Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2111: Black Yap

More than two thousand years ago, the thirteen family lord did not hesitate to sacrifice himself and sealed the strongest demon lord of the Gangelo family under the coffin with blood. But even then, the demon still did not die, he just It is sealed in the coffin and cannot be turned back forever. The only thing that can open the coffin is the ancient key of destiny. According to legend, the key of destiny was forged by the thirteen lord at that time with a blood contract. The key of fate, only that key can open the coffin...

After creating the key, in order to prevent the demon lord from resurrecting, the members of the thirteen blood clan chose to hide the key in the most sacred place in the Vatican, which is of course the Inquisition in St. Petersburg! It’s the place of “gods”. No vampire can step into it. Even the most powerful vampire in the world can’t enter the St. Petersburg Inquisition... So for two thousand years, the Gangeuro family, the most powerful at the time, began to slow down. Decline slowly.

The whole blood family can also become balanced, but now? Never thought that the vampires of the Gangelo family had obtained the key of fate in advance? This is how to do?

After hearing all the words of Caso, the elder Alchide in front of him suddenly grew his head.

I saw that Elder Alchid had an extremely ugly face at the moment, and the whole person was sitting there restlessly, with a deep fear and anxiety on his face.

"If the members of the Gangelo family have really obtained the key of fate, then the blood family will have a thousand-year disaster." Elder Alchid suddenly sighed deeply.

Caso said on one side: "Elder, the facts have proved that disaster has come."

"Elder, maybe you don't know yet, now the Thirteenth clan is already about to move!"

"As far as I know, even the members of the Heiyi tribe, who have been hiding under the ground, have already begun activities in Eastern Europe." Kasuodao said in front of him.

When Ka Suo uttered the "Black Yap Clan", Elder Archid in front of him was instantly shocked!

"Heiyi tribe?"

"Why did they appear? Shouldn't they have already been destroyed?" Elder Alchid was horrified.

But see Naka Ropeway: "Elder, the Heiyi tribe did not perish. In the third holy war, although most of the elders and members of the Heiyi tribe were wiped out, they were not extinct. They were just wandering in Solomon, and The borderland areas of South Africa... have been looking for an opportunity, waiting for the coming of the fourth holy war, and then they will make a comeback!" Ka Cableway.

After Ka Suo said that, Elder Alcid in front of him was completely stunned.


What kind of family is it?

Heiyi tribe: It is also one of the thirteen blood tribes. Obviously, the members of this Heiyi tribe are also ancient vampires! The only difference between the Heiyi tribe and the other twelve clans is that they have an extremely ugly and distorted appearance, as well as weird limbs, like some kind of beast reptiles. The Heiyi tribe must stay away from human society in the underground. They cannot live in human society like other vampires, so they all live in muddy underground sewers, or in dirty cemeteries...or in dark and stinky corners of streets. After being embraced for the first time, they will become ugly day by day. Other blood races reject these guys who live in the sewers or catacombs, thinking that they are annoying things, and it is not necessary to stop contacting them, so the Heiyi people are in Among the thirteen blood clan is the most unique clan!

Because of their ugliness and stigma, they try to avoid being spotted when they are on the ground, which also makes them better than any other creatures in understanding the dark lanes and corners of the city. Coupled with their superb sneaking and eavesdropping skills, there is no kinetic energy in the city that escapes the eyes of the Heiyi tribe. And because of the common disability and contempt, the members of the Heiyi clan are extremely united, and there will be no fights that can be seen everywhere in other clans. Because of their unity, if you offend one of them, you will also offend all the members of the Black Lap clan, which is a very terrible thing.

The Heiyi tribe had been living in isolation before. Because they were squeezed out and discriminated against by other blood races, they could only stay away from other blood clan. It wasn't until the third blood jihad broke out that the Heiyi tribe took part in the battle, but because the Heiyi tribe advocated darkness and distortion, plus They have extremely fast action ability and dark capture ability. During the third holy war, the vampires of many clans were attacked by the Heiye clan... causing great casualties!

In the end, the other clans had no choice but to unite... They had to work together to resist the ugly members of the Heiye clan.

The war lasted for nearly 200 years, and finally the leader of the Heiyi tribe was killed...The other members of the Heiyi tribe were also killed one by one...

For the entire blood race, that period of history is extremely unbearable, and no one wants to mention it!

The Heiyi tribe is like a nightmare, existing in the whole blood tribe.

And now when Casso suddenly said that the Heiyi tribe, who had disappeared for nearly a thousand years, was suddenly coming back, and had already started activities in Eastern Europe, how could Elder Archid not be shocked?

Elder Alcid is a person who has personally experienced the third holy war. Of course, he knows the terrible Hei Ya Clan!

Now, the Heiyi clan has once again appeared... What kind of terrible disaster will the blood clan face?

"How could this be?"

"Why even the Heiyi tribe that has disappeared for nearly a thousand years appeared?" Elder Alcid showed a sense of fear that he had never had before.

But seeing that Ka Suo said there, "Elder, what I am going to say next will be even more terrifying!"

As Caso said so, Elder Alchid was suddenly depressed.

"There are more terrible things?" Elder Alchid asked incredulously.

Ka Suo nodded slowly and said, "Yes!"

"That is, the Heiyi tribe has already formed an alliance with the Gangeuro family... To put it bluntly, the current Heiyi tribe has completely become the slaves of the Gangeuro family... This time the emergence of the Heiyi tribe is the Nagange Instructed by the Luo family!"

"The Gangelo family wants to unify the entire blood clan, and want to regain the supremacy of three thousand years ago!" Caso said suddenly.

The Gangaluo family is the strongest of the thirteen blood clan, not only because they have the purest blood, but also because the Gangaluo family members are naturally warlike, they are the abnormal level of the blood family. Existence, whether it is the first generation of vampires, the second generation, or the third generation, the Gangaro family has always been the overlord thousands of years ago, because of the jihad more than 3000 years ago and the alliance of the other clans of the blood clan , The Lords sealed the demons of the Gangaluo family with their blood, which weakened the status of the Gangaluo family's overlord, resulting in the balance of the entire blood family... But the Gangaluo family has never been afraid of anyone, they I have always wanted to rise again... once again to return to the hegemony of the year, and now the opportunity has come... The key of fate has reached their hands, once they have summoned the demon lord sealed in the coffin, the whole I am afraid that the world will usher in a real dark end!

At that time, the doomsday prophecy will become a reality, the earth will become a scorched earth, and darkness will block the scorching sun...

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In the new month, Huahua will work hard to write and update as much as possible. The updated content is of quality and looks more exciting. I also hope that you will be happy every day! Also, if capable friends go to the bookstore to give a reward, this month’s fan rewards will have double the fan value, and they will also be at the top of the list. Those who are incapable are not forced to do so. After all, many brothers are still students... However, it is still possible to go to the bookstore to vote for a free recommendation ticket, or a monthly ticket, ha ha! It will continue to be updated in the evening, depending on the status! Huahua guarantees that no matter how much it is updated, the quality of this month is definitely the best, and it looks the most exciting. I will take everyone into an epic battle of blood races!

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