Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2140: Before the war

"No, they are here! They are already near the Torrido family!" In the Temple of Forgotten, but seeing that blind man Caso was sitting there, he suddenly showed a panic expression in that voice. Said tremblingly.

The Fire Girl and the Ice Girl next to him, after hearing the words of the prophet Caso, couldn't help but stunned for a moment. They bounced from their seats very quickly, walked to the side of Caso, and asked in surprise: "What's the matter? Caso?"

But seeing that Ka Suo’s pale face was twitching there, his eyes wearing black sunglasses looked at the darkness in the distance, and his mouth murmured: "Heiyi tribe, those monsters of Heiyi tribe coming!"


When he heard what Caso said in front of him, the faces of the fire girl and the ice girl in front of them showed shocked expressions.

"Caso, did you see it? Did you see the terrible cruel guys coming?" The flame girl in front of her questioned.

But seeing Caso silently nodded and said: "Yes!"

"I saw blood and fire, destruction and killing!"

"Quick, quick, go and inform Elder Alchid so that he can prepare for everything! The war has begun!" Caso hissed in front of him, shouting.

After hearing Ka Suo's words, the fire girl in front of her suddenly said: "Okay, I will notify them now!"

After speaking, she saw Huo Nui's beautiful body and flew out of the room in front of her very quickly, then walked through two corridors, and walked directly towards the central hall of the Forgotten Temple.

In the center of the Forgotten Temple, several guarding knights of the Torrido family, when they saw Fire Girl rushing to this side in such anxious way, they couldn't help but be puzzled: what happened to this beauty ? Why are you so anxious?

Of course they would not know that a terrible disaster was about to fall on them.

The Fire Girl had arrived outside the hall of the Forgotten Temple at this moment.

In the empty and magnificent hall of the Forgotten Temple, I saw Elder Archid discussing matters with Lord Roger.

"Elder Alcid...it's not good...the darkness is coming!" Before the flame girl came in, the voice came in first.

Following her words, she saw that a Naruto of her delicate body had flew in.

Elder Alchide, who was discussing with Lord Roger in the hall of the Forgotten Temple, frowned slightly when he heard the fire girl rushing in such a hurry, and then raised his eyes. Looking at the Huo Girl in front of him, "Huo Girl, what's the matter? What happened?"

But seeing that fire girl's face was nervous and said eagerly: "They are here! They are already near the twisted forest..."

"Caso saw it, and Caso used the pupil of time to see the cruel guys coming!"

Following the words of the fire girl in front of her, Elder Alchide "Huo" suddenly stood up from her seat in shock.


"Heiyi tribe? And the beasts of Gangluo family?" Elder Archid asked in surprise.

But seeing the fire woman said: "Yes, elder!"

"Caso asked me to inform the elders, please prepare for all defenses as soon as possible!" Fire Woman said.

Elder Alchid's face was extremely ugly, he never expected that the terrifying Blackyc tribe and the beasts of the Gangaluo family would come so fast! It's completely beyond their previous imagination...

According to common sense, it is absolutely impossible for the Heiyi clan and Gangaluo clan to come so quickly!

"It seems that the war is really about to begin." Elder Alchid murmured.

After he said such a sentence, he immediately turned his head and said to Lord Roger beside him: "Roger!"

"Subordinates are here!" The Count Roger in front of him listened to the order!

"I order you to immediately summon all the members of our family to defend against... and send members to the Twisted Forest quickly... to prevent the cruel Black Lac people from approaching our Forgotten Temple!" Elder Archid first Time ordered.

After Elder Alchid ordered, Earl Roger in front of him said loudly: "Yes!"

Then he stepped back quickly and executed the order.

And what about Elder Alchid? The face at the moment was really ugly, he frowned deeply there, pacing back and forth in the hall.

Suddenly he turned his head and looked at the Fire Girl in front of him and asked, "Huo Girl, did Mr. Caso tell us how to defend this time? How can I resist the opponent's attack?"

The fire girl shook her head depressedly: "Caso didn't say it!"

Elder Alchide not only sighed deeply after hearing the fire girl say so.

"Forget it, I hope this time, our family can resist the attack of those demons!" Elder Alchid sighed deeply at last.


Disaster is about to come, and war is about to begin.

When Earl Roger told the members of the Toledo family all the things in accordance with Elder Alchid, the vampire members of the entire Toledo family panicked one by one, and they were all there with fear. The faces gathered.

"The war is coming... the Black Yap Clan, and the dead knights of the Gangelo family are coming soon!" Some frightened members of the Torrido family said in a frightened voice among the crowd.

"How to do?"

"Can our family resist it?" Some scared guys began to show timid eyes.

"Even if you die, you must guard the family, guard the righteous place of the blood race!" the brave family member roared there.

"By the way, didn't the prophet of the Burren family say that the kid named Li is the savior of our family? Isn't he able to save our lives?" The members of the Toredo family don’t know that. The guy suddenly said something.

After he said this, the vampires suddenly understood.

"Yes! The savior... let the savior come out... help us resist the invasion of darkness together!"

"Yes, let that guy come out and save us!"

"Savior, savior!"

Suddenly there was a roaring cry on the court!

They want Li Tian to stand up and help them!

But will Li Tian stand up? Will it really help the vampires he once hated? No one knows.


"Luo Lie, I want you to immediately take 20 family knights to the Twisted Forest, and then deploy tight defenses to prevent the invasion of darkness!"

"Once you notice any movement, kill it, don't leave one." In the room of Count Roger, all the crowded members of the Torrido family were more powerful.

Among them were Luo Lie, the Iron Hand, Catherine the Black Widow, and five guard knights trained by Count Roger himself.

And now Earl Roger is also giving orders to his men.

Na Luolie is majestic and burly, standing there like a mountain, after hearing the order of Lord Roger, said: "Yes!"

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