Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2178: Where's the gun?

In addition to the evil gods and the ghost servants, on the left side of the two of them, there is a giant mountain-like hunk, lying on the ground, still snoring in his mouth!

He is sleeping?

If anyone in this world can sleep in such a stench in a cabin and in front of such a huge storm, then that person is 100% a fool!

And he? He is indeed a fool!

Look carefully at the man, the huge height is beyond ordinary people's imagination, his sturdy arms, and the steel-like legs, there is no doubt that this guy is a macho among macho!

Look at his face again, a word, Han!

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he slept with his eyes closed!


He is the unparalleled silly man: Ouyang Man! Unexpectedly, this guy was actually on this human trafficker freighter with Duguxie and Cthulhu!

But it was said that the warehouse was swaying violently with the wind and waves outside, and everyone in the warehouse was frightened and shouted! Only the evil **** and the ghost servant, and the stupid man who fell asleep like a pig, were indifferent.

The swaying cabin was swaying violently, and finally the ghost servant glanced at the situation in the cabin, and then turned to look at the sleeping silly man and the evil **** beside him.

He spoke silently.

"Big brother, it seems that the waves on the sea are very strong!" Just like that, one sentence came out of the ghost servant's mouth.

Following the ghost servant's words, the evil **** finally opened his eyes slightly, and his eyes full of light opened in an instant, revealing endless domineering aura.

Then Cthulhu glanced around the warehouse, and pondered for a moment.

"Where is this?" Cthulhu asked suddenly.

The ghost servant quickly took out a locator from his arms, this locator was taken out from the North China Field Army!

But he said that after the ghost servant took out the locator, he took a look, and then said to the evil god: "It's almost the Wave Bend Strait... The Catania is when you reach the Wave Bend Strait."

After the ghost servant finished speaking, the evil **** gave a slight "graciousness" in his mouth.


"Second brother and third sister, they should have arrived in Catania?" Cthulhu said.

The ghost servant said: "It should be. According to the schedule, the second brother and the third sister are almost there."

Cthulhu said: "Let's hurry up and hurry."

"Big brother, when will the little thieves on this boat start to clean them up?" asked the ghost servant.

Little thief? Obviously what the ghost servant meant was the one-eyed dragon gang! Of course they are a bunch of little thieves in the eyes of the evil god!

But seeing the evil **** said: "No hurry! Now I still expect them to sail this freighter safely to the Wave Bend Strait, and wait until it gets ashore."

"Okay!" Hearing this evil **** said, the ghost servant responded.

As soon as the ghost servant's words fell, a huge wave suddenly hit the deck of the cargo ship, and the entire cargo ship suddenly began to tilt to the left!

Two of the crewmembers on the outside deck who didn't pay attention even had time to scream or react. They were thrown into the turbulent ocean and swept away by the huge waves in an instant!

I don't know how to die!

And what about in this warehouse? Due to the violent hull swing, the entire cargo warehouse suddenly tilted to the left. The workers and the poor people crowded in the cabin were all shocked and screamed.

Some old people and children were so scared that they started crying!

"Open the door... open the door... let us out!"

"The boat is about to capsize...let us out!"

These people screamed loudly, they were scared!

Everyone is afraid of death, and even more afraid of being held in a space and drowning!

The noise and crying suddenly came out from the warehouse. Some impatient guys had already begun to knock on the iron door violently at this time! The small iron gate was banged and banged, as if about to explode.

Amid the cries of these people, the two strong gatekeepers with guns outside finally couldn't help it!

"I let you call!"

A roar came from outside the iron gate, and then I heard the sound of taking out the key. Less than a few seconds later, the iron gate was kicked open with a bang!

Then I saw two shotguns standing motionless against the shouting crowd, and it was the two doorkeepers holding the cold shotguns.

"Scream, scream the fuck?"

"Guri, you call the soul?"

One of the tall and thin guys was holding a shotgun in that hand and cursed.

The other was leaning against him, holding the shotgun in his hand tightly.

But they said that this group of migrant workers, as well as the poor people, when they saw two cold and dark guns against their heads, they were all dumbfounded, and they didn't dare to say anything again.

"Asshole, I see who you call me, call me again, I will send you to see Prince Yan." The guy said violently.

After he finished speaking, in the crowd, an old man in his 50s who was coughing and coughing bent over and said with a frightened face: "Two brothers, where are we here? Why haven't we depended on it yet? Shore... We are bitter people and come to work. Please don't make us difficult! Don't leave us on this drifting sea..."

As soon as the old man exited, one of the men with the shotgun was angry.

"Old man, are you **** talking a lot, right?" He roared, but when he saw the guy with the gun, he grabbed the old man by the collar and pulled him over!

Then a slap in the face slapped the old man's cheek directly.

The old man staggered to the ground after being beaten, with blood from the corners of his mouth, and he groaned uncontrollably.

"Hey, how do you hit people?"

"We paid, we are here to work, and we enjoy the protection of the law..." Some young and capable lads still don't know that they are on the thief ship of human traffickers, not only in the angry injustice.

Just as they just said it, these two vicious guys had already grinned.


"I tell you, what is the law today!" As he said, he jumped over, and the **** of the shotgun in his hand slammed into the young man's head!

The **** of this shotgun is all steel. If it really hits the young man's head, it is estimated that the young man will be seriously injured if he is not dead!

Just when this guy slammed at the young man, a dark shadow suddenly moved, and then flashed in front of everyone, swish, the guy who was holding the shotgun in his hand, At this moment, the whole person stopped there!

Look carefully, his person stood there stiffly, with an extremely ugly expression on his face, as if he had seen a ghost...Look at the gun in his hand? I don't know when it was taken away!

gun? Where's the gun?


"Who the **** took my gun?" He yelled with a trembling body there for a moment.

But besides the trafficked people, there were others there, and they all raised a pair of puzzled eyes and stared at this guy who was shaking because of fear.

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