Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1987: Brave

When the brothers saw it, the ground was completely cracked, and they were shocked at the moment, and their bodies kept retreating. They all stared at this scene in disbelief!

They really can't believe that there is such a terrifying skill in the world.

However, they don't know that this is just the beginning.

As the whole ground cracked and shook, I saw a thunderous sound suddenly coming out of the whole trampled ground, as if there were 10,000 giant beasts running wildly there.

Whether it was Situ Xuan or Chen Qiaozhi in front of them, their eyes widened and looked at the cracks in the ground... they looked scared.

Because of the crack in the ground, it seemed like something terrible was about to emerge.

Yes, just as they stared at the wet and slippery cracked ground, a terrible cry suddenly came out.

The cry was definitely not a human being, but a certain beast.

Along with the terrifying cry, a beast with fangs and a boar-like body suddenly emerged from the fission crack in the ground...

Although its body is said to be like a wild boar, it is completely different from a wild boar, because its eyes are green, like a beast in the underworld.

And behind it, there is a monster with a body like a cow. The monster is red all over, like a blazing flame, with three pointed horns on its head, and a pair of eyes exudes terror. Green also burst out from the cracked ground.

Followed by a group of horrible monsters that the world has never seen before!

After the appearance of these monsters, they ran into the brothers fiercely.

The way of animal life originates from darkness, and Buddhism says: Animals are the birds of all things, eating meat, grass, and bones.

And Long Yin in front of him used the most violent animal way among the six magic arts.

Seeing so many terrifying monsters suddenly appeared from the ground, the brothers in front of them were completely shocked.

They all opened their eyes wide, looking at this scene that had never been imagined in shock!

This is not a dream, it is a fact.

Seeing those strange beasts rushing towards them frantically, only one of Chen Qiao's exclamations was heard: "Hurry up and avoid..."

Accompanied by his yell, the brothers stretched out and quickly dodged the impact of the monsters.

Na Xue Wuhen endured the stinging pain in her body, her body flew up suddenly, avoiding the monster that was flushed with flames...

What about Situ Xuan on the other side, and the brothers? At this time, quickly find a place to dodge.

Among them, there were two soldiers under Wang Zhen. Because they were too weak, they were hit by the strange beast...


With a scream of horror, only one of the soldiers screamed, and then turned to see that his body had been pierced by the monster with three horns on his head.

The blood began to flow down his body continuously, but what about the alien beast? It is a crazy run.

The other soldier, seeing that his companion was hit to death by these terrifying monsters, was shocked at the moment, and quickly took out his gun and shot at the alien beasts that rushed over.

The banging bullet hit the monsters. There was a painful neighing sound from the monsters’ mouths. At the same time, a thick yellow mucus liquid came out from the place where it was hit. It seemed to be blood, but it didn’t step back. He ran into him fiercely.

With a bang, the soldier did not even scream, and the whole body was trampled under his feet by groups of monsters, and he was trampled into meat sauce to death.

Seeing that there were so many terrifying monsters emerging from the ground, and rushing towards them frantically, the brothers were all dumbfounded.

"Gosh, what should I do?"

"What the **** is this?" They said one by one in horror.

Here, Brigadier Wang Zhen was closely chased by three strange beasts. Brigadier Wang Zhen rushed lifelessly, but the three strange beasts behind were chasing him desperately, as if he wanted to kill the king alive. Looks like.

As Wang Zhen ran wildly, he took a gun and shot one of the strange animals in the head.

With a scream, the strange beast was hit in the head, sputtering a thick yellow disgusting gory mucus, and then fell to the ground with a thump, but the two monsters behind were still chasing Wang Zhen lifelessly.

Seeing that Wang Zhen was about to be hit by the monster...just at a critical juncture, suddenly a huge figure rushed over.

Then I saw a steel fist that was as fierce as an iron hammer, banging on the body of one of the giant beasts with a bang, and a scream of pain came out, the monster was directly thrown into the sky and rolled to the ground. Aside.

And what about the other monster? When he saw his own kind being beaten to the side, his aquamarine eyes suddenly stopped the huge figure in front of him!

He is a silly man who is more than two meters tall, Ouyang Man!

It turned out that Ouyang Man made the move, and he saved the brigade commander Wang Zhen in front of him.

Brigadier Wang Zhen's pale and scared face saw that it was the silly man who had saved his life, and he was shocked at the moment: "Maner..."

But seeing the silly man's burly and huge body standing there like a god, clenching his fists tightly, blocking the front of the brigade commander Wang Zhen.

And that strange beast?

Look carefully, the alien beast has sharp thorns on its four feet, its head is like a bull's head, but its eyes are green, its body is as majestic as a rhino, and the heat exhaling from its mouth carries a billowing heat wave. , The silly man in front of that fierce stare.

It's like a matchup.

And what about silly men? Not flinching at all, not afraid at all.

Suddenly, seeing the strange beast, a claw struck the silly man's head suddenly, and the silly man's foot slammed on the ground, and the whole person swooped up like an arrow, grabbed by two thick arms. He took the terrifying claws of the strange beast, and then tried his best, but after hearing a click, the silly man broke a claw of the strange beast alive!

The monster screamed in pain...

The other paw wanted to attack Silly Man'er, but the Silly Man'er didn't give him a chance. One foot suddenly slammed on the other paw of the monster, and then, like a giant bear, he immediately brought the size of a rhino in front of him. The strange beast fell to the ground, and the silly man's body knelt on the fallen beast with one leg, and two fists hit the monster's head like a storm.

Bang bang bang

There was a terrible roar, and then the monster whimpered twice, fell to the ground, and was smashed to death by the silly man.

Its head was smashed by silly man, like a cracked watermelon.

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