Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2170: Terrible prophecy

Facing everyone’s doubting voices, but seeing the fire girl saying there: "What I said is the truth!"

"Also, I want to tell you that Caso's prediction is correct. That Li is really the savior of our blood justice league! Only he can save our blood!"

Listening to Huo Nu saying this again, Count Roger was stunned at the moment! Not only was he stunned, all the vampires of the Toledo family present, Ron and Tia beside him were stunned!

It was Li Tian, ​​Li Tian saved them!

My God, I didn't expect that in the final crisis, his appearance would save the Torrido family!

In the shock of everyone's doubts, Lord Roger asked, "What about him?"

"He is there now?"

Fire Girl shook her head and said: "I only know that he finally defeated the Big Snake Girl. As for where he is now? I don't know..."

Hearing what Fire Lady said, the Earl Roger was taken aback for a moment, then quickly turned his head, and said to the many Torrido knights behind him: "Give me an order. From now on, you will give me thorough Search the entire Forgotten Temple at the bottom, no matter what method is used, no matter how many people are used, I will find our savior as soon as possible! Have you heard?"

At the order of Earl Roger, all the members of the Torrido family on the court at the moment all shouted excitedly: "Yes!"

"Remember, we must treat our savior respectfully!"

"He is the future of our Justice League..."

Count Roger once again told his men.

The knights all nodded, their previous suspicion of Li Tian and their hatred, at this moment, all turned into invisible respect!


Maybe no one believed these three words before, but now, in the Torrido family, who dares not believe it? Who dares not accept?

What about Li Tian as the savior of the blood race? Since he defeated the big snake girl, where did he go? I still do not know yet.

"Great, I didn't expect that Li would really become Toledo's savior!" Just listen to Nadia said excitedly.

Her beautiful red hair fluttered with the corner of her mouth, while floating there,

It is undeniable that Tia the hunter is indeed a little beauty!

Her brother Ron stood aside and said, "Yes! Since that Li Guo really has superhuman strength, I believe we will be able to hold on to the second line of defense this time. If the second line of defense is held, then We will be able to buy more time to wait for the people to help... If our Sun Cult volunteers come, coupled with the arrival of the Bren family supernaturalists, then our Justice League will have a chance to fight evil. Compete! When the time comes, we won't have to be afraid of the Heiyi clan, and the Gangelo family!"

Listening to Ron's words, Nadia said excitedly, "Yes, my brother is right."

Hope is flooding the entire Temple of Forgotten!

In the Torrido family now, every vampire member has a kind of hope in his heart...

All of this is due to the appearance of Li Tian.

But now, only Li Tian could not be found, which made the members of the Torrido family very depressed.


In the most central hall of the Forgotten Temple, I saw the prophet Ka Suo sitting there smiling!

The thick black glasses still hung on his face, covering his blind eyes, and sitting next to him was the elder of the Torrido family: Archid!

"Caso, your prediction has come true! That Oriental has really saved our family's second line of defense!"

Elder Alchid’s excited voice came from the temple, and his voice was filled with indescribable joy.

But I saw Ka Suo smiling and saying: "Elder Alchid, I said from the beginning, he will definitely become the savior of our blood!"

"It's just that the time has never come!"

Elder Alchid was convinced of Caso, and only listened to him saying: "I believe you! I always believe you!"

"Caso, then since the Easterner named Li has begun to help us Torido? Then can we Torido avoid this disaster? We can defeat evil?" Elder Archid asked.

After Elder Alchid asked, Na Ka Suo frowned slightly and said, "Elder, although some things can be predicted, some things cannot be predicted to the end! For example, your current question... I cannot predict it."

Listening to what Caso said, Elder Alcid was not only disappointed.

"Elder, you must understand one thing, everything will change, and so will fate!"

"Sometimes, what I see is not the real result, and what I predict is not everything in the end. I just follow my fate to see something you can't see. As for the middle process, we still need to work hard!"

Hearing what Caso said, Elder Alcid nodded deeply.

He is also a wise man himself, and of course he can understand the meaning of these words and words of Naka Suo! So Elder Alchide remained silent, and he did not continue to question.

"At present, our confrontation with evil is only a short beginning... The real battle has not yet come! Once it comes, the earth will crack, blood will stain the ground, flames will engulf the ancient forest, and darkness will cover everything."

"Elder, we must make all preparations to deal with the greatest disaster of the blood race in thousands of years!"

Caso finally uttered these terrible words.

After he said it, Elder Alchid's heart trembled violently.

The war has just begun?

But now the Torrido family has lost nearly a quarter of the knights...

If the real war comes, can the Torrido family sustain it?

The legendary "savior" Li Tian, ​​can it really be against the sky?

The empty hall became silent again!

Elder Alchide frowned deeply, sitting on the black chair, thinking about his thoughts.

And what about Caso? After uttering such a large amount of words, he kept that position and continued to sit.

Suddenly, at this moment, a dull sound of footsteps sounded in the empty hall!

His footsteps are so deep and powerful, and when he walks up, every step seems to crush the rocks on the ground!

Bang, bang, bang!

The sound of resolute footsteps is only shocking!

At the moment when I suddenly heard the sound of footsteps coming from the front, Elder Archid said: "Who?"

Give a loud shout, look up!

A lonely figure slowly walked in from the hall of the Forgotten Temple! His figure is lonely and lonely, but his whole body is filled with endless aura of destruction. Every step he takes, the horrible aura of his whole body shakes the surrounding air...as if he came from the land of destruction.

he came!

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