Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2229: The appearance of vampires

"By the way, who are you? How come you came to this place?" Suddenly the golden-haired gringy looked at the Cthulhu and others curiously and asked.

"You are not Italians, but Chinese, how come you came here?"

"Traveling? Or why? Do you know that vampires are inhuman? Once they bite your neck, you will undoubtedly die. Even if you don't die, you will be infected, and then become vampires just like them." The guy said to the evil **** and brothers in front of him.

After hearing this golden-haired foreign guy say so, the evil **** in front of him didn't even pay attention to him, and walked straight to the outside.

The brothers didn't bother to take care of this guy, so they all followed the evil **** and walked out.

What about the gringy? Seeing that the brothers had all gone out, they hurriedly followed out.

"Hey, hello, why don't you talk? Who are you anyway?"

"Also, your kung fu is amazing..." The blond-haired guy who claimed to be a blood hunter said to the evil **** with admiration.

Just now, this guy attacked the Cthulhu in secret, but was blocked by the Cthulhu with only one move, and the Cthulhu had just used his palm to almost injure this guy alive. If it weren’t for the fact that the Iron Sect had blocked the Cthulhu’s palm power, I guess this The guy who claimed to be a blood hunter had already fallen to the ground, so he admired not only the evil **** at the moment.

Seeing this foreigner follow out like a worm, Cthulhu suddenly turned his head and glanced at him coldly and said, "Do you know the territory of the Toledo vampire family?"

Suddenly hearing the evil **** in front of him ask this question, the foreigner was taken aback, then nodded there and said, "I, I know."

"You, how do you know the Toredo family? Didn't you just say that you don't know about vampires?" The gringy suddenly blinked his eyes suspiciously and asked the evil god.

But seeing Cthulhu said: "Who told you that we don't know about vampires?"

Listening to the evil **** suddenly said coldly, that foreign guy was speechless.

Yes, the Cthulhu and the brothers hadn't said much just now, and it was this guy who was talking there himself... He was suddenly a little embarrassed when he heard the Cthulhu say this.

"I want to ask you something, I hope you can tell me the truth." The evil **** in front of him suddenly looked at the **** and asked.

A smile appeared on the corner of the gringy's mouth, and then he nodded seriously and said, "Okay, you can ask..."

"Tell me, where is the Torrido family? How far is it from this place?" Cthulhu asked suddenly.

After hearing the evil **** say this, the gringy pointed to the western area and said, "Did you see? The mountain in front is the famous Nicolas mountain range in Italy. After passing that mountain range, he almost reached the Torrido family territory. Now, there is a forest there, its name is Twisted Forest, and the territory of the Torrido family is inside that Twisted Forest."

After hearing the foreign guy in front of him say so, the evil **** raised his eyes and looked at the rolling mountains in the distance.

I secretly said: It seems that what this guy said should be true. I heard from the previous Mary that their family is indeed in a place called Twisted Forest... Now this gringe said so, then the Torrido family It should be that place.

After thinking like this in his heart, Cthulhu became excited.

After all, he is about to reach the Toledo family, as long as he reaches the Toledo family, he will be able to see his son: Li Tian.

"Thank you." Just listen to the evil **** in front of you saying to the gringo.

The foreigner smiled slightly and said, "You are welcome."

"Why did you reach the Torrido family site? Do you know that there is a war going on there?" The guy in front of him who claimed to be a blood hunt suddenly asked.

But seeing Cthulhu said: "Because we have to go."

When the foreigner heard this, he was depressed and said, "I have to go? Why?"

The Cthulhu said coldly: "If you shouldn't ask, it's better not to ask."

The **** ate behind closed doors, so he stopped asking.

The Cthulhu didn't bother to pay attention to the foreigner in front of him, so he took his steps and led the brothers to the front.

What about that gringy? Suddenly followed him like a worm.

Seeing that this foreigner actually followed up again, Tang Xiaolong asked depressedly, "Hey, why are you following us?"

The gringle smiled and said, "I forgot to tell you. Actually, I am also going to the Torrido family."

"You go to the Torrido family? A liar? What kind of medicine does your kid buy in the gourd? Why do you follow us?" Tang Xiaolong in front of him seemed quite prejudiced against this foreigner, and asked angrily.

But seeing the grievances of the foreigner said: "I am really going to go to the Torrido family."

"You may not know that our Pope Sun has been on the same front with the Justice League of the Blood Race thousands of years ago. This time the Torrido family suffered the greatest disaster in thousands of years, so as Pope Sun The blood hunters will help the Toledo family unconditionally... so I am going to the Toledo family to help and deal with the evil vampires."

"Just your little ability to deal with vampires?" Tang Xiaolong glanced contemptuously at the foreigner and said.

But seeing that gringy, said: "You, you, do you look down on me?"

Tang Xiaolong laughed and said, "You just know it."

"You..." The foreigner almost jumped up.

I saw that he was waiting for Tang Xiaolong's theory in front of him, and suddenly I saw a terrible cry from the house in front of him. The cry was terrible and harsh, like a ghost crying.

"What sound?" The evil **** and the brothers in front of him suddenly turned their heads and exclaimed when they heard the weird cry.

But what about that golden-haired gringe? After hearing that voice, the blue jewel eyes suddenly lit up.

"It's a vampire, a vampire of the Heiyi tribe."

"The **** evil things finally appeared...I have been guarding them here, but I didn't expect them to finally show up." The golden-haired gringy in front of him suddenly said with excitement in his eyes.

The Cthulhu and the brothers in front of him heard this guy say this, and they looked at him suspiciously in their eyes.

"What? A vampire of the Heiyi tribe?" Tang Xiaolong looked at the foreigner in surprise and asked.

But seeing the golden-haired gringe, he nodded quickly and said, "Yes."

"I have been guarding here since last night... There are a few vampire members of the Black Lac clan lurking in this small town... I have been waiting for them to appear, and then destroy them, no I thought, they finally came out."

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