Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2081: Bloodthirsty Li Tian


The two men were immediately depressed when they heard that Count Roger said.

They couldn't help thinking there: Why did Earl Roger suddenly use blood?

"What are you still stunned for? Go find some blood!" Count Roger in front of him said angrily after seeing the dumb and stunned two people there.

After seeing Count Roger getting angry, the two said quickly: "Yes, yes."

Then trot to look for blood.

Although the vampires of the Torrido family never drink human blood, they still have "blood" in the family.

So it's easier for the two guys to find "blood" at this moment.

After a while, they saw that the two had already got **** blood.

They used a smaller transparent glass vessel to hold the blood there... and then quickly took it to Count Roger's side here.

"Earl Roger... the blood is coming." The two people in front of them walked quickly, and then passed the blood in the hand to the Earl Roger.

Count Roger took the blood directly.

"Open the prison door!" A word came out of the Count Roger's mouth again.

As Count Roger said so, the two men did not dare to neglect, and then quickly opened the indestructible prison door in front of them, and the huge iron lock key was opened with a "click" Afterwards, the iron cage door was opened.

The two men in front of him didn't know what the Earl Roger was going to do, let alone what he was going to do with the blood.

They both looked at Count Roger at this moment with eyes wide open.

I saw Earl Roger after opening the door, and then slowly stepping inside.

He didn't let the two subordinates follow up, but walked in alone, with the "blood" in his hand holding about a few milliliters.

After Count Roger walked into the iron cage in front of him, he arrived at Li Tian who was like death.

Then cautiously kicked Li Tian lying on the ground with his foot.

But seeing Li Tian motionless, there was no reaction at all... it was as if he had died.

Seeing that Li Tianguo really didn't react at all, Earl Roger slowly squatted down, then took the glassware with blood, and then sent it slightly in front of Li Tian's head.

It turned out that the blood that Count Roger brought was fed to Li Tian! ! !

It turned out that he did not want it himself, but gave it to Li Tian!

Why did Count Roger do this? The two guys in the iron prison outside were not only shocked after seeing Earl Roger’s weird behavior, they didn’t understand what Earl Roger was doing...they were both there at the moment. Curious eyes looked at the Count Roger.

After seeing Earl Roger put the blood in front of Li Tian's head, his body stepped back slightly, and then he raised his eyes and stared at Li Tian's body.

The blood placed in front of Li Tian's head slowly began to exude its breath in the air.

As the air spread, the blood breath quickly entered Li Tian's breath.

Blood, he smelled blood! ! !

What about Li Tian? He was the same as dead. Just after Earl Roger put the blood on his head, his body suddenly convulsed when he was silent for nearly a minute.


Li Tian actually moved! He is not dead!

The moment he saw Li Tian move, the two vampires of the Torrido family outside the iron prison were all stunned, and the two of them stared at it in disbelief.

But what about Roger? At this moment, he just hugged his arms and carefully watched Li Tian's movement at this moment.

"It seems that the effect of blood has worked!" Count Roger whispered slightly in his mouth.

After Li Tian's body suddenly convulsed, suddenly his chest began to rise and fall violently...At the same time, he could hear the low growl in his throat.

He lived, and he really came alive.

I saw a terrible roar in Li Tian's throat, and at the same time his whole body was panting in the violent ups and downs, and suddenly his extremely injured body stood up at this moment.

His pale and distorted face appeared hideously in Count Roger's eyes.

The sharp and terrifying fangs, the rough blood vessels on his face, and his inhumane eyes, full of fierce, bloodthirsty rays, staring at the glass of blood in front of him unblinkingly !

There is no Count Roger in his bloodthirsty eyes...and no one...only the blood in front of him.

After seeing the blood, Li Tian suddenly resembled a hungry beast. Suddenly his whole body screamed, and then suddenly he rushed towards the cup of blood like a beast.

After he threw it over, he held the cup of blood with trembling hands, and poured it into his mouth.

Only a few milliliters of blood was poured into his mouth by Li Tianzi quickly, and he couldn't help but lick the blood residue stuck to the cup with his tongue.

He seemed so hungry and thirsty that he wanted to eat the cup.

The members of the Torrido family outside were not only stunned when they saw Li Tian's crazy behavior.

And Earl Roger? From the beginning to the end, I stood motionless in the prison, holding up those extremely cold eyes and watching Li Tian there.

At this moment, Li Tian screamed after he drank the glass of blood.

He still wants to drink!

He still needs to drink blood!

But the blood had been drunk by him, so he screamed, he was violent.

It's a pity that Li Tian is now tightly bound by fine steel chains, and his hands and feet cannot move at all.

"This beast is really bloodthirsty." Earl Roger in front of him said slightly after seeing Li Tian's actions.

What about Li Tian? At this moment, he was just screaming in pain, and at the same time his body was struggling violently, struggling with the iron chains that bound him.

He wants to drink blood! He must add blood.

Suddenly his eyes stared at the Count Roger, and then Li Tian frantically rushed towards Roger.

But because Li Tian's hands and feet were bound, but seeing Li Tian leaped hard, his feet were chained, and the whole person fell to the ground with a splash.

But even though he fell to the ground, he was still crawling towards Roger frantically and brutally, as if there were only prey in his eyes.

His long pointed fingernails caught on the cold stone ground, and his claws caught several deep hand prints on the extremely hard stone ground.

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