Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2167: Dark end

The heads of the three venomous snakes are all triangular, they are the most poisonous kind of cobra in Eastern Europe!

I saw these three poisonous snakes shooting towards Li Tian like sharp arrows, hissing poison core spitting out there, as if wanting to bite Li Tian in one bite.

But Li Tian was seeing the big snake woman using her ability to control the poisonous snake and attacking herself, her body flashed suddenly, and then the terrifying power accumulated in her left palm directly slapped the three ferocious snakes!

With a bang, all three poisonous snakes were shattered by Li Tian's strong palm!

However, just after Li Tian smashed the three poisonous snakes, his hissing poison core sounded all over his body.

Li Tian looked down, his scalp was not only numb! It turns out that the ground, the grass, and the branches are already covered with dense and terrible snakes!

Those venomous snakes are in groups, thousands, hundreds, innumerable!

And all crawling towards Li Tian, ​​such a terrifying situation is indeed both chilling and disgusting!

Seeing tens of thousands of venomous snakes crawling towards Li Tian from all around, Li Tian only felt that his hair seemed to stand up. He had never seen so many venomous snakes...

Groups of poisonous snakes crawled towards Li Tian! What should Li Tian do now?

kill? Can't finish it!

Rush? Can't run away!

Can you just wait and die at this moment?

The big snake girl was still driving thousands of poisonous snakes, and she was still muttering words that she didn't understand in that weird whistle!

At this moment, Li Tian suddenly raised a strange sword aura!

"Ten Jue Sword Qi!" A dragon chant burst out of Li Tian's mouth! Then, seeing his body suddenly soaring at this moment, all the hordes of vipers flew towards him and bit him.

The sky seems to have been covered by the figure of the poisonous snake, there is no way, there are too many poisonous snakes!

But what about Li Tian? Just as he roared out, the sword spirit was invincible in the surrounding fishy wind!

Li Tian's whole body seemed to have become a completely airtight sword formation!

Then I saw Li Tian's two arms turned into a sword net, and he slashed towards the group of poisonous snakes!


The **** wind, the sword aura.

The fishy snake body was cut to pieces, and the invincible sword energy spread around.

The invisible sword, the sword of Qi slave!

What a mighty power, what a domineering arrogance, I saw the invisible sword qi slashed towards the dense group of poisonous snakes with the waving of the sword light.

The space was completely indistinguishable. The poisonous snakes that killed many died under the invisible sword aura. I saw that Li Tian's body was covered by layers of sword nets, and every poisonous snake that rushed past was covered by the invisible sword. The net is crushed!

The dead snake corpses on the ground had already piled up a thick layer...but only under Li Tian's body did not a single poisonous snake invaded.

Li Tian's ten tactics sword aura has controlled the entire scene, and even the surrounding withered trees, flowers and plants have been completely cut off by the huge and infinite sword aura...

When the big snake girl saw Li Tian actually use such "weird kung fu", she was completely shocked there!

She has never seen such a terrible "guy!"

This guy is even more terrifying than the superpowers of the Buren family!

My God, what is his origin?

When the big snake girl saw that the poisonous snakes she had attracted were dying in groups, her heart was desperate... She suddenly turned around and flew towards the darkest twisted forest in the east!

She escaped! She wants to run away!

Li Tian saw that the big snake girl turned and fled, roared, and raised his left hand, a violent spirit burst from the palm of his hand and hit the place where the big snake girl was flying!

With a bang, there was a violent explosion behind the big snake girl!

And what about the big snake girl? At this moment, the figure suddenly disappeared in the endless twisted forest, she really escaped!

Just now Li Tian's fierce palm strength didn't know if it hit her, no matter what, the big snake girl escaped.

After the big snake girl fled, the group of poisonous snakes around that hadn't died suddenly seemed to have lost their backbone. These poisonous snakes were shocked and frightened facing Li Tian!

It turns out that even these cruel things are afraid of Li Tian!

Then, seeing the group of poisonous snakes scattered all around..., they once again grabbed into the depths of the twisted jungle, never daring to come out again.

The smell of snakes around is getting heavier and heavier! The ground and trees were all covered with the poisonous snakes that Li Tian had just killed with the invisible sword aura.

A tangy smell rushed towards Li Tian. Li Tian glanced at the dark twisted jungle. A cold wind blew in. He gently wiped the snake blood stuck on his face... and then slightly lifted the one. The pale head, staring at the moon in the sky!

There is only half of the moon left, the other half of it has been covered by dark clouds, and the other half is gradually being covered... as if swallowed!

After taking a look at the weird moonlight, Li Tian didn't speak, turned around and walked step by step towards the Forgotten Temple of the Toledo Family.


In the Forgotten Temple, every vampire of the Torrido family is worried about the second line of defense!

Because so far, the Torrido family has lost nearly a hundred vampire knights! If this continues, if the second line of defense can't be held, then the entire Torrido family will really be over!

The Justice League of the Blood Race will surely fall apart! Darkness will surely erode the entire blood family.

Count Roger spent the night in anxiety, and the news of the bad news has always been heard!

He was worried, worried that his family would really perish.

He is still walking back and forth constantly, holding up a pair of worried eyes and staring at the direction of the twisted jungle! He hoped that the Fire Girl and the Ice Girl could hold on to the second line of defense and be able to hold on, so that their Toledo family would have a chance to breathe.

I saw that when Count Roger was walking up and down the square at an anxious pace, the human hunter came in the distance: Ron and his sister Tia!

Ron and Tia are the only humans to participate in this war of blood races, and they also support the righteous Torrido family! And Ron and Tia have already contacted their Pope the Sun... If nothing else, in the near term, there will be more human hunters participating in the battle against evil vampires!

The only thing the Torrido family has to do now is to persevere. Only by persevering can you get help!

"Earl Roger!" As Ron and Tia hurried over, they cried out.

After hearing Ron and Tia's voice, Earl Roger not only turned his head quickly.

"What's the matter? Why are you here? Could it be that the west side was also attacked?" Count Roger said with great worry.

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