Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1954: resurrection

Following his scream, the brothers in front of him were all staring at the white vampire Mary with closed eyes at this moment, and even Situ Ningbing and Ouyang Shi who turned their heads over there. The love is also all turned around, blinking curiously and looking at the situation here.

I saw that Miss Mary's body really moved.

Moreover, the corroded wound on her shoulder suddenly stopped spreading after drinking Li Tian's blood.

The weird situation stunned the brothers.

Could blood really bring Miss Mary the vampire back to life?

Just when the brothers were all puzzled, Miss Mary suddenly tilted her head up, and then her whole mouth was sucked on Li Tian's bleeding arm.

She started to **** Li Tian's blood like crazy.

Seeing the vampire Mary grabbing Li Tian's wrist like this, and then sucking blood with her mouth, the brothers were shocked.

"Brother Tian...?" Xue Wuhen exclaimed.

Tang Xiaolong here has raised a hand, as if pushing away Miss Mary, looking at Li Tian in horror.

But Li Tian stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Xiaolong, Qiaozhi...Don't move her, let her suck! I believe she will come alive soon." Li Tian said.

Listening to what Li Tian said, the brothers were all looking at Li Tian, ​​who was sucking blood at this moment, very worried.

They are all afraid that Miss Mary will absorb Li Tian's blood, and then Li Tian may be in danger of his own life.

What about Li Tian?

As the vampire Miss Mary kept sucking his blood, his face slowly turned pale, and sweat began to appear on his head... But he tried hard to endure it! Because he must save Mary in front of him.

In this way, in the eyes of brothers, Situ Ningbing and Ouyang Shiqing, Li Tian was sucked by Miss Mary's blood bit by bit.

One minute passed.

Ten minutes passed.

Fifteen minutes passed.


As time went by, Li Tian's face became more and more ugly. At the same time, his eyes began to become blurred, and the sweat on his head soaked his hair.

"Can't suck..."

"Can't let her **** the blood of Brother Tian anymore." Seeing Li Tian's situation has become more and more ugly, the brothers are saying that at the moment.

Tang Xiaolong didn't care so much. Seeing that Li Tian's face was as pale and terrifying as paper, suddenly his whole body stepped forward, then stretched out his hand and pushed away Miss Mary's head.

"His grandmother, if he **** it, it will kill people... The little boss absolutely can't have such an accident!"

Following Tang Xiaolong's roar, but seeing that Mary was pushed away all at once, she fell onto the bed with a splash.

What about Li Tian?

Because his blood was sucked too much, he was hit by the dragon at this moment, his body suddenly became unstable, and then he staggered, and the whole person almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Situ Ningbing next to Li Tian was beside Li Tian, ​​and when she saw Li Tian tilted and wanted to fall down, she quickly hugged Li Tian in her arms.

She shouted with great concern: "Li Tian, ​​Li Tian...how are you? How are you?"

But seeing Li Tian at this moment, his eyes were a little confused, his sanity was a little unclear, and his face was as pale and ugly as a ghost.

All the brothers here rushed over and looked at Brother Tian in front of him worriedly.

I saw Li Tian's misty eyes finally opened, and said with difficulty with his lips: "Help me...get up..."

"Li Tian, ​​you are too weak, you need to rest..." Situ Ningbing persuaded Li Tiandao.

"Yes, my brother, you take a break first." The brothers here also said.

But Li Tian's temper was like a donkey, no matter who said it, he couldn't persuade him.

I saw that he shook his head hard and insisted to stand up.

The brothers had no choice but to slowly support Li Tian, ​​who was extremely weak in front of him. After the brothers helped Li Tian in front of them, they saw Li Tian glance at the vampire Mary lying on the bed.

Weak asked, "She... how is she...? Come alive...have you come alive?"

The brothers felt extremely angry at the vampire Mary at this moment because Li Tian suffered such a serious crime for that Miss Mary.

Just listen to Tang Xiaolong saying: "Why don't you care about her...you're like this for the little boss who killed this **** woman."

"Yes, I shouldn't save him." Jiang Dashan also angrily said.

After hearing them say this, Li Tian's pale mouth showed a bitter smile.

Then she didn't speak, looking at Mary the vampire lying on the bed at the moment.

I saw that the corner of the vampire Mary's mouth was covered with Li Tian's blood, but her eyes were still tightly closed there.

Just when the brothers thought that this vampire Mary would not wake up like this, suddenly the vampire Mary, who had fainted for a long time, suddenly opened his eyes at this moment.

She is alive.

Mary the vampire really came alive.

After Miss Mary opened her jewel-like blue eyes all of a sudden, the brothers were stunned for a moment, looking at her in disbelief.


Suddenly a word came out from the corner of the vampire Mary's mouth.

But seeing her also looked at Li Tian with a pair of unbelievable eyes, especially when she saw the blood on Li Tian's arm, she was even more astonished.

Then her pupils widened for an instant, and a hand suddenly touched the corner of her mouth.

In the blink of an eye, it was blood... it was scarlet human blood...

At this moment, Miss Mary understood it instantly, and she finally understood how she came alive.

"Lee...this...this...this is your blood? You used your blood...save...save me...?" Mary the vampire, her eyes widened unbelievably as she looked in front of her face. Li Tiandao, pale, extremely weak.

After seeing Miss Mary sober, Li Tian didn't mention how happy she was.

The brothers were also completely shocked there.

They never expected that Mary, the vampire who was like a dead body just now, would wake up so quickly in less than half an hour, and from her tone of voice and power to speak, her body seemed to have recovered. It seems like more than 70%.

Oh my God, the recovery speed of vampires is so fast, especially when they drink human blood.

What about Li Tian? But he didn’t care about the greetings. After Mary was sober, Li Tian stepped forward. His body was already extremely weak at the moment. When he took this step, his whole person almost fell down. Got there.

"Mary, tell me... Tell me, what happened to my father? What did you mean by the last sentence before you passed out?" Li Tian asked quickly.

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