Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2154: Terrible is coming

After the tallest leader of the Heiyi tribe stood up, the dense group of Heiyi tribe vampires in front of him surrounded him.

After they came around, they saw that they were communicating with those weird language.

As they continued to communicate, their mouths were still roaring.

"Our casualties are a bit heavy this time... I blame the **** Bren family." I only heard an ugly member of the Heiyi clan staring at the leader of the Heiyi clan with blood-red eyes.

The words he said were the words of the Heiyi tribe.

After he said so, but seeing the tallest black yi clan vampire leader screamed in his mouth, as if he was very angry, his pupils were filled with a cruel look like a human, using The unique Yi Yu of the Black Yap clan roared there, "I will make them pay."

His voice was roaring like a beast from hell.

When the ugly members of the Heiyi tribe around him heard him say this, they all yelled one by one.

Suddenly, seeing the tallest leader of the Heiyi tribe, he suddenly stood up. His body was two meters high, his two elongated arms were bent and sharp, his legs were strong, like beasts and people, and his face was ugly. Unbearable, the whole body is dark, just after the leader of the Heiyi clan stood up suddenly, he suddenly looked at the dark sky of the east, and a terrible smile appeared on the corner of his evil mouth.

"Our guest is here..."

Weird words came out of his mouth.

As he said so, all the dense vampires around him looked towards the dark sky of the east.

The darkness of the sky in the east is extremely dark, and above the sky, there are layers of terrifying auras constantly pouring toward the twisted forest in the west, as if evil is about to come to the twisted forest.

What kind of evil guy is coming?


In the east, near the place of the twisted forest, all the ground has turned black. The trees, flowers, and grasses that grew densely have all withered, and even the hard stones have all become eclipsed.

The withering condition of these plants is very strange. They are not withered normally, but as if they were corroded by a terrible aura, all withered and died...

Along the eastern area to the adjacent twisted forest, all living species here have almost died out!

My God, what is it that caused all these creatures to die and wither?

I looked carefully, but I saw a purple-black aura surging from the east.

But seeing that purple-black aura with a terrible smell of destruction and death, when it surged from the east, the whole world would become eclipsed.

Breath of death!

If an older generation of blood vampires saw such a terrible situation, they would probably know that this was a vampire member of the Buren family who was born with death.

His name is: Antonio!

He was cruel, and was born to take pleasure in killing! Moreover, he specializes in sucking human blood, so he was expelled from the Brun family and wandered around the world.

Several hundred years ago, Antonio was rumored to be killed.

But, now, Breath of Death: Antonio is resurrected again, here again! And this time he is helping out the evil camp. He will work with the Nagangro family and the Black Lap to eradicate all the Justice League.

Having said that, as the once purple-black aura rushed in, all the surrounding plants and creatures began to wither and die, and even the ground on the ground began to turn black...as if the ground was completely destroyed.

In the purple-black breath of death, I saw a guy with white hair floating there. His face showed no expression. His cold eyes were filled with a dark brown light, and his whole body was more up and down. It was enveloped in a layer of purple-black aura, and it was flying in the direction of the twisted forest extremely fast.

Antonio, this guy surrounded by the breath of death has really come.

But seeing that beside Antonio, Breath of Death, a hideous and terrifying flower snake, about a foot wide, walked with Antonio, twisting its disgusting and terrifying body.

The head of this flower snake is triangular, and the horrifying eyes give people a terrible feeling of shuddering. The length of the whole body has reached a terrible length of more than ten meters. It is difficult to imagine such a night in such a night. A terrifying flower snake crawled towards here.

The venom core spit out from the flower snake's mouth, making a hissing sound.

Behind the flower snake, I saw an odd woman wearing a cheongsam flying behind the flower snake.

Her body is like a snake, the cheongsam all over her body is exactly the same as the skin of the flower snake, as if her clothes are like the snake skin of the flower snake, her face gives people an indescribable feeling of evil, those eyes It was very small, very thin, like a poisonous snake, with scarlet lips, as if it were smeared with blood.

A straight and slender black hair is tied above her head, but she sees a weird bun in her hair!

The bun was snake-shaped and stuck to the tip of the hair.

She is the big snake girl, a terrible woman who can control and control poisonous snakes since childhood. Her temperament is exactly the same as that of Antonio, bloodthirsty and cruel, almost inhumane.

She is a ruthless character with the same name as Antonio, that is, the two of them were expelled by the Brun family more than a thousand years ago... and thus wandered.

Now these two vampires with evil powers who were expelled from the Buren family are here, and of course their camp is on the side of the Heiyi clan...

The two guys were flying, swiping in the direction of the twisted forest with extremely fast bodies.

"Antonio, this time, the Torrido gang should be extinct?"

The white-haired man called Antonio had no feelings on his cold forehead, but he drank coldly from his mouth: "The Zhengyi League should have been dead long ago!"

"This world should have been in our control long ago..."

When the big snake girl heard Antonio's cold and cruel voice, an evil sneer suddenly appeared at the corner of her mouth and said, "Yes."

"Like human beings, I really don't know why those idiots of the Justice League keep protecting them?" Her voice was sharp and mean, and when listening to people's ears, people would have a harsh pain. .

"Don't worry, they won't escape again this time! This time, it's their moment of destruction!" Antonio spit out a few words coldly.

The big snake girl smiled evilly, holding up her viper-like eyes in the twisted forest looking west, suddenly said: "However, this time, we seem to be meeting an old person...I can feel our Burren family The members of it seem to be here too." The snake girl laughed as she said.

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