Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2234: Walking on foot

In this way, David followed the evil gods.

After Cthulhu and his brothers got on the bus, they saw David riding a motorcycle in front.

As he walked in front, he turned back to the evil gods in the bus and said: "I will lead the way, and you will follow me behind... Before dark, we try to reach the twisted forest."

After hearing David say this, the brothers here nodded slowly.

Then I saw that David, who was riding a motorcycle in front of him, stepped on the accelerator like the wind, and then drove away.

And what about the back? The **** who drove followed closely in the bus.

In the car, the brothers all sat quietly.

At this moment, I suddenly heard that Baihua Fairy ask, "Brother, are all the residents in that small town dead?"

The evil **** nodded silently and said, "Yes."

"My God, it's all done by vampires for being so cruel?" Fairy Baihua continued to ask.

Cthulhu said: "It should be."

"This town has been completely abolished...The people in the town have all been slaughtered."

Hearing what the Cthulhu said, the Fairy Baihua and the beauties like Situ Ningbing in the car showed shocking faces in their beautiful eyes.

At this moment, the car gradually became quiet, everyone sat quietly in the car, and then followed David who was riding a motorcycle in front of him.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The bus just followed David on a motorcycle in front of him.

An hour passed quickly.

At this time, David, who was riding a motorcycle in front, had already taken his brothers to the Nikolai Mountains.

Surrounded by layers of mountains one after another, the brothers in the bus looked up at the scenery outside the window. Not only were they fascinated by the undulating mountains.

"The mountains here are so big." Tang Xiaolong exclaimed with his mouth open.

Xue Wuhen in front of her also exclaimed in her mouth, "Yes."

"Is the Torrido vampire family here?" Tang Xiaolong asked suspiciously.

The ghost servant over there said: "It should not be. It is said that the Torrido family is on the side of the Nicolas Mountains, and there is a place called the Twisted Forest."

After Tang Xiaolong heard the master say this, he said, "Oh".

After walking for a while, the bus suddenly stopped in front of it.

After the car stopped for an instant, the brothers in the car were not only taken aback, but at this moment not only asked the **** driving in front: "How did you stop?"

But seeing the gringer frowned and said: "There is no way ahead..."

"My car can't get past."

After speaking, I saw that my brothers all raised their eyes and looked out of the bus, and saw that there was indeed no road ahead. The road that was originally rugged was winding and twisting at this time, and the road was deep. Potholes, this bus simply cannot pass.

I saw even David who was driving a motorcycle in front stopped.

After the Cthulhu and the others looked at the situation, they got out of the car and glanced at the mountains and rivers in front of them, and couldn't help but yelled, "David."

The blood hunter David heard the evil **** calling him and walked over quickly.

"I ask you, how far is it from the Torrido family?" The evil **** looked at the David and asked.

David frowned slightly, then pointed his finger at the Nicholas Mountains in front of him, and then said: "It's quite far, passing through the Nicholas Mountains from here, and then you can reach the twisted forest. After twisting the edge of the forest, we are almost reaching the old nest of the Torrido family."

After David said this, the evil **** frowned slightly, then raised his eyes and looked at the distant mountains. After a few glances, he said: "It seems that I can only go on foot. "

After Cthulhu said this, he turned his head and suddenly said to the brothers: "Let’s walk on foot, the mountain roads here cannot pass vehicles at all... We try to go as fast as we can, and hope to reach that twist before dark. forest."

After the Cthulhu said so, but seeing the brothers and the women such as Baihua Fairy, they walked out of the bus.

And Tang Xiaolong and Chen Qiaozhi went to pay the bus driver that drove.

After the granny bus driver got the money, he smiled and said, "I wish you all the best of luck, I'm leaving."

After speaking, he turned the car around when he saw him, and then drove away.

At this moment, only David and his brothers are left together.

"Everyone follow me from now on, I will definitely bring you into the Torrido family." I saw David standing in front and smiling to the brothers at this moment.

"Then what about your motorcycle?" the brothers behind him looked at him and asked.

Yes, now Cthulhu and his brothers have no means of transportation. The only thing they have is David's motorcycle.

Could it be that brothers walk? And he rides a motorcycle?

After the brothers asked, David smiled awkwardly, then looked at the motorcycle on his side with his jewel-like blue eyes, and suddenly frowned.

"Hey, my beloved brother motorcycle, you have been with me for so many years, it seems that I have to leave you behind this time." David muttered while looking at his beloved in his eyes. Said the motorcycle road.

Listening to what David said, the brothers were not only taken aback, and said in amazement: "Are you going to leave your motorcycle?"

But seeing David slowly turned his forehead and said, "Yes."

"If I don't lose my motorcycle, who will show you the way?"

"Besides, the mountain road ahead is getting harder and harder, and I must be impassable on my motorcycle. This time I can only reluctantly give up." David said.

After David said so, the brothers in front of him not only looked at him with weird eyes.

What about David? I murmured with my motorcycle for a while, then took my salute and important things from the motorcycle, and then looked at my beloved motorcycle, eyes full of dismay.

The Cthulhu and his brothers looked at him and did not speak, nor did they persecute him.

What about David himself? Finally, after looking at his motorcycle, he suddenly turned his head and said: "Let's go, I will take you to Torrido."

After speaking, this stubborn guy never even looked back at his beloved motorcycle.

He knew that once he turned his head, he would be a little bit reluctant, so he turned his body straight, and then stopped looking.

The brothers watched this guy walking forward, so they all followed in his footsteps, along the winding and rugged mountain roads, bit by bit, they began to march forward.

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