Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2267: Blood moon? the host?

Li Tian and Count Roger, who was covered in blood, were uniformly caught among Mary and the Ice Girl and Fire Girl.

Their bodies were also bound by iron chains, and then like the Ice Girls and Fire Girls, they were strung together and guarded.

After looking at the captured Li Tian and the members of the Torrido family, the blood axe Raymond smiled and said: "All the members of the Torrido family are finally caught by my Raymond! Haha." This guy laughed wildly there.

A black knight next to him said: "Earl Raymond, do we want to inform Elder Corpse King as soon as possible now?"

But seeing Raymond thought for a while, he said: "Notify!"

"If Elder Corpse King knew that I, Raymond, would have caught this Asian boy with my own hands, I would be very happy." Raymond said with a wicked smile.

After hearing Raymond’s words, the black knight immediately nodded and said, “Okay!”

"Then I will deliver the message."

After speaking, the black knight quickly mounted the death horse and swept away.

After the black knight went to inform the corpse king Uris behind, Earl Raymond shouted at the team: "Go on... and advance into the Immortal Mountains."

Following the roar of the blood axe Leimeng, the mighty army of death knights continued to march towards Immortal Mountain.


This Lemmon and other Black Knight Legions are riding death horses, but only Li Tian has Mary in custody, and the Ice Girl and Fire Girl are bound by iron chains with their hands and feet, and then follow them on foot.

Looking at the Gangelo family army in front of him heading towards the immortal mountain range, Li Tian, ​​who was bound by his hands and feet, not only showed a surprised look in his eyes.

"Why do these vampires of the Gangelo family go toward the Immortal Mountains?" he asked suspiciously.

But the fire girl who saw one side replied: "We don't know, but listening to these **** black knights say, it seems they are going to do something big."

When Li Tianyi heard: "What's the matter?" Not only was he surprised.

Fire Girl shook her head and said, "I don't know what these **** guys are going to do."

After Li Tian heard Huo Nu say this, he didn't ask any more.

In this way, Li Tian and Mary were driven away and headed towards the Immortal Mountains.


It was about tens of kilometers away from the Immortal Mountains, but I saw another large group of people walking forward.

The front is the army of black knights from the Gangeuro family. In the middle, you can see the magnificent golden sedan chair. There are more than twenty vampire slaves carrying around the sedan chair.

There is no doubt that this is the main force of the Gangaro family! The corpse king Yuris them.

I saw the creeping Vampires of the Heiyi tribe with ugly faces in the last place.

These ugly creatures are simply the dogs of the Gangelo family!

What do the Gangelo family members tell the Heiyi people to do, they do.

I saw such a large group of vampires walking forward, and suddenly I saw a death horse in front of me flying over from a distance.

The brigade horses here saw the black knight sprinting over and riding on the death horse, and saw the pale face and vicious eyes of Earl Berwick suddenly murmured at the corner of his mouth, "Raymond and they seem to have The news came..."

Look carefully at the death knight who rushed in front of him. It was the guy that the blood axe Leimen sent to convey the message.

After the black knight riding the death horse came quickly, he pulled the horse's rein, the death horse roared, and then stopped quickly.

The black knight swept down from the Death War horse, then knelt down on one knee, and said: "Subordinates, see Elder Uris and Earl Berwick!"

After he knelt down, Count Naberik raised his hand slightly and said, "Get up."

Then the death knight stood up quickly from the ground.

"How's it going? Did Raymond and the others stop the Torrido family members who escaped?" Berwick in front of them went up and asked.

I saw the black knight replied: "Report back to Earl Berwick, Earl Raymond has captured all the members of the Torrido family who have escaped, not one!"

Hearing what the black knight in front of him said, a grinning smile suddenly appeared in Berwick's vicious eyes.

"Really? All caught?" Count Naberik continued.

The black knight replied, "Yes! All caught."

Just as the black knight had just finished saying this sentence, suddenly the golden sedan chair in the middle suddenly swished, and a monster with wings on its back flew out.

Then I heard a miserable crow cry, and a black crow fell towards the shoulder of the monster flying out of the sedan chair.

At the moment the monster with its wings swept out of the sedan chair, it suddenly spread its huge wings and swished towards this side.

