Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2069: protector

In front of them, starting from this area, they have already entered the scope of the Torrido family, because this ancient forest is occupied by the vampires of the Torrido family.

"Let's go, back to the temple!" The black widow Katherine in front of her suddenly smiled, and then walked forward step by step with light steps.

Luo Lie followed closely, and Mary stood there blankly for a few seconds, and then she slowly followed.

After passing a small intestine path, he was about to enter the dense forest in front of him.

I saw an old wooden sign hanging outside the dense forest. The wooden sign had a skull painted with blood, meaning: This is the meaning of a restricted area for humans!

Katherine walked in the front and hummed a song while Luo Lie followed him closely.

And Mary? When she returned to the family turf, her face had never smiled, gloomy and ugly.

The dense forest in front of you was called by the vampires of the Torrido family: Twisted Forest.

In this twisted forest grows one by one ancient and strange ancient trees. It is not known how many years those ancient trees have grown here, with luxuriant branches and vines clinging to the ground and branches one by one.

The sturdy branches can not be held by a person with arms!

The dense and luxuriant vines covered this forest... and even the scorching sun could not shine on this mysterious ancient forest.

There are almost no animals in this twisted forest except for the unusually lush vegetation, even wild rabbits and flying birds...

The entire twisted forest was deadly silent, terrifying, and scary.

And the Temple of Forgotten Lair of the Torrido family was built in this twisted forest.

The black widow Katherine walked gently in front of her, with a pleasant smile on her face.

Where is Luo Lie behind him? He was following there like a follower, except that Mary looked sad.

As they reached the middle of the twisted forest, they suddenly heard the sound of extremely fast wind coming from deep in the dense forest.

And there is definitely more than one. Judging from the sound, there should be 34 extremely fast things flying towards them.

Suddenly, when 34 fast objects were flying towards them, the black widow Kathena who was walking suddenly showed a weird smile.

"Here... they are here!"

Following her words, Luo Lie in front of him suddenly threw the anesthetized Li Tian on his shoulders to the ground with a bang, and then looked at the place ahead with his eyes wide open.

And Mary? He quickly stood in front of Li Tian who was thrown on the ground, with a nervous and cautious expression on his face, looking at the depths of the rusty woods ahead.

She seemed to be protecting Li Tian there.

At this moment, all of a sudden, I just heard the sound getting closer.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

In a blink of an eye, three extremely fast figures suddenly appeared in front of Mary, the black widow Kathena, and Na Luolie.

It is three men.

No, they are three male vampires! Three vampires of the Torrido family!

Look closely at the three vampires of the Torrido family. They are wearing weird clothes. Their clothes seem to be made of a series of branches and leaves of a big tree. They have dark skin and indifferent appearance.

A face is grim, and his eyes are brown weird.

The three guys were all about the same height and body shape, standing coldly in front of Mary, Katherine, and Luo Lie.

Who are these three guys?

It turns out that they are the guardians of this twisted forest...Although they are also vampires of the Toledo family, they have been stationed outside here. In this twisted forest, their task is to protect the Toledo family in front of them. Security, guarding this twisted forest that only the vampires of the Torrido family can enter

"Guardian, you are here..." When the glamorous black widow Katherine saw the three cold men coming out, she looked at them with a smile on her charming face and said.

The three guardians of the Torrido family said in unison at this moment: "Yes, Miss Katsena."

The voices of the three of them were almost identical, and they spoke very neatly.

I saw that Katherine smiled, and said: "Check it soon...After the check, this lady will go back to the temple and take a hot bath!"

Katherine said with a charming smile.

It turns out that every vampire who enters the Toledo family has to be checked by the guardian. No matter who it is, even the vampire of the Toledo family has to be checked by the guardian.

This is the duty of the guardian!

I saw one of the guardians walked slightly to the black widow Katherine's side, used his nose to sniff around her body, and suddenly nodded silently there.

"Miss Katherine, you can go in!" The guardian said after examining the black widow Katherine in front of him.

The black widow Katherine smiled at the corner of her mouth, then walked forward step by step with her plump buttocks twisted.

The guardian then began to check the tall and strong bald Luo Lie.

Luo Lie stood motionless like a door god, letting the guardian in front of him check, and the guardian quickly finished checking Luo Lie.

Luo Lie then also strode forward surgingly.

At this moment, only Mary is left, and Li Tian, ​​the narcotic vampire hiding behind him.

"Miss Mary, it's your turn!" Just listen to the guardian approaching her step by step, and then said indifferently.

As the guardian walked towards Mary step by step, Mary's pale face became increasingly ugly.

Standing motionless there, frowning tightly.

What should she do now? These guardians are known for their ruthlessness in the Torrido family, and they are extremely powerful.

Anything threatening the family... they will eradicate it! Including Li Tian.

And Mary is now in a dilemma here.

Just as the guardian approached Mary step by step, suddenly the guardian's face was distorted, and his nose suddenly sucked deeply, as if he was smelling something that shouldn't be smelled.

"Damn it! A beast from the Gangelo family broke in!" A roar came out first from the guardian's mouth.

Then he saw that his whole body became hideous, his sharp fangs, and violent body were instantly filled with killing intent, behind the Mary who was staring at him.

He smelled it!

Smell the blood of the Gangelo Family on Li Tian!

But said that the other two guardians, after hearing what he said, suddenly entered a violent posture, with their fangs stretched out, and a pair of eyes instantly turned into terrible bloodthirsty rays. Mary in front of her was surrounded tightly.

"Mary, you made a big mistake!"

"You brought back something you shouldn't have brought back..."

"Mary, while there is still a choice, let us quickly kill the beast behind you...otherwise, don't blame our ruthless men." The three guardians in front of them suddenly faced their eyes with grim faces. Mary said angrily.

They saw the threat! Li Tian threatened the safety of the Torrido family.

Now, these vampires, who are called the guardians of the twisted forest, must kill Li Tian.

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