Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2072: Fatal danger

"Oh my God, the first beast of the Gangaluo family...and...and...too powerful!" Luo Lie said in shock.

And what about Black Widow Katherine?

It was also completely stunned.

She glared at the beastly Li Tian, ​​and suddenly said: "It's really man, really sexy...If he is not a beast of the Gangaro family, it would be great..." This black widow Kai As Senna was talking, there was a boundless spring in her eyes suddenly.

She is really coquettish and slutty!

But what about this side?

After the two guardians saw their companions being pressed to the ground by Li Tian, ​​they all flew over and rescued their companions.

Two figures flashed to Li Tian’s body, but seeing Li Tianao’s body upright, avoiding the two men’s fatal attack, both hands suddenly grabbed the guardian who was pressed on the ground, and then Then he threw him away fiercely.

The guardian was thrown out, banged, fell on a tree, and then bounced back and fell to the ground. His stomach was bleeding constantly, but he was holding one hand there. , The other hand is climbing up hard.

He is not dead!

Guardians will not die so easily, after all, they all have immortality.

But he was indeed injured, and he was breathing hard at that moment, and the whole person had already lost the fighting power he deserved.

And the two guardians here are still facing Li Tian in front of them.

They must protect the Torrido family, because this is their mission as guardians.

Even if they knew that they couldn't play against the powerful Li Tian of the Gangeuro family that they embraced for the first time, they would not shrink back.

At this moment, I saw the two guardians staring at Li Tian.

Ready to fight to the death.

What about Li Tian? Still maintaining his brutal beast breath.


With a burst of shout, the two guardians suddenly rushed towards Li Tian in front of him, their movements were agile and fast, and the combined force of the two was still terrifying enough.

Li Tian's figure flashed, and in a blink of an eye, he avoided the fatal blow of the two.

After seeing Li Tian avoiding, the two guardians once again rushed towards Li Tian in front of them.

After they pounced again, that Li Tian did not avoid this time, but greeted the two guardians in front of him.

Bang Bang Bang, the three quickly fought against each other in a changing body.

Then with a pop, they separated.

After the separation, I saw the guardian two guys panting sharply... and what about Li Tian? But he was still lying on the ground cruelly, like a crawling animal, with bloodthirsty eyes staring at the two guardians.

Obviously, those two guardians could not be Li Tian's opponent at all! Even if the two of them went together, it would be difficult to defeat Li Tian.

Although the current Li Tian has not recovered his consciousness at all, although he has not really recovered to his previous self, if Li Tian can recover his consciousness and return to his previous self? His martial arts plus the vampire blood of the corpse king Yuris flowing in his body...the degree of horror can be imagined!

But even now Li Tian hasn't recovered his consciousness, he is already very powerful.

The two guardians of the Torrido family in front of him could not defeat him either.

At this moment, Li Tian started.

The violent blood in his body has skyrocketed, and he can't help his hunger, thirst and bloodshed.

With a roar of anger, he rushed towards the two guardians in terror.

But seeing the two guardians of the Torrido family, and seeing Li Tian rushing forward, his body quickly dodged and then counterattacked towards Li Tian.

But they can rival Li Tian who is now violent?

One inadvertently saw one of the guardians and was instantly grasped by Li Tian with one hand. Then, after hearing a scream, Li Tian suddenly threw him away.

With a bang, the guardian's body fell heavily on the cold ground ten meters away.

The other guardian took advantage of this effort to attack Li Tian.

Suddenly an icy hand grabbed Li Tian’s shoulder, and his sharp long nails penetrated deeply into Li Tian’s flesh, but Li Tian didn’t know the slightest pain, and suddenly turned his face away. Looking at the guardian in front of him cruelly.

The guardian was taken aback, and instantly felt a huge fear attacking him.

Then just before he could react, Li Tian kicked him and kicked him out.

After the guardian was kicked by Li Tian and fell to the ground, before he could get up, Li Tian's violent body flew over, and then immediately pressed the guardian to the ground, with long pointed fangs. , And bit at the guardian's neck at once.

Bloody and brutal.

Just when the guardian was about to be slaughtered alive in a beast-like posture by Li Tian, ​​an exclamation suddenly came from behind.


That is Mary's voice.

At the moment when he heard Mary's voice in amazement, Li Tian, ​​who was originally violent, stopped for a moment.

He did not continue to bite the guardian's neck with his pointed fangs, but lay there blankly, with bloodthirsty eyes open, and a beastly and terrifying breath in his mouth...

Li Tian actually stopped.

It turned out that in Li Tian's heart, he was still a little conscious.

I saw that when Li Tian stopped, the three guardians were all stunned...

Not only were they stunned, but even the black widow Katherine and Na Luolie over there were all stunned.

"This...this...the first admirer of the Gangaluo family, how could it be so powerful? Impossible!!!" Luo Lie stared at that.

Of course they wouldn’t know that Li Tian’s body had the blood of the Gangelo family...if they knew it, they would certainly understand why Li Tian became like this when he embraced him for the first time. powerful.

What about Katherine, the Black Widow? Also staring at everything in front of me blankly.

"Li, don't kill our people." At this moment, Mary climbed up from the ground with difficulty, and looked at Li Tiandao as if praying.

After Li Tian heard Mary's voice, his animal body slowly disappeared some hostility... Then slowly turned his head and saw Mary in front of him.

Mary approached him step by step to stop him!

She didn't want Li Tianzhen to become the enemy of the people! Because she also hopes that the elders of the Torrido family can heal Li Tian...heal the vampire blood on him.

But when Mary was about to stop Li Tian, ​​who could imagine that the guardian of the Toledo family who was thrown to the ground by Li Tian suddenly reached out and picked up the previous Toledo family saint who had fallen to the ground. Object: Moon Blade.

Li Tian turned his back to the guardian at this moment, and he didn't have any consciousness, so he didn't feel any danger at all.

He just blinked and slowly changed the twisted face, staring at Mary at this moment.

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