Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2130: Awakening

He roared in his throat, and black blood came out from the corners of his eyes... Above that pale face, blood vessels were lying there, with pointed fangs stretched out, staring at the person in front of him. Hercules Patch. .

But what about Pachi? I didn't expect that Li Tian could stand up again after being beaten like this by himself. He was angry right now!

The brown eyes suddenly turned into weird and terrifying gazes, and the face was completely distorted for a moment, turning into the face of a vampire. The long and terrible fangs stretched out from the mouth, and the grasping of both hands became like Monster claws.

Suddenly whistling and rushing towards that Li Tian fatally.

And what about the unconscious Li Tian?

At this moment, there was a roar, and suddenly the whole person rushed towards the Hercules Pachi in silly anger.

With a bang, I saw a terrifying giant claw of the Hercules Paqi suddenly grabbed Li Tian's chest, and with a hiss, a piece of flesh on Li Tian's chest was directly torn off by the Hercules Paqi!

Ah screamed out of Li Tian's mouth.

Then he saw that the Hercules Paqi directly hugged Li Tianji with his whole body, and then severely slammed his body to the rocky ground.

With a bang, Li Tian's body directly hit the hard rock.


Black blood flowed out of Li Tian's head... His body fell there stupefied.


Not moving?

The audience was completely dead at this moment...


In the audience, only the poor Mary called Li Tian's name miserably!

What about the remaining vampires of the Torrido family? They also saw Li Tian's "death" situation!

Li Tian is dead! Was it finally **** by the Hercules Pachi?

In the silent audience, only the Hercules, Paqi, roared there, and he cheered for his victory.

And here? Roger was stunned. The Fire Girl and the Ice Girl of the Burren family were also stunned. Even Ron and Tia over there were speechless...

They all saw Li Tian's death! I saw the situation of being "beaten to death" in the ring.

But is Li Tian really dead?

In the entire square of the Torrido family, perhaps only the face of Caso, who has the pupil of time, has not changed from beginning to end.

What about Elder Archid? At the moment when he saw Li Tian's "death", he couldn't help but sneer in his mouth: "Mr. Caso, can I go now? Do I need to keep watching?" Elder Alchide said in his voice. With a sense of sarcasm.

After speaking, Elder Alchid stood up suddenly, ready to leave.

And what about Caso? However, he slightly took off the heavy sunglasses on the bridge of his nose.

His weird double pupils were finally exposed under the eyes of everyone, but he saw that his double pupils were black, even the pupils were black, but there were circles on the weird pupils. Weird pattern.

The pupil of time!

These eyes are the legendary pupils of time.

The moment Caso took off his glasses, he slowly raised the pupils of time, and then looked at the dark sky... He murmured suddenly: "It's started... He finally awakened! "

At the moment when his strange words came out, there was a thunder in the sky suddenly dark!


The terrible lightning, bright as daylight, suddenly shot out from the sky.

Thunder and earth move, black clouds swarm!

Above the dark sky, there was an ear-splitting thunder that sounded like a terrifying demon, accompanied by layers of dark clouds suddenly surging toward the top of the Forgotten Temple.

The thunder that resounded through the world, the horrible and surprising lightning, all filled the audience of the Forgotten Temple.

This scene is weird!

Everyone was stunned, looking at this terrible change in the sky, no one knew what happened to the dark sky!

At this moment, even the elder Alchide who was about to leave, not only frowned, but looked strangely at the black clouds above the sky.

"The sky has changed!"

"what happened?"

"What the **** is going on with this strange celestial phenomenon?" The vampires of the Torrido family screamed in surprise.

At this moment, there was another thunder that resounded through the world and struck Li Tian, ​​who was lying "dead" on the ground in the middle of the ring.


The thunder flashed by, and the lightning was dazzling.

And what about Li Tian who was originally dead? But at this moment, the body suddenly moved.

Live, he lives!

"Oh my God, look, that beast is resurrected?" The Toledo family didn't know the vampire exclaimed at this moment.

Accompanied by this exclamation, everyone looked up and saw that Li Tian, ​​who had been "dead" just now, had indeed been completely resurrected.

His body stood up in the thunder and lightning.

There was blood bleeding on his face, and blood came out of his eyes and mouth. The blood was black blood.

The terrifying body stood up and stood on the ring.

At this moment, he looked like a devil who had died and resurrected!

At this moment, his body looked so terrifying, with a figure of endless destruction.

"Elder Alchid, that beast actually stood up again!" The knight standing next to Elder Alchid who was about to leave suddenly said to him.

Elder Alcid himself? He was also completely astonished, frowning, looking at the back of Li Tian who stood up on the court...At this moment, his heart was slammed.

"Could it be...Could it be... he is really the savior of our blood?" When he murmured these words in his mouth, his footsteps could not help but walked back again, back to him Seat.

And what about the fire girl over there? But the beautiful eyes blinked with excitement and stared at Li Tian like an idiot.

"That guy is alive again?"

"Caso, he is alive again... Isn't he really guessed by your prediction? Is he really the savior of our blood?" Huo Nu said, her beautiful eyes filled with love. Looking at Li Tian in that field.

Where's Mary and Roger over here? The moment he saw Li Tian come back from death, he was shocked.

There was a glimmer of hope in Mary's desperate eyes, and Li Tian, ​​who was looking up and standing up there, called out: "Li..."

But Li Tian couldn't hear it.

All Li Tian could hear at this moment was endless thunder, and what he saw in his eyes was terrible lightning.

He stood there, thunderous.

But what about the Hercules Pachi? He never thought that Li Tian could stand up alive under his own devastating blow, he was extremely shocked, and at the same time it made him angry!

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