Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2037: Can't remember anything

As the fairy Baihua said so, the soldier quickly took the fairy Baihua and the brothers in front of him to the gate of the military area.

At this moment, their hearts are filled with unspeakable excitement, because so far no one knows whether the doorway is really Duguxie and ghost servants?

After all, that Duguxie and the ghost servant had been poisoned by extremely terrifying puppets before? And they haven't been sober for a long, long time.

Now, the soldier in front of him said that Duguxie and the ghost servant were not only sober, but also standing outside the military area gate of the North China Field Army. Of course, the brothers in front of him and the Baihua Fairy were unbelievable.

Soon, but when I saw my brothers, I saw the gate of the North China Field Military Region.

From a distance, you can see two tall figures standing at that doorway.

One of them is burly, with a face like steel, only one hand is exposed outside the sleeve, and the other hand is empty... Obviously, he has only one hand.

The other man standing beside him gave a black feeling all over. His face was covered with a terrible grimace mask, and a pair of bright and sharp eyes were exposed on the mask, standing motionless. One hand behind the burly man.

Who are these two people?

They are the Duguxie and ghost servants.

They said that the brothers were originally with a look that was not convinced, but when they reached the gate of the North China Field Army and saw two figures in the doorway and ears, they were stunned for a moment and stunned.

"My master... Senior Dugu?" Tang Xiaolong was the first to call out in disbelief.

He saw it, saw Duguxie and the ghost servant in that far place.

Besides, with Tang Xiaolong's scream, the Fairy Baihua and Chen Qiaozhi and Xue Wuhen were all shocked there.

Everyone gazed at it, and really saw the figure of Duguxie and the ghost servant in the front.

At the moment he saw it, Fairy Baihua was equally excited and cried out.

"Second brother, fourth brother..."

"Oh my god, my second and fourth brothers are finally back... they really come alive..." Fairy Baihua's whole expression was so excited... so happy.

When Chen Qiaozhi and Xue Wuhen also watched this scene, their faces showed stunned expressions.

I didn't expect it to be true.

Duguxie and ghost servants just appeared suddenly! ! !

And the two are actually sober...! ! !

What happened to them? Who saved them? All of this is a huge question for my brothers.

I saw Tang Xiaolong running towards this side quickly while shouting in his mouth: "Master, Senior Dugu..."

With the familiar voice of Tang Xiaolong in front of him, it suddenly spread into the ears of Duguxie and the ghost servant standing at the gate of the military area, but seeing that ghost servant and Duguxie petrified there instantly.

"Xiaolong,?" The same shocking words came out of the ghost servant and Duguxie's mouth.

They never expected Tang Xiaolong and his brothers to be here.

When they saw Tang Xiaolong all of a sudden, they were surprised to find that behind Tang Xiaolong not only Chen Qiaozhi but also Xue Wuhen, even the Baihua Fairy was there.

"Three sisters?"

"Second brother, my third sister is also here?" The ghost servant looked at the flying fairy Baihua in disbelief.

I saw that Duguxie was also completely shocked, and his eyes were stunned, looking at the brothers and Fairy Baihua who had arrived at the moment.

"Xiaolong... Wuhen... Third Sister?" Duguxie said in front of him, completely excited.

"Master, Senior Dugu!"

I saw that Tang Xiaolong had already run over here first, his eyes were almost crying with excitement.

After rushing out of the military zone, he picked up the weak ghost servant in front of him.

"Master... I want to kill you!"

Tang Xiaolong in front of him tightly hugged the ghost servant in front of him.

The ghost servant also hugged Tang Xiaolong tightly at this moment, with indescribable excitement in his heart.

I saw Fairy Baihua walking over here with red eyes, looking at the incredible Duguxie at this moment.

"Second brother...fourth brother...is it really you?" The fairy Baihua in front of him was speechless with horror.

That Duguxie looked at Fairy Baihua and said, "Sanmei, what happened? How come you are in the North China field army?"

"Second brother, you are poisoned, don't you know?"

"There are four younger brothers... he is also poisoned... You two have been in a coma after being poisoned for a long time... Second brother, how did you wake up? Which expert rescued you?" The fairy Baihua was also in front of him. Asked there.

When Duguxie and the ghost servant in front of him heard it, they were completely dumbfounded.


"Sister, what are you talking about? You said that my second brother and I were poisoned?" Ghost servant looked at the fairy Baihua in disbelief.

The fairy Baihua said in a daze, "You, you, don't you know anything?"

I saw that Duguxie stunned and said, "Sanmei, you can make it clear, what happened..."

"The fourth child and I are so dizzy... Can't remember anything... The only thing we remember is that everyone is in Binjiang City... And... And... We have to deal with the gate of hell." evil ways.

After hearing Duguxie and the ghost servant say this, Baihua Fairy instantly understood.

"Second brother...fourth brother, it turns out...it turns out that you don't know anything about it for almost two months!!!" Fairy Baihua said in shock.

At this moment, Tang Xiaolong looked at the ghost servant in total astonishment and said: "Master, don't you remember that you were poisoned? You were poisoned by that **** **** gate master?"

The ghost servant turned his mind and thought about it with his dizzy head there: "I...I...I only remember that the young master and I were caught by that **** **** gate."

"After that, I don't know anything..."

"By the way, Xiaolong, where is Young Master?"

"Did the young master escape the gate of hell?" The ghost servant in front of him was still worried about Li Tiandao.

After hearing the words of the ghost servant and the Duguxie, the brothers and Fairy Baihua were all stunned.


They don't know anything!

It seemed that they had been in a coma for more than two months, and their heads were completely blank... They didn't even know about Li Tian.

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