Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2015: White lie

"But are we just waiting like this? Waiting for everything to happen, and then doing nothing?" Tang Xiaolong said angrily.

Chen Qiaozhi sighed deeply, "At present, it can only be so.

After Chen Qiaozhi said so, Tang Xiaolong was speechless.

Suddenly Xue Wuhen, who was in the car, stared with blood-red eyes, and suddenly said, "Have you noticed it? There is one missing corpse..."

Suddenly a strange word came out of Xue Wuhen's mouth.

After he said this, the Chen Qiaozhi and Tang Xiaolong in front of them were not only taken aback, they turned their heads and looked suspiciously at the solemn Xue Wuhen at the moment and said, "Wuhen, what did you say?"

"I said just now we only cared about the bodies of our brothers...but we didn't find the body of another bastard." Xue Wuhen suddenly clenched his fists in front of him.

"Who?" Tang Xiaolong asked in surprise.

Xue Wuhen said with anger all over: "Long Yin... **** devil Long Yin."

When Xue Wuhen said such a sentence, the brothers in front of him were stunned for a moment.

"Devil Dragon Yin?" Tang Xiaolong called out.

Then Chen Qiaozhi suddenly frowned, and suddenly thought of the scene of the corpse just now in his mind. At the moment, when he stepped on the brakes, the car that was driving rapidly hissed and stopped there.

But seeing his face was shocked and said, "Yes..."

"Where is the corpse of the **** surnamed Long?" Chen Qiaozhi was also shocked at the moment.

When the three of them mentioned that Long Yin's corpse, they all stared at each other.

Yes, apart from the corpses of the three brothers in the scene just now, why didn't you see the body of the demon head surnamed Long?

You must know that he is also a human...not like Spike and other vampires... After those vampires die, they turn to ashes, but Long Yin is a human, what about his corpse?

After thinking about this in shock, the brothers saw Tang Xiaolong suddenly say: "Could it be... that **** **** is not dead?"

"Nonsense! How could it be possible?" Chen Qiaozhi said furiously.

Xue Wuhen here also said: "Yes, the man named Long was clearly slapped on the cover of the sky spirit by the palm of his brother, and he was beaten to death. How could he not die?"

The death of Long Yin, the brothers in front of this is the most clear, so at this moment the possibility that Long Yin did not die can be ruled out.

Long Yin is indeed dead.

"But what about the corpse of the **** surnamed Long?" Tang Xiaolong questioned there.

As he asked like this, the brothers in front of him also stayed there, and no one knew where the body of Long Yin went.

Without their knowledge, Chen Qiaozhi suddenly murmured, "Unless...unless...unless someone deliberately took his body away."

In what Chen Qiaozhi said, Tang Xiaolong and Xue Wuhen in front of him were all incredulous.


"Who would take away the corpse of the **** surnamed Long? Besides, even if they take away the corpse of Long Yin, what are they going to do?" Tang Xiaolong said in a very uncomprehending way.

Xue Wuhen nodded there too, expressing agreement.

But seeing Chen Qiaozhi said: "I don't know this...but I think that the disappearance of Long Yin's body must have some kind of great conspiracy, after all, that demon was so terrifying before his death."

After Chen Qiaozhi uttered such a few words, the brothers were all silent there.

Although they all thought it was strange that Long Yin's body was missing, they couldn't figure out why. After a moment of contemplation, Chen Qiaozhi then started the car again, then stepped on the gas pedal, and the car began to drive back on the way back.

Soon, the brothers went back.

When the brothers came back, Situ Ningbing and Duanmuying Ouyang Shiqing were all standing outside waiting for them.

After seeing them come back, they all walked over quickly.

Situ Ningbing's pretty face was filled with extreme sadness, and her heart was infinitely sad for the death of her own brother.

Last night, this stupid girl has not slept. She has been worried about Li Tian and mourned the death of her brother. The tears almost drenched the pillow... Now her eyes were red and swollen, and she ran over quickly.

"Qiao Zhi, how... have you found the corpse of my brother?" Situ Ningbing's voice was already a little hoarse, looking at the three of them there.

Chen Qiaozhi, Xue Wuhen and Tang Xiaolong, who came out of the car here, didn't know how to answer Situ Ningbing when they heard Situ Ningbing's words!

After all, Situ Xuan's corpse has been ruined in that way. If you tell Situ Ningbing, who is sad at this moment,...wouldn't it hit her harder?

When the silly Tang Xiaolong was about to tell the status of Situ Xuan's body, he saw Chen Qiaozhi walked over there first, and said, "Miss Ningbing...Don't be sad... Situ Xuan's body , We have found it, and have been buried safely..."

Chen Qiaozhi didn't tell the decay of Situ Xuan's body, he told a lie.

It's just that this lie is indeed a white lie.

After hearing Chen Qiaozhi's words, both Xue Wuhen and Tang Xiaolong understood his good intentions, so they didn't say much at this moment.

After all, people are already dead...Why do you need to tell those sad people?

After hearing what Chen Qiaozhi said, Situ Ningbing's eyes blushed, and he looked at Chen Qiaozhi in front of him: "Then, thank you."

Chen Qiaozhi said: "Miss Ningbing is polite..."

"Situ Xuan and I were already good brothers... It's nothing to do this."

After Situ Ningbing finally heard that his elder brother's body had been buried in the soil, he finally let go of a wish in his heart.

After Chen Qiaozhi told Situ Ningbing a white lie, he brought Tang Xiaolong and Xue Wuhen back to the room.

In the innermost place, I saw Cthulhu still struggling to stay beside Li Tian's hospital bed.

This day and night, the Cthulhu hadn't left Li Tian's bedside for a moment.

He kept guarding his son like that, holding the cold hand tightly with that hand from beginning to end.

Li Tian on the hospital bed was like a dead person, his whole body was completely cold, and his face was as pale as a dead person without blood. The place in the neck that was bitten by the vampire showed signs of decay at this moment, but it was not serious. .

He lay there like a dead person, motionless, not breathing a bit, nor any heartbeat.

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