Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 226: Risk alone

After Ouyang Zhengtian got the news, the corners of his mouth suddenly sneered.

"Lao Fang, you immediately inform the third child to let him take people to Dongcheng District... Bring Tu Wei back to me."

Ouyang Zhengtian said.

Fang Bo, the old housekeeper in the room, nodded quickly, and then walked outside vigorously.

The clues to Tu Wei are now completely in the hands of the Ouyang family, what will be waiting for? unknown.

And what about Li Tian here? He followed Dayong and sat in the van anxiously waiting for Tu Wei's call.

About half an hour later, the phone rang suddenly in the dark.

That Dayong quickly picked it up.


"How is Sister Liu?" Dayong asked when he picked up.

Suddenly there was a sneer and said, "If you still want to see this bitch, then quickly bring that **** kid."

"What's the address?"

"Dongcheng District, Yong'an Avenue, stop at the intersection after arriving there, our people will automatically come to you, remember not to play tricks on Lao Tzu, if you dare to do tricks, I will let all the people turn this bitch. She, and then sell her to Thailand."

After saying these words coldly, the other party hung up the phone with a bang.

After hanging up the phone, Dayong in front of him was stunned.

"How? Did they tell the address?" Li Tian couldn't help looking at Dayong and asked.

Dayong looked at Li Tian, ​​eyes full of guilt.

"Brother... I shouldn't take you... If I let Sister Liu know that I did this, I'm really a pig and dog." Dayong said suddenly with red eyes.

Li Tian held Dayong's trembling hand and looked at him: "Brother Yong, it's okay."

"Brother Yong, listen to me, I'll be fine, don't worry, let's hurry up and save Sister Liu now, if we don't save it, it may be too late."

Li Tiandao in front of him said.

Listening to Li Tian's words, Dayong nodded helplessly.

Then he didn't say a word, and stepped on the accelerator in front of him, and the van began to drive quickly toward the night.

The two people remained silent on the road.

They live in the Xicheng District of Jinghai City, and it takes about 40 minutes to get to the Dongcheng District.

Sitting in the back, Li Tian suddenly flipped through a tool box in the back. The tool box was a must-have tool box in the car. After opening it, there were screwdrivers, wrenches, and hammers in it.

Li Tian looked inside, then picked a switchblade from the toolbox.

Although the switchblade had rusted on it and hadn't been used for a long time, it was a knife after all, and it was definitely not a joke to stabbing someone on.

Li Tian hid the switchblade in his clothes, and then sat quietly.

Dayong, who was driving in front, noticed the guy hiding in Li Tian's arms just now, took a look, and said nothing.

In this way, the two drove single-handedly towards Dongcheng District.

In the early hours of this morning, there were relatively few vehicles on the streets of Jinghai City, and the courageous little van drove fast toward Dongcheng District along the way.

Soon he arrived in Dongcheng District.

Yongan Avenue.

"That's it." When Dayong stopped the car, it happened to be at a crossroads.

After stopping at the intersection, Li Tian glanced at the front. In front of this was a row of thumping residential houses. The sign at the intersection read the words Yongan Avenue.

"Where is the one who caught Sister Liu?" Li Tian couldn't help but look at the night and asked.

Dayong shook his head: "Wait, they will come soon."

After waiting for almost 5 minutes, 5-6 men in black suits suddenly walked out of the residential area.

Because the night is too dark for people to see their faces clearly, when they come from the dark night, they look like terrifying demons.

As they walked towards this side step by step, Da Yong's face became extremely scared, and the cold hairs all over his body stood upright, and his eyes looked at the few people who came by with a frightened look.

On the contrary, Li Tian calmly looked at the people who came by, with deep hatred in his eyes.

When the few people quickly arrived in front of their minivan, Li Tian and Dayong could see their faces clearly.

One of the men walking in the front is a man with glasses and evil eyes.

As he walked over, a sneer suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Get off," he said coldly.

After speaking, Li Tian and Dayong in front of them slowly got out of the van.

When the foot just stepped on the ground, the four men behind the spectacled man suddenly walked towards them, and at the same time, Hei took out the black muzzle from his arms and pointed it at Li Tian and Dayong's head in front of him. .

Dayong was shocked right now, his eyes were full of fear, fear...

It was also the first time that Li Tian saw a real gun...The black muzzle was being pointed at his head, and he stood there afraid to move.

The man with glasses suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth with a smile, looking at Li Tian in front of him: "Are you the kid who is nosy at the train station?"

While talking, he looked up and down Li Tian.

Li Tian didn't speak, but looked at him coldly.

"Boy, it's kind! I dare to come..."

"Where is Sister Liu? Where is she?" Li Tian asked suddenly.

The man with glasses suddenly laughed.

"You are talking about that **** woman? What a pity, what a pity, she is now having fun in bed with my brothers..."

Suddenly hearing this man with glasses say so, Li Tian suddenly became angry.

"You bastard..." He clenched his fists and wanted to shoot.

However, the man behind with the gun pointed a cold pistol at his head.

"Boy, don't move! If you move again, I will kill you with one shot."

Li Tianguo really stood there and didn't dare to act rashly. The opponent had a gun in his hand. What could he do? Is it silly to die here?

The man with glasses turned his face and suddenly became gloomy, and he squeezed Li Tian's throat: "Boy, listen to me. No one here dared to talk to me like that. If you want to live a little longer, Just give it to me honestly."

The man with glasses holding Li Tian's throat viciously said.

Li Tian's eyes were full of hatred... his mouth was tight and did not speak.

"Take them away to me."

He said that he walked toward the night, toward the ordinary residential building over there.

Most of the ordinary residential areas are still sleeping at this time. Houses are dark, and only the street lamps swaying by the roadside are shining brightly.

Li Tian was being held by these people, and his eyes carefully looked at the surrounding environment.

After reaching the front door of a low bungalow with iron rolling doors, the man with glasses stopped.

Turned his head and smiled at Li Tian and Da Yong evil, and then opened the iron rolling door, and after the iron rolling door was pulled open with a bang, then Li Tian and Da Yong were taken in.

It was dark inside. After Li Tian and Dayong were pushed in, the lights in the room suddenly lit up, and the bright light from the electric rod made Li Tian and Dayong unable to open their eyes.

The sound of footsteps inside came over here.

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