After thinking about this in the mind of Miss Mary in front of her, she suddenly flew towards Carrel and the place where Danny was staying, suddenly seeing her unfolding her figure!

She must rush back as soon as possible.

But it said that Karel and Danny were still there waiting for Miss Mary.

In the dark room, I saw Karel holding the brown leather suitcase tightly in his hands! The leather box seemed to contain some extremely valuable treasures, and Karel had been carrying it in his own hands, daring not to be careless.

Danny also sat anxiously on one side, waiting.

"It's almost an hour...Why hasn't Miss Mary come back?" Carell suddenly said silently and worried in that mouth.

As he said this, Danny next to him didn't speak, just a cold snort.

"Hey, come back soon!" Karel said again.

He was pacing the whole room with the leather suitcase in his hand, anxiously awaiting Miss Mary's return.

The night was getting darker and darker, and time passed by.

While Carrell and Danny were waiting anxiously, suddenly a gloomy cold wind blew outside, and the cold wind squeaked the door they opened.

Karel didn't know why his nose suddenly sniffed... After this sniff, he saw that his pale and bloodless face became even more ugly.

"What a heavy **** breath!" Karel suddenly yelled from his mouth.

When he said this, the strong man Danny beside him suddenly stood upright from the stool.

"What's wrong? Karel, what do you feel?" The strong man Danny in front of him looked at Karel with wide eyes.

I saw that the silver-haired Karel sniffed the **** and violent atmosphere around him with his nose, and his face suddenly changed in shock.

"They are coming..."

"They found us!" An inexplicable strange word screamed from Karel's mouth.

Then Danny asked: "Who is here?"

As Danny asked, only the silver-haired Carrell said, "The vampires of the Gangelo family are here!"

After Karel's shocked words were uttered, that strong man Danny's entire face changed in amazement!

The two of them opened a pair of horrified eyes, looking at the dark night outside!

The horrible darkness has flowed here, and I saw that Karel subconsciously clenched the brown leather suitcase tightly in his hand, looking at the endless darkness with a pair of horrified eyes.

Suddenly, with a click, the door of the room was torn open by something unknown. After the door was torn open, the four dark shadows were like ghosts, and suddenly they arrived in the room in front of them. !

Take a closer look, these four people are shocked to be the Count Spike of the Gangelo family and the other three vampires under him.

They really found it here.

After the Earl Spike of the Gangelo family and his members entered the room, Karel and Danny couldn’t help but stepped back, with a pair of eyes full of horror. Blinking at the members of the Gangelo family in front of him.

" did you find us?" Karel asked in the dark room with a trembling voice, his hands tightly clutching the brown leather suitcase.

What about Earl Spike? After hearing this Karel said so suddenly, he suddenly laughed strangely.

"It really didn't make me think that the Key of Destiny was obtained by your guys one step ahead of time!"

"However, this also saves me the extra effort to find the human evil god..." Earl Spike said to himself in a gloomy voice.

After Earl Spike finished saying this, he suddenly glanced at Carrell and Danny in front of him weirdly, and said, "Where is Mary? Why is she not here?"

Na Karel said: "What matters to you..."

"Hey... it doesn't matter what my business is, it's a pity, but it's about you." The Earl Spike continued to smile slyly there.

As Earl Spike finished speaking, he suddenly stretched out his pale and cold hand, stretched it there, and said to Carrell: "Take out the key of destiny..."

After Earl Spike said so, Karel subconsciously took a step back.

"You want the key of destiny, it is impossible! Because we have destroyed the evil key..." Carell roared.

Count Spike suddenly said coldly: "Do you think you can fool me?"

As Earl Spike said so, he suddenly took icy steps and walked step by step towards Carell and Danny in front of him.

Nakarel and Danny's face full of horror, facing Earl Spike in front of him.

"I'll give you another chance...If you don't give me the key of fate...I will let you disappear forever in this world." Earl Spike stopped there and said coldly.

Carrell and Danny in front of them had no way to retreat.

What should they do?

The shadow of death was already over the two of them, and they knew in their hearts that even if they had handed over the key of fate at this moment, they would not be able to leave here alive.

Therefore, I saw Karel's heart beaten, ready to fight to the death.

Count Na Spike already knew that Carrell and Danny in front of him would never hand over the key of fate obediently, so he stood there and sneered and said, "It seems that you are really going to die here! "

"Well, in that case, I will fulfill you!"

Earl Spike said with a gloomy smile.

"Dragon, kill them!"

Suddenly a strange word came out of Count Spike's mouth.

After Earl Spike said these words, Karel and the strong man Danny in front of them were not only startled.


Who is the dragon?

Just when Karel and the strong man Danny were shocked, a black shadow suddenly rushed towards Karel and the strong man Danny like a ghost.

The speed is such a block, and at the same time, the breath that erupts from the whole body is filled with a terrifying demon black aura.

When Karel and Danny in front of them suddenly saw an unknown black shadow attacking them, they were shocked, and their bodies quickly retreated. But this is the case, the black shadow's boundless palm strength is still It hit the strong man Danny hard.

But hearing a loud bang, the strong man flew out with a heavy blow, his body slammed into the stone table over there, and the whole stone table was instantly shattered by his body!

But he said that the strong man Danny was beaten like this, and his body flew straight up.

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