Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2158: Weird thick fog

Forgotten Temple!

When Li Tian's hiding figure flew towards the twisted forest, the blind prophet Caso in the Temple of Forgotten Temple was still discussing matters with the ruling elder of the Torrido family: Archid.

I saw Elder Alchide in the Temple of Forgotten, with an anxious and worried face. He was walking back and forth, and at the same time, his mouth was extremely worried and said: "How can this be good?"

"Unexpectedly, even the two horrible guys, the big snake girl and the death's breath, came... this time it seems that my Torrido family is really going to escape bad luck!"

Elder Alcid was talking worriedly, but what about the blind Casso? But there is no worry, just sitting there quietly.

His blind man wore those heavy sunglasses over his eyes, and there was no expression on his face.

"Caso, tell me, tell me, what should I do?" Elder Alchid couldn't help it, and he turned to look at the unconcerned blind Caso beside him.

But what about Caso the prophet? After hearing what Elder Alchid said, he said slightly: "Elder Alchid, don’t worry about it. Although it’s really scary to say that the serpent girl still has the breath of death, it does appear more unexpected, but I hope you can rest assured. Okay! The blood race will not perish, nor will justice."

"Caso, although you say so, but in the current situation, who can resist the great snake girl with abilities and death?"

"The second line of defense in the Twisted Forest is about to completely collapse, and the members of my family are dying one by one... Tell me? How are we going to defend? How to deal with it?" Elder Archid roared.

Ka Suo did not change his attitude because of the roar of Elder Alchid!

I saw Ka Suo just continue to say in that slight, "Elder, everything will turn for the better!"

"And you will see it soon."

When Elder Alchid heard what Caso said, he was taken aback and said, "What do you mean?"

"Could it be that someone is coming to save us?"

Ka Suo suddenly smiled mysteriously, lifted the blind man's eyes and looked towards the dark night outside, as if his blind man's eyes could see the outside, and the corner of his mouth suddenly murmured: "Yes!"

"He finally made up his mind! He finally decided to save our blood!"

"Elder Alchide, our blood is saved!"

Casso’s voice was filled with speechless excitement! At the same time, the expression became very happy!

That Elder Alchid was indeed completely dumbfounded.


Who can deal with that terrifying snake girl? And Antonio Breath of Death?

"Who, Caso, who are you talking about?" Elder Archid in front of him asked in shock.

Caso smiled slightly and turned his cheerful face to look at Elder Alcide before him and slowly spit out three words: "Savior!"

After hearing the three words spoken by Caso, Elder Alchid was stunned for an instant! The decadent guy suddenly appeared in his mind.


Can he?


Twisted forest, all battles are now on the second line of defense!

This is the most important battlefield. Once a war starts, it means a confrontation between evil and justice. At that time, whoever will be the one to die depends on the true strength.

Now, all the knights of the Torrido family in the Twisted Forest were guarding them.

Everyone's eyes were wide open, and the sharp weapons in his hands were also held tightly there, and he didn't dare to slack anymore!

The night became thicker, and a dull breath of death appeared in the sky above the second line of defense.

Suddenly at this moment, an extremely bad premonition surged from the dark place in front.

Then at the same time, I saw a purple-black inexplicable and strange gas coming from the front like a thick fog.

The weird purple-black gas was like mist and miasma, coming from there layer by layer.

When the members of the Torrido family saw such a strange "fog" suddenly appearing in the originally silent twisted forest, they couldn't help being stunned.

They were all there with their puzzled eyes wide open, looking at the weird purple-black "fog", and said in wonder: "Look at it...what is that thing?" Just listen to the puzzled Toredo family The members asked curiously.

"Is it fog?" Some knights around were surprised.

"How can there be fog here? The Twisted Forest has never been foggy for hundreds of years, how is it possible?" Some clever members of the Toledo family retorted there.

It turns out that the twisted forest never generates fog, but today these weird purple-black "fogs" suddenly appear inexplicably. What's the matter?

"But this thing is not fog, what can it be?" The knights who didn't understand the situation said.

They didn't even know that this was extremely deadly!

"I have a very bad premonition!" Suddenly one of the knights of the Torrido family said with an ugly expression.

His cold hands were tightly gripping the iron spear in his hands, and his eyes stared at the thick purple-black "fog" that kept floating towards them.

After hearing what he said, the many members of the Torrido family around him became cautious one by one.

Because they also noticed that the purple-black "fog" is a bit weird, but the specifics are weird, they are still not sure.

At this moment, the purple-black "fog" suddenly got closer and closer, and when you look carefully, wherever the purple-black "fog" went, the green trees, flowers and plants all withered in an instant. Up...

As if all those flowers and trees were dead.

"Ah... my goodness, look at the trees behind... the branches... why... why are they all withered?" Some knights of the Toredo family with better eyesight have discovered a strange situation at this moment!

Those Torrido knights who heard what he said, opened their eyes wide and looked at it! At a glance, all the trees, flowers, and green leaves actually began to wither after passing through the weird "fog" in an instant...

"Something's wrong! It's wrong!"

"Everyone is ready for all battles...Evil may be coming...!" The knights of the Torrido family suddenly foretell a terrible danger, but they are still not sure where the danger is!

The weird purple-black "fog" is getting closer and closer to them...

Ten meters!

Eight meters!

Five meters...

When the weird "fog" suddenly floated to the members of the Toledo family, some of the Toledo family knights who stood at the forefront suddenly had hallucinations in their eyes...

The weapon that was clenched tightly in the hand fell to the ground with a thump at this moment, and at the same time their bodies began to shake violently, as if they were dying, and their entire body had lost all of it. strength……

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