Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2236: The invincible evil god

David continued to lead his brothers forward.

As the brothers continued to cross the Nikolai Mountains, the sky was getting darker and darker.

With the dim sky getting darker and darker, the face of David who led the way became dignified. As he walked in front, he muttered in his mouth, "Darkness is here, and the time for the evil vampire is here. ..."

Just finished speaking, suddenly there was a weird cry of "uuuuuu" from a long distance ahead.

The scream cut through the silent Nikolai mountain range and drifted from the front.

"What sound?" When the marching brothers heard the terrible cry, they suddenly asked in a daze.

The Cthulhu also had a solemn expression, listening carefully to the weird cry.

But what about David? After hearing this weird cry, he suddenly said: "This is the sound of vampires blowing the battle horn, the voice of the Gangelo family vampire."

When the brothers heard what David said, not only did they all frown, and then stared at him.

"David, do you mean that the vampire of the Gangelo family is in front?" the brothers asked in surprise.

I saw the Blood Hunter David slowly nodded and said, "Yes."

"Moreover, they are about to attack Torrido soon." David said with an ugly face.

When the brothers behind him heard what David said in front of them, they were all taken aback, looking at him in surprise, "You, how do you know?"

"Because the cry just now was the sound of a vampire fighting horn..."

"I'm sure that the Gangaluo family and the ugly vampires of the Black Vampire must be aggressively attacking Toledo."

After David said so, all the brothers were shocked there.

"If you don't believe me, follow me."

That David suddenly ran towards the front place. Seeing that guy ran towards the front, the brothers behind him immediately followed one by one.

No one knows what this David is going to do.

But after seeing him running to the front, his whole body suddenly climbed towards one side of the mountain wall.

Is he going to climb up? Climb to the high mountains of Nikolai?


David is preparing to do this, because the Nicholas mountain range is extremely high, if you can really climb to the top of this mountain, you should be able to see what is happening in the twisted forest ahead.

"Follow me and climb up. After you climb up, you will see everything." The David shouted there.

But seeing a hillside in front, although it is very dangerous, there are still uneven stone walls that can be climbed. The speed of David's climbing is still relatively fast, and soon he will see that he has already climbed towards the mountain. go with.

What about Cthulhu? Looking coldly at the towering mountains in front of him, he suddenly said to the brothers behind him and the fairy Baihua and others: "You stay, wait for me here, and come as soon as I go."

The words said that the Heretic God suddenly got lucky all over his body, and then his body suddenly swayed like a goshawk, and his body suddenly swept toward the mountain range in two ups and downs.

His speed is too fast, as fast as lightning.

In the blink of an eye, he saw that the figure of Cthulhu had suddenly reached David, who was trying to climb the mountain.

Then David heard the sound of the strong wind and just turned his head, he saw the evil **** flying up from below, and his excited mouth opened...He couldn't believe that a so-called human could have this. High-strength light work.

And climbing the hillside as if walking on the ground.

Let’s just say that when David opened his eyes wide and shocked the evil god’s unparalleled kung fu, he saw that the evil **** suddenly picked up the skirt of David’s clothes with one hand, and then in David’s scream, the evil **** was like As if holding a chicken, he flew up and down, and climbed up the extremely high mountain again.

It turned out that Cthulhu thought that this guy was climbing too slowly, so Cthulhu performed a light skill that is unparalleled in the world: Cloud Zongshu.

Besides, after Cthulhu performed the unparalleled light cloud movement technique, this society has already brought David to the middle of the mountain range.

The brothers in the deep canyon, looking up at the evil **** flying towards the top of the mountains, can only see that their figure has turned into a black spot, and then continue to swell there.

"Senior Cthulhu is really number one in the world." Tang Xiaolong couldn't help but admire.

On the other side, Xue Wuhen and Chen Qiaozhi not only showed respect for the evil god.

After a while, but the brothers below can no longer see the evil **** and David.

Obviously, they have flew over the high mountain.

At the top of the Nicholas mountain range towering high into the clouds, at this moment, only a swift figure was seen, suddenly flying up with a screaming guy in his hand.

They are here!

I reached the top of the mountain so soon.

After arriving, Cthulhu loosened the lapels of David's clothes, David flopped, his legs softened, and his body fell to the ground, yelling in his mouth.

The Cthulhu didn't even look at him, just raised his eyes and looked at the dark forest in the distance.

"Oh my God, who are you, how can you fly?"

"How capable do you have?" The five-body, who David completely admired the Cthulhu at the moment, opened his eyes wide and stared at the domineering Cthulhu who carried his hands in front of him in shock.

The Cthulhu suddenly turned his head and glanced at him coldly. David saw the cold eyes of the Cthulhu, and instantly closed his mouth and dared not speak any more.

He slowly got up from the ground, and then looked at the height of the mountain range. At this sight, he almost fell to the ground with fright.

"The twisted forest you are talking about is the old forest in front?" Suddenly the Cthulhu asked.

Then David took a few deep breaths, then walked to the evil god's side, nodded there and said: "Yes, there is a twisted forest in front of him."

"The Toledo family you are looking for is behind this twisted forest...There is a Forgotten Temple, and inside that Forgotten Temple is the Toledo family's nest site."

Cthulhu heard this David say so, raised his deep eyes and looked at the ancient and huge twisted forest in front of him.

The twisted forest is shrouded in black clouds. When you blink, it looks like it’s deep in the mist... You can’t see everything at all, the only thing you can see is a layer of weird mist. With.

"That forest looks weird." Cthulhu said suddenly coldly.

David in front of him said: "Of course weird, if I guess right, there are dark vampires everywhere in that forest."

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