Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2121: Here comes the hunter

Tomorrow's competition is about to begin! What about Li Tian? Still sitting in the room blankly now.

Nearly 5 days have passed since his initial embrace stage. According to common sense, the vampire’s initial embrace is basically about one week. I believe that Li Tian’s initial embrace stage will pass in one or two days.

But now Li Tian's initial embrace stage has not completely passed. He still has no consciousness. To put it bluntly, he is a numb beast. Apart from instinctive attacks, he has no skills at all.

While Li Tian was alone in the room, that Mary walked in from the outside with a worried mood.

Her pretty face was full of worry, Li Tian staring blankly in front of her.

"Lee..." Mary who walked in said slowly.

Li Tian heard the voice and slowly turned his pale face, staring at Mary blankly.

Mary stretched out a slender hand and stroked Li Tian's pale face, worrying there: "Li, you will be challenged tomorrow... Hey, I am really worried about you!"

Then Li Tian looked at Mary in front of him as if he hadn't heard.

"Lee, I don't know if you can hear what I said, but I still want to tell you, tomorrow is the battle, I hope you will take care of yourself no matter what, remember, don't let others hurt you... Don't let others kill you either!" Mary in front of her said to the sluggish Li Tian.

What about Li Tian? It was a look that was completely incomprehensible, standing motionless there.

In fact, Mary knew that what she said was nothing, but at the moment, she could only comfort herself in this way.

"Lee, along the way, we have gone through so many hardships and so many changes, I hope this time, you can also get through the difficulties!"

"Regardless of whether you are the savior of our blood race or not, in this life, I will do everything possible to save you, to save you from becoming a human being, to be yourself!"

Mary said last.

The sluggish Li Tian didn't say anything from beginning to end, and his body didn't even move. Those sluggish eyes stared at Mary before him.

What will happen to the first battle tomorrow?

Whether Li Tian is the savior of the blood race, I am afraid no one knows at present.


In the twisted forest, huge towering ancient trees grow one by one, and the dense trees completely cover this area for hundreds of miles.

This is the forbidden area of ​​the Torrido family, a territory that no humans or birds and animals can break into!

In the twisted forest, there are the guardians of the Torrido family. They are like primitive people to guard this ancient and mysterious forest every day and night to prevent other blood races from attacking or human intrusion!

It's quiet at night!

At this moment, I saw that in the westernmost part of the Twisted Forest, suddenly two figures were walking quickly.

Look carefully, the two figures are a man and a woman.

The man is about 30 or so, and he looks like that of Eastern Europe. He looks like a Russian or a Sloc. His thick black hair is slightly curled, and his eyes gleaming brightly look at the front carefully in the dark.

He has a weird tattoo on his right hand. The tattoo design looks like a sun. In his hand, he also holds a strange crossbow. The crossbow has already gone to the black, and the sharp arrow on the black is It is white and silver, very weird. It is tightly held in his tough hands, and he is carrying a backpack on his back. I don’t know what is in the backpack. At this moment, he is slowly moving towards Coming from the depths of the twisted forest.

Next to him was a young woman who was about 20 years old, with a sweet and lovely appearance, with flowing and beautiful red hair, following him closely, holding a delicate white pistol in her hand.

How could this man and woman come to the twisted forest? Broke into the territory of the Toredo family of the blood race?

Are they also vampires?

Do not!

they are not!

Because they are human!

If you look carefully at the skin color and gestures of this man and woman, they are not in line with the characteristics of a vampire, you can see that they are indeed human!

It's just that in this twisted forest, how could two human members suddenly come here?

At this moment, only the sweet girl with red hair spoke in a low voice.

"Brother, is this the territory of the Torrido family?"

The man called the elder brother had a cautious face and didn't dare to care at all. He glanced at the dense dark forest in front of him and said in a low voice: "Yes."

"We are now approaching the nest of the Torrido family...Tia, be careful!" The brother in front of him cared about his sister.

The girl named Tia was slightly immature, nodded slightly, and said, "Brother don't worry!"

"Tia, remember, once we meet a member of the Toledo family, we must not be ruthless, because they are not evil vampires..." The brother in front of him reminded Tia.

Nadia said, "Brother, what should we do if the vampire of the Torrido family attacks us?"

"No! Members of the Torrido family will not kill humans." The brother said there.

Tia seemed to want to say something in front of her, but in the end she thought about it and nodded silently there.

"Well, brother, I will listen to you."

The handsome man said, "Well, that's good, you follow me."

The handsome man who was talking then proceeded cautiously towards the dense twisted forest step by step, and the sweet girl behind continued to follow.

It turns out that they are the hunters who followed Li Tian and Mary before!

These hunters are born enemies of vampires!

Hunters are trained since childhood, and then taught martial arts and so on. Then when they grow up, they begin to travel around the world to catch vampires. Their life task is to catch cruel vampires, then kill them, and solve them.

Therefore, among the blood races, the evil Heiyi tribe, Gangelo family, and other neutral families hold very strong hostility to these hunters. Once they meet, it will definitely be a **** fight.

And now these two hunters actually came to the twisted forest.

I saw the two walking towards the depths of the twisted forest step by step, and there was no sound in the deadly twisted forest.

As the two of them slowly walked into the twisted forest, suddenly a sharp iron spear flew over from the dark jungle. The speed was terrifying... and straight towards Tia, who was walking ahead. Stabbed straight.

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