Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2271: Painful torture

When he felt that Li Tian's solemn murderous aura was getting weaker and weaker, the blood axe Lei Meng smiled shamelessly.

He knew his threat had worked, so he would dare to walk toward Li Tian blatantly.

After walking to Li Tian's side, he took out the iron chain and **** Li Tian's whole body. This time, after he **** Li Tian's whole body with the iron chain, even if Li Tian had great talents, he couldn't Do it again.

I saw that after the blood axe Lei Meng bound Li Tian to death, he suddenly crouched down to Li Tian's ear with a grinning smile and said, "Boy, aren't you very good? I'll call later. You know, what is life better than death!"

Listening to the extremely cruel words of this blood axe, Raymond.

Li Tian's whole body was trembling in anger, but it's a pity that he is now **** and down by the heavy iron chains. Even if he has the ability to reach the sky, he can no longer untie the iron chains on his body.

"Bring him over to me." The blood axe, Raymond, suddenly said there.

Then he saw the blood axe and Leimeng walking towards the cave alone.

The black knights under his hand grabbed Li Tian, ​​who was covered with iron chains, and pushed him along with the blood axe and Leimeng.

Watching Li Tian being taken away by the blood axe, Leimeng, Mary and the Fire Girl in front of them, the Ice Girl suddenly became worried.


"Li Tian..." They exclaimed in fear.

But Li Tian couldn't turn his head back, so he was led to the depths of the cave by the blood axe, Leimeng.

I saw that the blood axe Lei Meng took Li Tian to the innermost place.

The place seemed to be an underground prison, with a ghastly cage.

On the mottled and icy wall, there are still burning torches, and the swaying bright light shines on Li Tian's body.

After bringing him in, the blood axe Raymond pointed to a gloomy place and said, "Hang him up for me!"

Following the words of the blood axe Leimeng, several black knights under his hands suddenly hung Li Tian alive.

But seeing Li Tian is now hung up alive like a zongzi.

After hanging up, the blood axe Lei Meng gloomily walked to Li Tian, ​​raised his wicked eyes and looked at Li Tiandao and said, "Boy, aren't you very kind? Are you not good?"

"Now I want to see how kind you are!"

The blood axe Leimen said and laughed treacherously.

"Come on, bring me the steel cone!" Leimeng Blood Axe suddenly roared.


I saw that following the voice of the blood axe, Raymond, the black knights here took out steel cones about one meter long from the side.

The top of the steel cone is a triangular prism, extremely sharp, sharper than the sharpest blade!

At this moment, he was tightly holding the blood axe in the hand of Count Raymond.

After he held the cold and cruel steel cone, he sneered towards Li Tian: "Boy, do you know what pain is?"

"Perhaps, you don't know the pain of life is better than death... But don't worry, I will let you know it soon."

After Lei Meng, the extremely cruel blood axe in front of him, said so, Li Weather's eyes were about to bleed!

He stared at the hatred eyes, looked at the blood axe Leimeng, and roared: "Asshole."

Hearing Li Tian's curse, the blood axe Leimen not only didn't get angry, but laughed wildly there.

"Swear, swear, while you still have strength, scold as soon as possible, wait a minute, I will make you cry without crying." Blood Axe Leimeng suddenly laughed grimly.

After he said these words cruelly, he suddenly waved to the black knights behind him: "Come here and hold this kid's hands!"

With the blood axe in front of Raymond saying so, the black knights of the Gangelo family quickly walked over, and then they went to hold the two hands of Li Tian!

Li Tianjin struggled, but it was a pity that his body was dangled, and his body was **** with chains. Even if he had the ability to reach the sky, he still couldn't do anything.

I saw that as Li Tian's hands were held firmly by the black knights, the blood axe Lei Meng grinned gloomily.

Then he saw him slowly raising the sharp and cold steel cone in his hand, smiling at Li Tian and saying: "Boy, the pain is coming, you have to hold it back for me!"

Accompanied by this blood axe, Leimeng said evilly, his eyes suddenly became cold and cruel at this moment!

The sharp and cold steel cone in his hand pierced fiercely towards Li Tian's tightly grasped palm!


Blood splashed, and Li Tian screamed in pain in the eerie black hole.

The deadly and vicious steel cone pierced Li Tian's left hand palm fiercely, penetrated Li Tian's entire left hand, and then nailed it to the wall.

Extremely cruel, extremely bloody!

The steel cone pierced Li Tian's palm, and scarlet blood flowed out of his palm.

Li Tian's painful body was trembling...convulsively, even painful sweat came out of his head.

What about the cruel blood axe, Raymond? Looking at Li Tian's painful screams and the constant gasping, he suddenly laughed happily.

"Boy, do you have any more seeds now?"

"Do you dare to **** kill the members of our Gangelo family?" Blood Axe Lei Meng faced Li Tiandao with a ferocious face.

But seeing Li Tian's left palm pierced by the steel cone, his body was trembling with pain, but he did not compromise, did not admit defeat, he clenched his teeth, because of excessive force, his teeth were all bitten out Blood stains.

He raised his blood-red eyes and looked at the blood axe Leimeng in front of him, shaking his voice, and cursing to the death: "You bastard...Don't let me Li Tian live...or...or else... ...I will peel your skin alive and twitch your muscles! Let you never turn over."

When the blood axe, Lei Meng heard Li Tian's curse oath, he sneered, and then coldly snorted: "Do you think you still have a chance?"

Following the blood axe, Lei Meng said so, he swished out the cold steel cone stuck in Li Tian's palm.

But seeing that the cold steel cone was covered with Li Tian's blood, what about Li Tian's left hand? A hole has been pierced in the entire palm, a blood hole!

After the blood axe Leimen pulled out the steel cone, he then gave a gloomy smile, and then the sharp steel cone in his hand pierced Li Tian's right palm!

OMG, this **** is going to destroy Li Tian! Spent his hands!

With a flutter, the blood splashed again.

Li Tian screamed in pain.

In a blink of an eye, the palm of his right hand was pierced by the cruel blood axe Raymond with a steel cone. The steel cone passed through Li Tian's palm and then stuck on the cold stone wall.

The blood dripped down his hands.

The painful sweat left a trace from Li Tian's forehead.

His body was convulsing violently, and his whole body was trembling with excessive pain.

Who can endure such painful torture? Who can bear it, the palms of both hands are pierced by sharp and cold steel cones?

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