Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2117: Before the test

No wonder Ka Suo can tell the secret of the Elder Hess all at once!

No wonder Elder Hess was afraid to run away? It turned out that everything was because of Caso's extremely powerful prophecy. .

"Roger, you have been wronged this time, and I can't help you!" Elder Alchide put down his face and apologized to Roger.

Roger heard Elder Alchid apologize to himself, and immediately said there: "Elder, don't say that! I know you are also for the family!"

"I can rest assured if you think so." Elder Alcid said with a smile.

"Now that **** Hess has escaped, but don't worry, I will catch him one day, and then tear him up personally." Elder Archid said with flames in his eyes.

"Elder, what about that guy from the Gangelo family?" Suddenly Roger mentioned the "Li Tian" in front of him.

What Roger is most worried about now is the "beast" Li Tian!

Because according to the family rules of the Torrido family, Li Tian must be executed! But this time because of the arrival of the Buren family members, Li Tian is now able to survive, but how to arrange for Li Tian to be executed? Still let go, Roger didn't know before him, so he asked.

After Roger asked, Elder Alchid laughed suddenly.

Roger looked at Elder Alcid’s smile, not only felt a little strange, but looked at Elder Alcid in surprise.

"Roger, what you asked is just right. Actually, I just want to tell you about that beast." Elder Alchide smiled and looked at Roger in front of him.

Count Roger was not only taken aback when he heard what Elder Alchid said.


Elder Archid said: "Roger, let me tell you, do you know why these three prevented the execution of the beast this time?"

Roger was taken aback and shook his head.

Of course he didn't know why the Fire Girl, Ice Girl and Ka Suo came to the Torrido family. At this moment, he blinked and looked at the Fire Girl, Ice Girl and Ka Suo in front of him suspiciously.

But seeing Elder Alchid smiling there and saying: "That's it, the reason why these three came to Toledo this time is because of that beast."

"Ah? Because of him?" Roger in front of him heard what Elder Alchid said, not only was he immediately puzzled.

He couldn't understand how the Burren family came to Torrido for a guy with the Gangelo family flowing in his body.


"I've already told you just now. This is Ka Suo. He has peculiar eyes of the pupil of time. His eyes can see the future predictions and the past."

"The reason why Caso and them came to our Torrido is because his eyes predicted that our blood family might have a savior!"

"And the so-called savior is the beast." Elder Archid said.

When Earl Roger heard that Elder Alchid in front of him suddenly said this, Roger was right there in a daze!

He was really stunned!

Savior? prophecy?

My God, that guy turned out to be the savior of the blood race? how is this possible?

At this moment, even Count Roger was completely speechless. He was stunned by the elder Alchid who was generally looking at him, as well as the Fire Girl and Ice Girl in front of him and Na Ka Suo, his face was full of unbelievable.

"Elder, how is it possible?"

"That guy...how...how...is the savior of our blood clan?" Count Roger was completely stunned.

But when I saw Elder Alchid smiled, "I knew you wouldn't believe it after hearing these words."

"Actually, to be honest, I don't really believe it!"

"However, this is what Caso said, the prophecy he saw with the magical pupil of time! So I believe him, believe his words." Elder Archid said in front of him.

After Elder Alcid finished speaking, the Count Roger in front of him opened his eyes wide and stared at the blind Casso in front of him.

Ka Suo just stood there slightly, with the heavy sunglasses on his face covering his magical eyes.

"Mr. Caso, is all this true?"

"That... that... the beast is really the savior of our blood?" Earl Roger in front of him stared at Caso in front of him with his eyes widened in disbelief.

But seeing Caso nodded slightly, then smiled and said, "Yes."

"I assure you that the guy I saw with the pupil of time is definitely him!" Caso said again.

Listening to Caso's words, Roger was stunned.

How could he accept such a shocking truth for a while?

"He is the savior of our blood?"

"Oh my god, does he have that ability? Can he still resist the death knights of the Gangelo family?" Roger questioned with a full face in front of him! Obviously he didn't believe it!

But seeing that after hearing Earl Roger say this, Na Ka Suo smiled slightly and said: "About your question, Earl Roger, we have already discussed with Elder Archid!

"Because this time it’s about the great safety of our blood family, for the sake of safety, I still hope to try that guy first according to Elder Alchid’s method... We have to see if the savior in the prophecy is really amazing. Ability, if he has it, then it proves that my prediction is correct. If he does not have the ability, then it shows that my prediction may be wrong." Ka Suodao.

Roger in front of him asked, "Elder, what do you mean?"

Alchide smiled and said: "We will arrange a match tomorrow, let that beast play against members of our Torrido family... and then we want to see the strength of that guy!"

"In this way, you can know whether the beast is really the legendary prophet." Elder Alcid said.

When Roger heard this, he said, "This method is really good!"

"Elder, let's arrange it like this." Roger said in agreement.

Then Archid smiled slightly and said, "Okay, then let's decide."

"Caso, Fire Girl, Ice Girl, the three of you are staying in our Forgotten Temple. I will arrange someone to entertain you..." Elder Archid said politely.

"Well, okay, trouble elders." The fire women said.

Elder Alchid waved his hand in front of him: "You are polite."

In this way, Elder Archid in front of him arranged a place where the Fire Girl and the Ice Girl would rest.

The resting place was on the west side of the Forgotten Temple, which happened to be closely adjacent to Mary's room, and Count Roger lived there.

So, Roger in front of him walked towards the room with the beautiful fire girl, the cold ice girl and the blind Caso.

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