Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1996: Dragon Awakening

Its head was 34 meters large, its eyes were burning flames, and its mouth was still blazing fire, and the black dragon scales all over it came out of the ground like steel.

As the dragon, which was almost ten feet tall, rose from the ground, there was a roar that roared.

The terrifying howling sound pierced the ears of the brothers, and the buzzing pain in their ears was uncomfortable...

No way, the sound is terrible.

It was as if this monster hidden deep in the underworld was venting some resentment.

With the appearance of this devil dragon, I saw that crazy devil dragon Yin suddenly stretched his body, and his whole person fell on the huge entire back.

The devilish energy in his body increased dramatically, and the whole person seemed to merge with the dragon in front of him.

Standing on the back of the black dragon, he suddenly screamed: "The kid surnamed Li, I want to see who you are better today!"

"I want you to see the true power of my six magic arts.

Cruel and cruel words came from Long Yin's mouth, and his people were standing on a devil dragon over ten feet high.

At the moment, the huge dragon was spitting flames, staring at the blood-colored Li Tian in front of him.

The ultimate showdown.

The six magic powers are immeasurable to Maha.


A roar of anger came out of that Long Yin's mouth, his black pupils no longer had any human emotions, but only the terrifying demon nature of the cruelty and the breath of slaughter.

When he screamed, he saw that the magic dragon suddenly roared to the world, as if to destroy all things, and suddenly stretched out its huge black claws to grab the **** Li Tian.

Facing the huge black claw like a mountain, Li Tian dodges quickly.

With a bang, the black giant claws of the magic dragon didn't catch Li Tian's body, but slammed on the ground abruptly, and the entire hard ground was suddenly smashed into a huge hole.

My God, if such a fierce and terrifying giant claw really hit Li Tian, ​​he wouldn't be able to directly smash him into plasma.

But he said that as Li Tian just dodged the fatal blow, suddenly another giant claw of the magic dragon slammed at him again.

Li Tian continued to dodge with his flexible body skills.

With a loud bang, the ground next to it was smashed to pieces.

Long Yin, who was standing on the back of the black scale armor of the magic dragon, looked at Li Tian, ​​who was constantly fleeing, and laughed wildly: "Smelly boy, I see you fleeing there..."

He said, but saw that the magic dragon rushed towards Li Tiankue like crazy.

Li Tian dodges lifelessly, but if he is like this, he is also forced to be uncomfortable.

But seeing that his **** light was getting weaker and weaker, facing such a huge monster, Li Tian had no other way.

There is only one dead end after consumption.

Which human being can consume more energy than the terrifying dragon that is nearly one foot tall in front of him?

So if Li Tian keeps evading like this, the result is only one word: death!

Li Tian, ​​who was full of blood at this moment, seemed to know this, but after seeing him once again dodge the magic dragon's blow, he suddenly flew a few meters away, and then roared, his hands began to use Xuantian fingering.

But seeing his five fingers stretched out, the **** and index finger shot out a few energy quickly.

Xuantian **** is weird and extremely fast.

At this moment, swish and swish towards the body of the magic dragon.

Bang Bang Bang... When Li Tian's Xuantian **** hit the body of the Devil Dragon, the black scale armor all over the Devil Dragon blocked Li Tian's Xuantian **** power like steel.

Li Tian's Xuantian **** could not harm the terrifying behemoth in front of him.

When Li Tian's Xuantian **** didn't do anything at all, the magic dragon rumbling, the giant claws suddenly caught Li Tian.

Li Tian quickly dodged, but he didn't want to hit the giant dragon's giant claws so quickly. Before Li Tian had enough time to escape, he was swept away by the giant claws.

With a bang, Li Tian's body was suddenly swept out, and he fell behind.

Bang, his body fell heavily to the ground.

"Tian'er!" Seeing Li Tian being hit by the magic dragon, the evil **** in front of him screamed and worried.

That is his biological son after all!

Seeing his own son suffered such a severe injury, who can not feel bad?

But the current Cthulhu's muscles and veins were blocked alive, and he couldn't move at all... so he could only scream in pain.

Here Xue Wuhen and the surviving Chen Qiaozhi, Brigadier Wang Zhen, were also stunned when they saw Li Tianbei hitting the plane.

"Brother Tian... Brother Tian... can't beat that monster?" Xue Wuhen said in that mouth as if he was dumbfounded.

But what about Li Tian at this moment? He was indeed hurt by the monster dragon.

But Li Tian didn't fall down. After he fell down, he flew up suddenly and quickly.

At this moment, when the magic dragon saw Li Tian standing up again, he slammed his giant claws at Li Tian again, extremely terrifying.

Originally thought Li Tian would dodge him quickly, but an accident happened. This time Li Tian didn't avoid the giant claws of the magic dragon, but stood still and faced the dragon head on.

Oh my god, his power alone, is he going to fight the monster in front of him?


Li Tianguo really wanted to do this.

I saw Li Tian who was full of blood at this moment, when he watched the giant claws of the magic dragon hit him, he couldn't avoid it.

Everyone felt that Li Tian was crazy, because everyone felt that carrying the Devil Dragon like this was undoubtedly dying.

Just when the giant claws of the Devil Dragon smashed towards Li Tian, ​​he saw Li Tian's body suddenly moved and swish, but seeing the blood shadow shaking, his body dodged to the side at an extremely fast speed. .

After avoiding the violent blow of the Devil Dragon, Li Tian's body suddenly soared, flying as high as the Devil Dragon.

At the moment his body suddenly flew up, the dragon in front of him suddenly attacked Li Tian again, but what about Li Tian? At this moment, all the countermeasures have been planned.

His hands suddenly used his Xuantian **** again.

Isn't his Xuantian **** useless to the magic dragon? Why is it used again?

It turned out that Li Tian used a very clever method this time.

I saw that this time his Xuantian **** was not aimed at the black iron-like scales of the dragon, but at the giant eyes of the dragon that exuded flames.

Swishing Xuantian pointed fiercely at the eyes of the dragon.

The black scale armor of the dragon's body was like steel, but the eyes were the weakest part of its body.

I saw that with Li Tian's Xuantian fingering, it shot into the eyes of the magic dragon... Suddenly, I saw the magic dragon let out a painful cry.

The sound of howl pierced the black night, and the whole earth seemed to shake for it

It hurts, it gets angry.

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