Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2014: Sentence is over

Another member of the Torrido family, looking at Li Tian who was screaming at this moment, roared: "Damn beast, I let you scream!" When the words spoke, he gave a fierce punch.

A bang hit Li Tian's chest.

Li Tian yelled in pain, his eyes bursting with endless anger.

The guy saw Li Tian still screaming, his anger soared, and then he slammed his fist toward Li Tian.

"Don't hit him, please don't hit him." Seeing these family members cruelly treating Li Tian, ​​Mary prayed there.

But seeing that Li Tian was beaten at this moment, he was breathless, but he still did not show weakness.

The guy who beat Li Tian, ​​after hearing what Mary said, said fiercely: "Well, because this beast is about to die, I'll leave you alone."

"Go, take them out."

As the voices of the members of this family fell, but seeing the members of the Torrido family in front of them, they began to hold Li Tian in front of them, as well as Roger and Mary slowly walking out of the dark prison.

After passing through the long and narrow corridor, they reached the outside of the Dark Hell. Outside the Dark Hell, a group of knights of the Torrido family were waiting there.

After seeing them coming out, the knights slowly guarded the escorts in front of them and began to **** Roger and the others to the execution ground.

Along the way, they were all vampires from the Torrido family.

They looked at the detained Count Roger, Miss Mary, and Li Tian.

They are still talking there.

"Earl Roger..."

"That is the daughter of Count Roger, Mary."

"Hey, the poor father and daughter are going to be executed now."

"Look, look, that guy is the beast of the Gangelo family... it's him!" I suddenly heard a voice in the crowd, pointing at the detained Li Tiandao.

"The **** Gangro family beast... It's the Count Roger and Miss Mary who he has troubled."

"Yes, that's the beast."

"Kill him...Kill him."

With the roar of the members of the Torrido family, they picked up the stones on the ground and began to throw them at Li Tian fiercely.

The cold and hard stones flew towards Li Tian's head, face, and body.

He banged on Li Tian's body.

After Li Tian was hit by those stones, he couldn't help yelling... His fangs were stretched out, and the blood vessels on his face were swelling, and the whole face was distorted and terrifying.

But Li Tian was held by those members of the Torrido family, unable to move at all.

In this way, amidst a blast of abuse and criticism, the members of the Torrido family took Mary, Roger and Li Tianji to the execution ground.

But the place where the execution was seen was a huge open-air plaza. In the middle of the open-air plaza, there was a pile of blazing fireworks, and the skyrocketing fire light rose up, reflecting the entire open-air plaza extremely brightly.

And all around the open square are all vampire members of the Torrido family.

In the middle, you can see from a distance that the current elder of the Torrido family, Archid, is sitting.

Next to Elder Archid are the treacherous Elder Hess and Earl Cliff, the treacherous father and son at the moment are looking at Roger Marie and Li Tian who are being taken up with evil smiles. .

Roger, Mary, and Li Tian were escorted to the execution square in front of them amidst noisy discussions.

Then, the three of them were tied to three sturdy stone pillars, heavy fine steel chains tied to their bodies, such iron chains could not be opened at all except the key.

Burn them to death.

The most cruel execution method of the Torrido family is: fire!

They would tie members of the convicted family to this execution stone pillar, and burn them alive with flames, and burn them to ashes.

And now Mary, Roger, and Li Tian are about to be punished by this cruel: burning.

Elder Alchid, who was sitting at the front of the open square, looked at Roger, who was about to be sentenced to death, and his eyes not only showed an unbearable light.

But he has no choice. In order to calm the family turmoil and keep the Torrido family safe, he has no choice.

But after seeing the knights of the Torrido family tightly tying Count Roger, Mary, and Li Tian to the execution stone pillar, the treacherous Elder Hess smiled at Elder Archid in front of him. Said: "Elder Alchide, the time is up, is it time to execute the sentence?"

Elder Alcid sighed helplessly when he heard Na Hess saying this, then turned his head and glanced at that Roger, and muttered: "Okay! Let's execute."

As he said, there were cruel smiles in the mouths of Elder Na Hess and Cliff.

Elder Nahes bowed slightly to elder Alchide to show respect, then slowly turned his head, looked at the vampire members of the Torrido family in front of him, and said loudly, "Dear Torri Many family members, today, we all gather together to punish the traitors who betrayed the family!"

With the words of Elder Hess, there was a sudden warm applause around the open square.

Elder Nahes smiled slightly, then motioned for everyone to be quiet, and then continued to preach there: "Our Torrido family has always believed in benevolence and peace. We have survived in this world, and now Roger has openly followed The collusion of members of the Gungaro family of the beasts is the most forbidden thing in our family."

"Everyone must know that the Gangelo family's beasts are all evil and cruel. They slaughter the same kind, **** human blood, and have always been deadly enemies with our Torrido family. For thousands of years, our family has been in Gangelo. The family is antagonizing, and now Roger has betrayed the family and our beliefs, what should everyone say?" Elder Hess suddenly shouted there.

As he said, the vampires of the Torrido family coaxed and said, "Kill him!"

"Put him to death!"

The noisy voice resounded throughout the audience.

Elder Na Hess wanted this effect, but when he heard the family members start to scream frantically: When that Roger was executed, there was a sly smile in his eyes.

Said: "Since the whole family agrees that the traitor should be executed, then we will start execution now!"

"Roger, Mary, I declare that you have been sentenced to death in the name of the Torrido family!" The words came out from the mouth of Elder Hess.

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