Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2260: Save people

"Tell me, where is that Asian guy?" A word suddenly came out from the mouth of Earl Raymond.

The person he asked was of course Li Tian.

It turns out that this blood axe Leimeng, the person who most hopes to kill is Li Tian!

Unfortunately, when he met the members of the Torrido family, he found a bunch of women and some vulnerable Torrido knights, so Raymond, the blood axe of this society, had to ask that Li. The whereabouts of the sky.

After Raimon asked about the exit of the blood axe, but saw the fire girl "Bah".

Then to the blood axe, Lei Meng said disdainfully: "Just because you **** want to capture the savior of our blood family? You will never be able to!"

Listening to the fire girl suddenly saying this, the blood axe Raymond suddenly became angry.

Staring at the beastly gaze, he suddenly placed his bets on the flame girl, and said angrily: "Okay, you are forcing me."

"Kill me!"

A sudden roar came out of the **** axe, Lemmon's mouth, as he said, he pointed to the dozen or so members of the Torrido family held there.

Accompanied by his voice, more than a dozen poor members of the Toledo family escorted over there were suddenly cut off their heads by one of the death black knights with a sharp blade!

Then I saw one of the poor members of the Torrido family rolling down from the ground with a grunting head and suddenly died to the ground.

A poor member of the Torrido family was killed in this way.

When the fire girl saw that this blood axe, Raymond had killed the members of the Torrido family, she screamed.

"You bastard, an inhuman beast...have the ability to kill me..." Fire Girl shouted there.

And what about Raymond Blood Axe? Haha laughed wildly.

"You want to die? It's a pity, but I won't let you die! I will let you guys who pretend to be righteous, taste what it means to be better than death." Blood Axe Raymond laughed wildly there.

Accompanied by the sharp roar of this blood axe Leimen, the fiery girl wanted to be crazy.

It is a pity that they have no choice.

After the blood axe Leimeng couldn't find out the whereabouts of Li Tian for a while, he took a cold look. The ice girl and the fire girl said: "I will let you say, I don't believe it, wait until I kill it all. All of you members of the Zhengyi Alliance, I think you will not say anything when the time comes, hahahaha."

In the laughter of this guy, he rode the death horse toward the front.

Despair permeated them.

I saw that they continued to be driven like this, and began to move towards the east.

"Earl Raymond, where are we going now?" Just listen to the Black Death Knight under Count Raymond asking there.

The Blood Axe Leimeng took a look at the place in front of him, and said: "Go to the Immortal Mountains first!"

"Elder Corpse King has already said that we are going to turn with him in the Immortal Mountains."

After hearing the words of Raymond Blood Axe, the guy under him nodded and said, "Yes!"

Then under the leadership of the blood axe Leimeng, a large group of death black knights of the Gangaluo family marched in the direction of the Immortal Mountains.


In the back, I saw two figures rushing very fast, they were Li Tian who came to the rescue, and Earl Roger.

The two have been marching towards the east.

"Earl Roger, if you go further ahead, you will soon reach the Immortal Mountains, where is the site of the stone giant." Li Tian reminded Count Roger.

At this moment they were able to vaguely see the mountains and rivers of the immortal mountains.

But I saw Count Roger glanced at it, and then said: "Could it be that the **** of the Gangelo family, will go to the Immortal Mountains?"

"They go to the Immortal Mountains? Go round with the stone giants?" Li Tian asked in shock.

After all, the stone giant is really hard to deal with! Too huge, too powerful!

It is simply very difficult to kill the stone giant. Li Tian had personally experienced it, so after hearing it, he became depressed.

Count Roger frowned deeply and said, "No matter where they go, I must save Mary!"

Li Tian didn't speak, looking at the place to the east, and then continued to move forward and pursued quickly.

The two of them followed the footprints on the ground. The footprints on the ground were the traces of the death horse. They saw that the trace was burnt black soil. They both followed the black soil to find Mary, the ice girl, and the fire. Women.

After Li Tian and Roger chased them quickly for about a few miles, Li Tian suddenly stopped.

"Wait!" the words came out of his mouth.

After Li Tian said it, Count Roger was taken aback, paused there, and looked at Li Tian, ​​"What's wrong?"

Li Tian did not speak immediately, but listened to the movement in the distance.

"I heard!"

"I heard their voices." Li Tian suddenly called out excitedly.

After Li Tian suddenly said so, the Earl Roger in front of him was stunned.


"Have you heard?"

Li Tian nodded and said: "Yes, I heard the sound of horses stomping on the ground."

"It's just ahead, within about 1 kilometer." Li Tian said decisively in front of him.

After Li Tian said this, Earl Roger suddenly became excited.

"Then what are we waiting for? Go and save Mary and the others." Count Roger said suddenly.

Li Tian thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay."


So the two stretched out their bodies and continued to swift quickly towards the dark east.

After a while, I saw that they had quickly followed up. From a distance, I could hear the sound of the horse riding and the whip of the horse and the sound of the mighty war horse stomping past.

"Have you heard?" Li Tian said to Count Roger before him after hearing the voice.

Count Roger nodded and said: "I heard it!"

"We are getting closer and closer to them." Li Tiandao.

Earl Roger said with a worried expression: "Hey, I don't know how Mary and Firewoman are doing now?"

"Don't worry, I will save them, for sure."

After Li Tian finished speaking, he saw him in front, and then quickly swept to the front, the Earl Roger just behind him followed.

Finally, after Li Tian swept over, he saw the mighty Gangelo family army!

He saw the death horse that breathed green **** flames, and saw the most famous death black knight regiment of the Gangelo family...

After Count Roger followed up, he also saw the situation ahead.

"Death Black Knight Legion!" A word screamed from the mouth of the Count Roger.

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