Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1982: Before the war (2)

When the brothers saw that Mary jumped in first, at this moment you look at me, I look at you, there is a helpless look on their faces.

"What are you waiting for...jump."

Chen Qiaozhi in front of him said to the brothers.

After speaking, I saw Chen Qiaozhi pinching his nose deeply, and then slowly walking towards the side of the smelly sewer, then stretched out two feet, tried the depth of the sewer, and then moved forward. He jumped down.

With a plop, Chen Qiaozhi fell from above.

Below is the stagnant stagnant water, and Chen Qiaozhi accidentally fell into the stagnant water.

He breathed hard, struggling to get up, pinching his nose tightly.

"Qiaozhi, are you okay?" The brother above heard Chen Qiaozhi's thumping voice and asked worriedly.

But seeing Chen Qiaozhi trying hard to breathe a breath of air, shouting with his mouth open, "I'm fine..."

"It's deep down here. When you jump down, be careful." Chen Qiaozhi told the brothers.

Brigadier Wang Zhen, Xue Wuhen, and that silly man on the top all said good after hearing Chen Qiaozhi's voice, so they all slowly jumped off from above.

This Chen Qiaozhi had already jumped down at this moment, he couldn't care about slapping the dirty and smelly stagnant water on his body, because he had already seen that the underground sewer was so spacious and so deep.

The height of the sewer is almost two meters high, and the space distance is huge. Although there are pools of dead and smelly stagnant water left behind, the sewer is indeed very deep and deep, and it is almost impossible to see the innermost part of it. .

With the sound of thumping, but seeing the brothers have jumped down from the entrance of the sewer one by one.

After jumping down, they both pinched their noses depressed, and muttered in their mouths, "It smells so..."


Even the silly man over there not only frowned depressed, and shouted that it was too smelly here.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, everyone." Suddenly Mary said to the brothers.

After hearing what Mary said, the brothers closed their mouths one by one. Although they closed their mouths, they still complained in their hearts. It was too smelly.

"Follow me and don't speak loudly. This sewer is closed all around, and the sound transmission effect is particularly good. If there is any movement, the vampires of the Gangelo family will definitely hear it." Mary told the brothers in front of her .

After hearing what Miss Mary said, the brothers nodded there one by one.

I saw them follow Miss Mary in front of me like that, and began to move forward slowly.

As they continued to move forward, the brothers were surprised to find that the sewer was really deep and huge. At first they thought it was shallow and short, but now it seems they are really wrong.

And not only that, the sewers extend in all directions, connecting all the underground sewers in the Bund City, so they criss-cross. If you make a mistake, you may not be able to figure it out.

The brothers endured the stench and followed Mary like that.

But when Mary in front of her reached the three crossing sewer crossings in front, she paused slightly.

Her jewel-like blue eyes took a look there, then pointed to the gloomy sewer opening in the middle and said, "This."

The brothers didn't ask why, what did Mary say, they just followed.

So they followed Miss Mary to the dark sewer in the middle.


"His Royal Highness, there has been a movement... I have found a movement." A voice suddenly came from the dark and damp inside.

It was the vampire of the Gangaro family who spoke.

At this moment, I saw his figure quickly arrived in front of Count Spike.

Count Spike was sitting in a place with a cup of scarlet blood in his hand. While drinking, he sneered in the dark and said: "I've noticed it a long time ago."

"Mary, and the group of people surnamed Li are here!" A word came out of his mouth.

"His Royal Highness is really wise. I didn't expect that they would come..." The vampire of the Gangaro family was flattering there.

Earl Spike said, "Of course."

"The show is about to begin."

"Now you go to seduce Mary and the group of people surnamed Lee... Come in quickly... Remember, where should you go? You should know it well, right?" Earl Spike was suddenly there in front of him. Said with a smile.

The vampire under his staff smiled strangely: "The subordinates know, I will seduce them now."

After speaking, his body flashed suddenly and quickly left here.

But seeing Earl Spike drank a large cup of blood in his hand, his eyes became brighter as the blood of those people drank, and he muttered while looking at the dark entrance in front of him. : "Death is coming..."


Here, the brothers have followed Miss Mary through four or five sewers several hundred meters long.

They endured the extreme stench and walked slowly through the sewers where the stagnant water was silting. No one complained, no one spoke loudly.

Suddenly when they were walking forward, Miss Mary suddenly stretched out her hand and said to the brothers, "Stop!"

After hearing Mary suddenly say this, the brothers were taken aback, all stopped, and raised their eyes to look at Mary in front of them in wonder.

No one knew what was happening...and they didn't ask immediately.

I saw that Mary was listening carefully with her ears sideways...

"Come... here... they are here..."

Suddenly a strange word came out of Miss Mary's mouth.

When Miss Mary suddenly said this, the faces of the brothers changed in shock.

"What's coming?" Suddenly, Brigadier Wang Zhen asked.

But seeing that Mary suddenly turned her head, looked at him and said: "The Gangelo Family."

When she was shocked to hear what Mary said, Na Jiang Dashancang pulled out the sharp knife in his waist with a cry, and held it tightly in the palm of his hand.

Brigadier Wang Zhen in front of him also took out his gun!

The brothers stayed there with all their faces cautiously, because everyone knew that the vampire was not a vicious character that was easy to deal with.

"Everyone, be careful, they are getting closer and closer." Suddenly Miss Mary said.

Her ears had already heard the movement from the place in front, and she had already smelled her own kind of breath in her nose, which was peculiar to vampires, so she told her brothers here.

After listening, the brothers all nodded quickly, and then leaned against the dirty stone wall of the sewer, holding weapons tightly in their hands and waiting.

I saw the sound of a strong wind coming from the dark sewer in front of it, as if something was coming quickly.

The brothers were breathing, opening their eyes and waiting, waiting for the danger to come.

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