Everyone was stunned there, looking at the scene before them speechlessly.

Over there is Long Yin whose devilish energy has increased sharply. Although he was punched by the silly man's Zhigang fist, Long Yin has a strong devilish body, so although Man'er's circle is extremely strong, But it didn't hurt that Long Yin either.

But what about Maner?

how is he?

The brothers looked at the motionless silly man with worried eyes.

The silly man stood there like a mountain, with a weird expression on his face, standing there without moving or talking.

Was he really safe and sound after just hitting the horrible palm of Long Yin?


The worried brothers here couldn't help calling out.

As they called out, the silly man's body finally moved, and he slowly turned around, and his silly eyes glanced at the brothers in front of him...

Then a very weird smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

When the brothers saw this weird smile in Man'er's mouth, all of them were startled, and an invisible premonition surged up.

Just when they wanted to ask Man'er how he was, they suddenly saw that Man'er's huge body with a smile on his mouth suddenly began to tremble...

Then he banged, his legs softened, and his whole body knelt on the ground.

Blood, scarlet blood flowed out of Man'er's mouth, and he knelt on the ground, unable to get up again!

The unparalleled strength of the world can hardly defeat the terrifying Long Yin in the end.


Seeing Man'er seriously injured all of a sudden, the brothers screamed and ran to the silly Man'er quickly.

As they rushed over, a large pool of blood had already shed on the ground.

Silly Man'er knelt there, as if it was difficult to even speak, with one hand covering the position of his heart, and the other hand supporting the ground, weakly looking at the brothers: "I... I...it hurts...it hurts..."

Looking at Man'er so painfully, the eyes of Jiang Dashan and Xue Wuhen were red.

"Man'er, don't talk... You hold back the pain... hold back, you must hold back." One of Chen Qiao here comforted him while supporting the silly Man'er.

Xue Wuhen also held the other side of Silly Man's tightly and dragged it towards the back.


In the dark space, I saw two pairs of extremely vicious eyes staring at the situation in front of him unblinkingly.

There is no human emotion in those two pairs of bloodthirsty eyes. It's not because of anything else, just because they are not human! Not human at all.

They are vampires.

They are vampire members of the Gangaro family.

"His Royal Highness, when shall we take action?" Suddenly, only the vampire of the Gangaluo family asked ferociously.

Count Naspike shook his head slightly, and said, "No hurry."

"There are still too few people dead now. Before the time has come, these ignorant humans will soon kill each other again." Earl Spike stood there suddenly whistling.

The vampire in front of him said: "It seems that the dragon is really powerful, and so many of them can hardly be his opponent."

Count Spike coldly looked at the devilish Long Yin, and said angrily: "Don't worry, someone will come to clean him up."

"Don't forget, that Li hasn't appeared yet."

The vampire said: "His Royal Highness, but it seems that Li has not come this time?"

Count Naspike looked at the dark night, and suddenly a weird smile flashed at the corner of his mouth, saying: "Quickly, quickly, I believe him, he will definitely come."

In the endless darkness, will Li Tianzhen be like Earl Spike said, come? Come to save the brothers?

No one knows.


I saw that the battle here has lasted to the end.

Silly Man'er had already been defeated, and now he was seriously injured and supported by his brothers.

And what about Long Yin? He didn't suffer any injuries at all, on the contrary, the terrifying demonic nature of his body had been thoroughly aroused.

His eyes are now full of terrible killing gazes.

He wants to kill, he wants to kill crazy.

"Take it to death, you guys." A sharp roar suddenly screamed from Long Yin's mouth.

His whole person has become inhumane, and he only knows bloodthirsty to kill at this moment.

Seeing that Long Yin had completely lost his humanity, the brothers here were not only afraid.

But seeing that Situ Xuan, resisted at the forefront, and said to the brothers: "I'll stop him...you try to save Senior Cthulhu."

"Qiao Zhi, you take Man'er back."

Xue Wuhen here also rushed over after hearing Situ Xuan's words.

"I will resist this demon together with you."

"I'm coming too." Jiang Dashan at the moment also ran over.

Today, the only people on the field who can continue to fight are Na Situ Xuan, the seriously injured Xue Wuhen, Jiang Dashan and Na Wang Zhen.

Wang Zhen obviously lost to the demon dragon Yin here, so he could only put it at the back.

And the only person who can hold up the beam is currently Na Situ Xuan.

The enchanted Long Yin had already approached his brothers step by step with a step of destruction.

With each step, the brothers’ hearts become heavier, because everyone knows that this is a critical moment of life and death.

"Fight, fight with this demon." I saw Xue Wuhen, who bit his head, said there.

Jiang Dashan in front of him also shouted sharply, "Yes, it's a big deal, he will die..."

With a mortal attitude, the brothers faced Long Yin, who was walking towards them step by step like a **** of death.


With a scream, from the mouth of Xue Wuhen in front of him, he insisted on taking the fight with his mortal determination.

Situ Xuan beside him, and Jiang Dashan just like him.

In this way, the three of them rushed towards that Long Yin with a belief that they would die.

They are desperate, even if it is their own lives, they have to buy time so that Mary and Brigadier Wang Zhen can rescue the evil **** in front of them...

With that Xue Wuhen, Jiang Dashan and Situ Xuan rushing towards that Long Yin, Long Yin's eyes became bloodthirsty black, and his eyes were filled with endless killing.

"Things looking for death, since I want to die, I will fulfill you."

Accompanied by Long Yin's roar, his violent devilish body was intertwined with the bodies of his brothers.

The **** battle began.

Seeing that Xue Wuhen and Situ Xuan and Jiang Dashan are delaying this time with their lives here, Chen Qiaozhi here sternly said: "Wang Zhen, Mary, go and save Senior Cthulhu..."

Wang Zhen and Mary had already made all preparations. As the **** battle started over there, they saw Mary's body swish into the rusty iron house in front of them.

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