Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2046: Horror killing

The corpse was dead, and the neck had been bitten off, and Li Tian's blood was sucked up.

Seeing this, I understood why these savages had to imprison Li Tian. It turned out that Li Tian had sucked up the blood of those among them.

But he said that after the barbarians pushed out the huge wooden cage at this moment, the barbarians screamed one by one, their voices were harsh and unpleasant...

While they were screaming frantically, they were jumping around the cage that held Li Tian, ​​as if they were crazy.

And what about Li Tian who mutated into a vampire?

He didn't move from start to finish. He seemed to have eaten and sucked blood. At this moment, there was a sense of satisfaction in his bloodthirsty pupils. It was as if he was resting in the cage and indifferent after he was full. .

Facing the frantic roar of these savages, he never revealed his terrible and brutal vampire temperament from beginning to end.

He just stayed there quietly, holding up those horrible vampire eyes, and staring at the barbarians in front of them.

However, in the midst of the roar of these savages, the leading savage suddenly screamed.

After his screaming, the barbarians who were screaming crazily suddenly stopped one by one.

"Jili Guru Garduxi..." his incomprehensible native words came out of his mouth.

As he said so, only a few of the barbarians crawled and quickly reached his side, and then grumbled a bunch of unintelligible words.

Then after they finished speaking, they quickly found wood and dry wood from all around.

After they barbarians found the dry wood and wood, they all piled up in a pile, and then piled it around the wooden cage that Li Tian was holding.

What are these guys doing?

After they piled up all the dry wood around the cage that Li Tian was wearing, the leader swiftly crawled over, and then took out two flints from his arms.

He wants to ignite... This barbarian actually wants to ignite these woods, and then he wants to bake Li Tian in the cage?

OMG, he was going to burn Li Tian!

Besides, after this guy escaped from the Flint, the group of barbarians around began to scream one by one. They seemed to be excited and screaming.

A loud scream screamed in their mouths.

And from start to finish? Li Tian, ​​who mutated into a vampire, didn't respond to them, but just stayed silently, as if he didn't want to respond to these barbarians.

The lead barbarian was bent, and there was flint.

Bang bang ......

With a bang, the flint burned the dry wood.

As the dry wood suddenly burned, Li Tian, ​​who had been still in the wooden cage, suddenly jumped up, his bloodthirsty and brutal eyes, looking at the raging fire.

He seemed to know that these barbarians were going to burn themselves with fire.

Besides, all the dry wood piled around Li Tian's cage had already started to burn...The raging flames kept jumping into Li Tian's cage.

And those savages? Also began to sing, jump, and roar around the fire.

They seemed to be cheering and celebrating.

But what about Li Tian?

His originally static body had already begun to violent at this moment.

His eyes have become bloodthirsty and cruel, and the long fangs in his mouth have slowly stretched out...

The two claws clutching tightly inside the wooden cage also began to become powerful!

He was angry.


A terrible cry that shook heaven and earth came out from Li Tian's mouth.

He was angry.

What a vampire is most afraid of is the fire and the sun. Now the burning fire is around Li Tian, ​​how can he not be angry?

When he called out with his terrifying cry all at once, the barbarians were startled.

I saw one of the barbarians. After hearing Li Tian's terrible cry, he suddenly held the wooden spear tightly in his hand, and suddenly threw it at Li Tian fiercely.

With a swish... the sharp spear suddenly pierced Li Tian's head.

Just when the spear was about to pierce Li Tian's head, one of Li Tian's hands grabbed the spear at an unparalleled speed.

The spear stopped in front of Li Tian's face.

When the barbarians here saw that the spear was caught by Li Tian, ​​they suddenly roared, holding sharp spears in their hands, and projecting them towards Li Tian.

The sharp spear, like raindrops, shot at Li Tian who was in the cage.

Li Tianshen is in a cage, although he has the ability to reach the sky, but he has no consciousness, so he doesn't know how to use his power to block.

Puffed out.

I saw one of them pierced Li Tian's shoulder with a spear...

The thick yellow liquid ran down from Li Tian's arm.

That is blood, that is the blood of a vampire.

At the moment when Li Tian's body was stabbed by the barbarian's spear for an instant, suddenly, he was really violent.

The sharp fangs showed up in an instant, and those terrifying eyes turned hideous like wild beasts, and one hand slammed the wooden cage in front of him...

With a click, the thick wood of the cage was smashed by Li Tian's palm.

Then, seeing a whoosh, Li Tian's body turned into a phantom, and like an evil ghost, he pounced on the front barbarian.

A sorrowful cry came out of the barbarian's mouth.

Then he took a closer look. The barbarian's entire neck was snapped alive by Li Tian, ​​and the blood was instantly sucked up by Li Tian.


In an instant, a barbarian was killed by Li Tian like this.

The rest of the barbarians, the moment they saw their kind being killed by Li Tian, ​​all wailed strangely, while holding a spear in his hand, projecting it towards Li Tian.

But how could they hurt Li Tian, ​​who is now immortal?

I saw that Li Tian didn't even evade, after the spear pierced his body, the wound instantly recovered.

He just threw down a barbarian, bit his throat, sucked his blood, and instantly killed the second one!

In a blink of an eye, all the more than one hundred barbarians were shocked by this **** and brutal Li Tian.

Because they have killed more than a dozen people under Li Tian's long pointed fangs.

The leading barbarian didn't look right, he quickly screamed, then lay on his limbs on the ground and began to run desperately.

He wants to run!

When the barbarians around heard their leader screaming to escape, they all screamed and started to flee...

These savages walked on all fours, and the speed at which they rushed up was indeed amazing. In a blink of an eye, these savages screamed and fled toward the deep forest.

In the **** scene, only the **** Li Tian was screaming ferociously.

His face, hands, and mouth were covered with blood.

Li Tian, ​​who had sucked so much blood, was already a slaughter at this moment...Any human that dared to appear in front of him would probably be sucked up by him alive.

p: Continue to update at night! Brothers, please add my public WeChat to find out Thorn 1913!

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