Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2100: Threat

"Mary, tell me, what is the origin of this guy?" Count Roger asked again, looking at Mary in front of him. .

It can be seen that the current Earl Roger is very interested in Li Tian in front of him.

After hearing Roger say this, Mary knew that her father was ready to try to understand Li Tian!

So he said quickly there, "Dad, do you want to know Li's past?"

Count Roger nodded slowly.

"Ok, then I will tell Dad everything." Mary said excitedly.

She knew that after she told Li Tian's past, she would be able to let her father know more about Li Tian... In that case, her father's hatred of Li Tian could be resolved.

After thinking this way in her mind, Mary spoke to Earl Roger in front of her.

"When Li was in China, he had many good brothers. His brothers were very loyal and kind. When I was there, he and his brothers helped me together! And Li also There is a father, his father is a legendary character, his name is Cthulhu!"

When Mary said the name of the "Cthulhu" again, Roger was not only startled.

Surprised: "What? Cthulhu?"

When Mary heard her father so surprised, she not only asked in confusion, "Dad, what's the matter?"

"Could that evil **** be the Asian who created the Vatican more than 20 years ago?" Count Roger said suddenly.

After speaking out with Count Roger in front of him, Mary was horrified for an instant.

She never thought that her father would know the evil god.

At this moment, he asked in surprise: "Dad, how do you know the evil god? Do you know him?"

Count Roger said: "No, I don't know!"

"But I know a lot about him!" Count Roger suddenly said.

"This character called Cthulhu fought against the followers of the Vatican, and later entered the Inquisition underground in St. Petersburg, Vatican by mistake... But since then, he stole St. Petersburg's thousand-year relic: the key of fate! As a result, our kinsmen began to commotion." Count Roger said slowly.

Of course Mary knows all this!

It was precisely because the evil **** stole the key of fate more than 20 years ago, the blood race that had been silent for a thousand years rioted.

Thousands of years ago, the key was sealed in the Inquisition of St. Petersburg in the Vatican, where the Vatican is a restricted area for vampires... It is a sacred place, so no one of the blood dared to approach it, including the most murderous ones. Gangaluo family vampires... but by chance, the evil **** stole the key of fate... and brought the key back to China, so it happened that Gangluo family set out to find the key of fate Things

So when Mary was talking about the evil god, Earl Roger would have such a big reaction.

"Dad, no matter how the evil **** and Li are good people! They don't know that such a big secret is hidden behind the key of fate." Mary said for the evil **** and Li Tiandao.

Count Roger nodded and said, "I understand this!"

"However, it is also because of them that the disaster of our blood race is about to come soon..." Count Roger said while looking into the distance.

"Dad, I believe that this time we will be able to tide over the difficulties." Mary said.

Count Roger gave a bitter smile at the corner of his mouth.

"The key of destiny has now fallen into the hands of the Gangelo family of beasts... Once the blood moon opens, the old thing that has been sleeping for thousands of years will wake up... Hey... he is the only one still alive The Lord of the Century, once he awakens, the consequences will be unimaginable." Roger said worriedly.

Then Mary also knew the terrible seriousness of this matter, so she closed her mouth tightly at this moment, she didn't dare to speak any more.

Time just passed by minute by minute.

The tortured inhuman Li Tian continued to be in a coma.

Here Mary and Earl Roger are also silent, they are all waiting for this change, waiting for the result of the family trial.


The night is quiet.

Suddenly, I saw a slender figure quickly walking towards the dark prison at this moment.

Looking up, it turned out to be the black widow Katherine.

I saw that at this moment, Katherine actually came to this dark prison where Mary and Count Roger were being held.

What is she doing here?

Katherine is still so charming and beautiful, twisting her plump body and walking step by step.


Waiting at the gate of the Dark Prison were the numerous knights of Earl Cliff, who noticed the movement and immediately shouted.

As the voices of these knights came out, but Katherine's charming figure slowly flashed out.

"It's me." After the black widow Katherine showed her figure, she looked at the gang of Count Cliff knights with a charming smile.

When the knights saw the black widow who turned out to be the most coquettish in the family, they were all taken aback.

"It's you, Black Widow..."

"Why are you here in the middle of the night?" The knights in front of them asked with dishonest eyes on the white gully on the chest of the black widow.

But seeing the black widow Katherine didn't care about these people's rude eyes, she smiled and said, "I'm here to see Count Roger."

"Look at Roger?" When the knights in front of them heard this, their faces suddenly changed.

"Kathena, we, Earl Cliff, have ordered...no one can enter here...let alone want to see Roger." The knights in front of them said.

But seeing that Katherine smiled charmingly: "Really?"

"But I just want to go in and see him, can't it?" Katsona said.

The knights said, "No! No one can enter!"

"Hmph, I want to go in today, what else do I want to see if you guys?"

"If anyone dares to touch me, I'll tell you Earl Cliff, and I'll say you **** want to indecent assault on me... Then I will see how Cliff will treat you!" Kay in front of him Senna was threatening the group of knights in front of her.

The knights were immediately depressed when they heard Katherine say this all at once.

They all know that the relationship between Katherine and Cliff is simply that of an adulterer.

Cliff's favorite sleeping woman in the family is Katherine in front of her... If this Katherine really tells Cliff that they indecent her, then these knights will be out of luck.

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