people have died here... I don't want to see more innocent people sacrifice..." Cthulhu Road.

Listening to what the Cthulhu said, then Miss Mary finally understood the good intentions of the Cthulhu, it turned out that he didn't want to see more innocent humans die!

After thinking about it, Miss Mary nodded seriously and said: "Okay, we promise you! This condition, don't worry..."

"As long as you hand over the key of fate to us, we will surely destroy this ominous thing as soon as possible...At that time, the vampires of the Gangelo family will naturally not stay here." Miss Mary said.

After Miss Mary said so, the evil **** stood there coldly.

In front of her, Miss Mary of the Torrido family, Nakariel and Na Danny were all staring at the evil **** without blinking, waiting for him to take out the key of fate.

Suddenly the Cthulhu's hand was activated, and he slowly stretched towards his neck, and was shocked to see an ancient Western key hanging between his neck.

The key gave people an extremely strange feeling, and the bronze key was slowly taken from the neck of the evil god.

The key of destiny.

When the key of destiny appeared in the hands of the evil god, Miss Mary, Carrell and the strong man Danny all opened their eyes and looked at the key of destiny in the hands of evil **** without blinking.

"Here you!" Suddenly the evil **** stretched out his hand!

In the palm of his hand, it was the relic of the blood family that had been preserved for thousands of years, the key of fate.

Miss Mary looked at the key of fate in the hands of the evil god, paused, and then walked over step by step.

Her steps are very cautious, as if the thing to be taken over is something extremely precious.

As Miss Mary approached the evil **** step by step, she slowly stretched out her hand, and then picked up the key of destiny in the palm of the evil god!

The key to the fate of the relic of the blood family for thousands of years has finally reached the palm of Miss Mary's hand.

After reaching the palm of Miss Mary's hand, Miss Mary only felt the key of fate in her hand as heavy, which invisibly increased a lot of pressure in her heart.

"The key of destiny, I have handed it to you... I hope you can promise your promise as soon as possible!" The evil god's tall body stood there looking at Miss Mary.

Miss Mary nodded and looked at Cthulhu: "Don't worry! My Mary will definitely do what I say."

"That's the best!" Cthulhu said.

"I have one thing, I want to ask you! How did you get this key of fate from the Inquisition in St. Petersburg, Vatican City?" Miss Mary looked at the evil **** curiously and asked.

Cthulhu's tall body was standing in the middle of the house, and after being asked by Miss Mary, suddenly laughed loudly.

The thick laughter shook his tangled hair up, and a wave of invisible domineering came out of him.

"It's better not to mention the old things many years ago..."

"I should be going!"

As Cthulhu finished speaking, he really took steps to leave alone.

"Wait." Miss Mary called out again.

After hearing Miss Mary's cry, the evil **** carrying the dragon sword on his back slowly stopped.

"Is there anything else?" the evil **** asked coldly.

I saw that Miss Mary thought for a while and said: "You, you, why don't you want to see your son, Li?"

"He is your son, he has always wanted to see you, why do you keep hiding from him? Keep hiding yourself?"

After Miss Mary asked such a sentence, the tall body of the evil **** suddenly trembled slightly at this moment. In the cold wind, his burly figure was slightly bleak and lonely.

He did not look back, nor immediately answered Miss Mary's question and answer, but was silent in the cold wind.

Suddenly he heard him say without looking back: "One day, Tian'er will naturally understand what I have done!"

When the Cthulhu spoke such an inexplicable word, his tall and lonely figure had already flew up, and the two ups and downs disappeared into the endless darkness.

Cthulhu left like this!

Looking at the disappearance of the evil god, Miss Mary's eyes looked at the place where the evil **** disappeared, and she murmured: "This man is really strange..."

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