Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2207: final decision

After Elder Alchid finally said something, Count Roger had to nod his head and agree.

Then Earl Roger left the room of Elder Archid in front of him with a heavy heart.

In Caso's room, the Ice Lady, Fire Lady, Mary and others were all waiting for Count Roger at this moment.

They were all looking forward to it in their hearts, looking forward to Count Roger to persuade Elder Archid.

Only Li Tian sat quietly in the corner alone. There was no expression on his pale face. He sat upright like that, not knowing what was thinking in his mind.

At this moment, I saw footsteps coming from outside.

After hearing the voice, the ice girl, the fire girl and Mary became excited instantly.

"Is Count Roger coming back?"

"Quickly, go out and have a look..."

Following the three of them, they ran out quickly, but seeing, the figure who walked in was indeed the Count Roger who had just walked out of Elder Archid’s room.

It's just that Count Roger's complexion is really ugly.

"Earl Roger." When the Ice Girl and Fire Girl cried out when they saw Earl Roger.

Then Mary was also there looking at her father and cried out, "Dad."

Count Roger slowly raised his eyes and glanced at Mary in front of him, as well as the Ice Girl and Fire Girl, and then walked towards the room step by step.

Looking at the ugly face of Count Roger in front of them, the Ice Girl and Fire Girl Mary not only shook their hearts at the same time, because everyone had a very bad premonition in their hearts at this time.

But they didn't talk too much, and they followed quickly.

After following up, I saw Huo Nui asked first.

"Earl Roger, how is it? Elder Alchid agrees? Is he willing to let the members of the family leave the Temple of Forgotten?"

Listening to Huo Nu's question, the Ice Girl and Mary were all looking at Count Roger in front of them.

Even Li Tian, ​​who was sitting in the corner as cold as a rock, turned his head slowly and stared at Count Roger in front of him.

But seeing Earl Roger suddenly sighed deeply.

After hearing his sigh, everyone's hearts suddenly fell to the bottom, because everyone felt that what Earl Roger was about to say was definitely not a good thing.

"Elder Alchid agreed, he promised to let the members of the family leave." Suddenly a word came out from the mouth of Lord Roger in front of him.

At the moment they said it, the fire girl and the ice girl, Mary and the others were shocked there.


They thought it was extremely bad news, but they didn't expect that Earl Roger in front of them had actually convinced the Elder Alchid, and they all screamed excitedly.


"Elder Alchid really agreed?"

"Oh my God, that's great, I thought Elder Alchid didn't agree... I didn't expect him to be so wise." The fire girl in front of her said excitedly.

Mary on the other side happily said, "Dad, that's great!"

"Elder Alchid made the right choice."

Even Li Tian, ​​who was sitting aside indifferently at this moment, was slightly startled when he heard Roger suddenly say this.

Looking at their excited expressions, Earl Roger was indeed not so happy.

"Dad, what's the matter with you? Why are you upset?" Mary looked at her father's unhappy face and couldn't help but curiously asked.

The fire **** the other side also saw the weird expression of Count Roger, and couldn't help but ask in surprise: "Yes, Count Roger, why is your face so ugly? Did you convince Elder Archid that you are not happy Huh?"

But seeing Earl Roger suddenly smiled bitterly: "Happy?"

"No! I can't be happy." Count Roger said suddenly.

Then Mary and Fire Girl were not only taken aback, they asked suspiciously: "Dad, what's the matter? Why are you unhappy?"

Li Tian and Caso over there were also listening to Earl Roger's words.

I saw Count Roger suddenly sigh deeply: "Hey, there are some things that you may not know."

"What's the matter?" Mary and Firewoman in front of them opened their mouths.

However, Earl Roger was silent for a while and said: "Although Elder Alchid has agreed to let all members of the family leave the Temple of Forgotten, but..."

Count Roger was heartbroken and couldn't say it.

The fire girl and Mary asked in surprise, "But what?"

"However, Elder Alchid himself is unwilling to leave the Forgotten Temple. He said that even if he died, he would use his life to protect the Forgotten Temple." Count Roger finally said.

Listening to Count Roger saying this all of a sudden, the Fire Girl, Ice Girl and Mary were stunned.


"Does Elder Archid want to stay alone?"

"Oh my God, why... why did he do this?" Mary said in surprise.

She never expected that the elder would make such a decision.

The Fire Girl and others in front of her were also shocked.

Maybe only Li Tian in the room, and Caso over there kept a shocked face, listening to Count Roger's words.

Count Roger just sighed deeply, with a look of silent grief on his face.

Finally, I saw the blind man Caso speak.

He coughed and coughed a few times, and then said: "Maybe I can understand Elder Alchid's intentions."

After Caso said this, the fire girl asked in surprise: "Caso, then you tell me why Elder Alchid did this? Why did you choose to stay here alone, and he stayed here alone, no doubt not To die?"

But see Caso said slightly: "Sometimes, death is necessary."

"This time, since Elder Alchid has made a choice, then this will be something that no one can change."

Things that no one can change?

Yes, since Elder Alchid’s will is determined, who can change it?

After listening to what Caso said, everyone present suddenly fell silent, and everyone stayed there with heartache.

"By the way, since Elder Archid chose to stay in this Forgotten Temple... then who will lead Torrido in the future?"

"If this is the case, wouldn't the Torrido family have a group of dragons without a leader?" The Fire Girl suddenly asked.

Hearing what Fire Lady said, Count Roger suddenly said with a heartache: "Elder Alcid has decided to let me... let me... lead the Torrido family in the future."


After hearing what Count Roger said, everyone exclaimed and all looked at the Count Roger.

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