Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2198: Suggest

After Li Tian said it, Elder Alchid was startled for a moment, and then slowly nodded: "Yes, I am..."

"Do you want to save your family?" Li Tian suddenly said another sentence.

Accompanied by Li Tian's strange words, Elder Alchid was stunned, not only he was stunned, even the people around him were stunned, looking at Li Tian in astonishment and surprise.

Then he said: "Of course...Of course I do!"

"Do you have any idea?" Elder Alchide looked at Li Tianzai excitedly and asked.

But seeing Li Tian standing there, he said coldly: "Yes! There is only one."

"What way?" Elder Alcid has never been so excited...

The surrounding members were all looking at Li Tian while breathing. At this moment, even if the tip of the needle fell to the ground, I’m afraid I could hear...

Everyone looked at Li Tian's mouth, hoping to hear the method of salvation.

Who doesn't want to live? Who wants to die?

So they are all paying attention to Li Tian, ​​who is their only savior.

"The only way is to give up the Forgotten Temple, and then escape...Leave here and save your lives." The cold words are as sharp and brief as those of Li Tian.

After Li Tian suddenly said this sentence, the audience was silent, and everyone stared at Li Tian in disbelief...


Give up the Forgotten Temple? escape?

Oh my God, what kind of a solution is this!

Knowing that the Forgotten Temple is the lair of the Torrido family for thousands of years, how can they give up? This Forgotten Temple is the most honorable symbol of the Torrido family. Abandoning the Forgotten Temple is tantamount to giving up their dignity and their faith... How could they agree?

"What's this? How can our members of the Torrido family give up the Temple of Forgotten?"

"Yes, even if we die, we will not give up our lair!"

"Yes, we are not afraid of death, we swear to the death to guard the Forgotten Temple."


The angry cries of the knights of the Torrido family rang out in the hall. Obviously they couldn't approve of Li Tian's method!

What about Elder Archid? I thought that Li Tian's arrival could come up with some shocking ways for them, but he didn't expect Li Tian to suddenly say: Let them give up the Forgotten Temple?

This...this...how can he accept this?

At this moment, the entire hall suddenly became noisy, and all the people present were skeptical of Li Tian.

Li Tian asked them to give up the Forgotten Temple, which is an insult to them! It was the trampling of their honor, so they couldn't stand it.

Some extreme Torrido family knights even spoke to Li Tian with offensive words.

But what about all this?

Li Tian just stood there motionless and didn't say a word from beginning to end.

Where is Mary over there? Looking at Li Tian worriedly, she did not expect Li Tian would say something like that...

Facing such a noisy hall, Elder Alchid finally spoke. He stretched out his hands and said to the noisy Torrido family knights: "Everyone, be quiet...quiet! "

After Elder Alchid spoke, all the members of the Torrido family present finally calmed down.

It's just that they all stared at Li Tian with angry eyes...

From the previous respectful eyes completely changed into anger!

When everyone was quiet, Elder Alchid spoke. He looked at Li Tian in the middle of the hall of the Forgotten Temple, and smiled slightly: "Li, this is the only thing you said to save us Toredo. Family method?"

"Yes!" Li Tian said coldly.

Listening to Li Tian's words, Elder Alchid smiled bitterly, and then said: "Hey, you may not know the history of our Toledo family...Well, let me tell you, our family has more than six years. Thousands of years of history, from the earliest barren era to the present, the Forgotten Temple is the highest honor symbol of our family. This temple encompasses everything about our family."

"You let us abandon the temple now? Do you think it's possible?"

"Besides, you have to know... The members of our family are not afraid of death... They are not afraid of confronting evil... Even if we die, we will stick to the last honor of our family."

Listening to what Elder Alchid said, Li Tian suddenly turned around at this moment!

Then he didn't say any more, he just took icy steps and suddenly walked step by step towards the outside of the hall of the Forgotten Temple.

What is he doing?

Why did you leave suddenly?

Facing everyone's horrified eyes, Elder Alchid suddenly asked suspiciously: "Li, where are you going? Why did you leave suddenly?"

I saw Li Tian stopped suddenly, and said without looking back, "Facing you who are dying...what else do I have to say? Should I not leave? I will stay with you. Waiting to die?"

"Since you think honor is important, then guard your honor..."

"When the time comes, the vampires of the Heiyi tribe will chop off your heads, trample on your bodies, and burn your Forgotten Temple with fire... Tell me, by then, where is your honor? Do you still think you have Dignity? Honor?"

Li Tian suddenly turned around and shouted at all members of the Torrido family present.

Elder Alcid was suddenly speechless by Li Tian's words.

What about the stupid and reckless Torrido knights? At a moment, everything was speechless.

There is honor for the dead? Is there still dignity?

You can't even protect your own life, so what dignity? Talk about honor?

However, after Li Tian said these words coldly, he didn't even look at these stupid Toredo family members again, and then decisively stepped away from them.

Li Tian didn't want to talk too much to these stubborn and stupid guys.

His character has always been this way.

His figure walked out of the hall of the Forgotten Temple! Stepped out of Elder Alchid, and the sight of the knights...

In this way, he left.

At this moment, the entire hall of the Forgotten Temple became weird, and no one spoke anymore...Their minds were thinking of Li Tian's words over and over again.

dignity? honor? life?

Only that Mary suddenly chased out at this moment: "Li..."

A crisp voice yelled from Mary's mouth, and then Mary quickly walked towards the outside of the Forgotten Temple, to pursue Li Tian.

What about the rest of the people in the hall of the Forgotten Temple?

The beautiful eyes of the two big beauties of the Bren Family Ice Girl and Fire Girl looked at the place where Li Tian had disappeared. There were strange looks in their eyes, as if they were thinking about something.

As for the blind man Caso beside him? At this moment, a weird smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth...

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