When his terrifying figure swept over, Earl Berwick, Antonio, the Breath of Death, and the big snake woman hurriedly swept down from the death war horse, and then knelt down on the ground together.

"See Elder Uris!"

It turned out that Elder Uris, the corpse king, came out of the sedan chair.

After they paid homage to the corpse king Uris in front of them, the corpse king slightly raised the skeleton-like zombie arm and waved his hand slightly, and then Earl Berwick, Antonio and others stood up.

After they all stood up, the corpse king Uris put his **** eyes on the black knight who had come to report.

Then the corpse king Uris spoke. He looked at the black knight and suddenly said coldly: "You just said that Raymond caught all the members of the Torrido family who had escaped, didn't you?"

After the corpse king Uris in front of him spoke, the black knight in front of him hurriedly replied: "Thanks to Elder Uris, Earl Raymond has indeed captured all the members of the Torrido family."

"Including the Asian?" The corpse king Uris suddenly asked coldly.

The black knight said: "Yes! That Asian was just caught, and now we are also captured."

After hearing what the black knight said, the corpse king Uris in front of him suddenly smiled strangely.

"Unexpectedly, this guy Leimen still has some tricks! Even the Asian was caught, very good!" The corpse king Uris said with a smile there.

Berwick and Antonio and others were also there and nodded quickly.

"Where are people now?" Corpse King Uris then asked.

But seeing the black knight replied: "Earl Raymond has already followed the instructions of Elder Uris and brought the group of Torrido prisoners to the Immortal Mountains."

After the corpse king Uris heard what the black knight said, he smiled slightly with satisfaction, then nodded and said, "Okay."

"Raymond did a good job this time."

"Go back and tell Raymond that our brigade will rush to the Immortal Mountains tonight, and let him wait for me there." Corpse King Uris said suddenly.

As soon as the black knight heard it, he said: "Yes!" Then he stepped back.

But he said that after the black knight who reported the news retreated, the pale Count Berwick walked over quickly.

"Elder Uris, why don't you just cut off the roots of the Torrido family that came as a captive? Why should you keep them alive?" Berwick asked puzzledly.

But seeing the corpse king Uriss grinning grimly: "No, it's still useful for me to keep them."

"Useful? What use is the waste?" Berwick asked.

The corpse king Uriss suddenly stared at the dark sky with **** eyes, and muttered: "Don't forget, the blood moon is coming soon, and we are about to welcome our master!"

"I want to let him slaughter the last descendants of the Toledo family at the moment the master wakes up, so that the Toledo family will be permanently extinct."

After the corpse king Uris suddenly said so, Naberik stopped speaking.

the host?

What happened to the "Blood Moon" that the corpse king Uris just said and the owner?

I saw that after the corpse king Uris finished speaking, he slowly took out an ancient "key" from his arms.

The ancient key has been sealed for several generations, and it has mottled footprints on it, but it is still difficult to conceal its weird light.

This key is the previous key of fate.

Legend is the key of fate used to unlock the demon coffin.

After Elder Uris, the corpse king, took out the key of fate, his face showed a hideous and distorted expression, and then smiled grimly at the dark sky: "When the blood moon comes, our master will never be immortal. Awaken in the coffin... At that time, the flames will burn the entire earth, and the darkness will obscure the sun's brilliance... Our Gangaro family will regain its glory for thousands of years!

A voice full of **** came out of the mouth of the corpse king Uris, and a gloomy cold wind blew on the deserted plain.

"Go, the whole army marches into the Immortal Mountains!"

The corpse king Uriss roared there.

Following his voice, all the Gangelo family army then mounted the death horse, and then marched toward the Immortal Mountain.


Near the place of the Immortal Mountains, but I saw that Earl Raymond was taking the captive Li Tian and other members of the Torrido family toward the Immortal Mountains.

The mighty army entered from the other side of the Immortal Mountains.

Now they have reached the immortal mountain range.

The endless mountains and rivers are not far away.

Li Tian also had the captured members of the Torrido family. When he saw that Raymond had brought them to the Immortal Mountains, his brows were slightly startled.

At the same time, my heart was in the dark: Why did these vampires of the Gangelo family bring them to this immortal mountain?

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